Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Words of the Dalai Lama - "World Belongs to Humanity, Not Leaders"

During a CNN interview, conducted by Piers Morgan on April 25, 2012, the Dalai Lama made a profound statement to not just the Arab world leaders and its people, addressing the Arab Spring protests, but the entire world, its leaders, and its people as well. He stated that the world belongs to humanity and not to humanity's leaders. This is so profound and enlightening that many in high political places do not understand the implications, and ramifications, of this statement. It's a call to the people of this world to unite in their effort to reclaim what has been truly theirs since our creation.  Here's a direct quote from the Dalai Lama during the interview:

"The world belongs to humanity, not this leader, that leader, kings or religious leaders. The world belongs to humanity. Each country belongs essentially to their own people. Politicians at times forget that, even in democratic countries like the United States. Sometimes they (the politicians) are short-sighted. They are mainly looking for the next vote."

Here’s the link to the CNN videos and text of the interview:

This way of seeing life is exactly what the Mayans, and other indigenous cultures, have stated for many years.  The future of our world is not in the hands of our financial and governmental elites, it's in the hands of the people of the Earth.  We have the power to make this world the way it should be and always will be... a place where the systems we create for ourselves not only serve us but serve our Earth as well.  But it all starts with us accepting responsibility for our actions and making a choice to change the current systems in place to systems that support the growth of our humanity and our Earth. The process has already begun with Iceland forgiving mortgage debt for the majority of its population and the potential mass arrests to begin as stated by "Drake" during an inteview with Divine Cosmos' David Wilcock (

Hear the Call.  Make the Choice.  Create a Heart-Centered Reality.  Take back what has always been yours.  It all begins with YOU!

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