Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Purpose of Souls: Modulation of the Universal Energy Matrix

By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt., CBT, RMT
February 28, 2013

[Information overview translated from Thoth/Ningishzidda]

When the Universe was created, a specific set of energetic and etheric guidelines were also created to stabilize and maintain the Universal Energy Matrix of the Universe for the purpose of creation and for its evolution.  This energy matrix can be seen as a base frequency, we can call a carrier frequency, which is made of pure Life-Force Energy.  The energy matrix is a set frequency, with a set amplitude and timeline, that allows the Universe to create and grow as needed according to its Universal Plan, which resides within its etheric heart. 

As the Universe's evolution continued, physical life forms began to arrive.  This new arrival created a perturbation in the energy matrix that caused the amplitude and frequency of the energy matrix to become unstable and unpredictable.  A solution was needed to address this condition for if a solution was not found then the future of this newly created Universe would be in question.  Of course this condition was very short lived because part of the Universe's plan was the introduction of souls into the physical bodies. 

The Universe knew that souls, when introduced into a physical vessel, had the capability to effect change on the energy matrix by the pure intention of becoming aware of its environment.  This "awareness" would take the life-force energy within the energy matrix and cause a quantum collapse to create an environment that supports the plan of the individual soul and the Universe's plan.  The quantum collapse that occurs is how the soul is able to modulate the amplitude and frequency of life-force energy.  Here's an example of frequency and amplitude modulation within a span of time.  Click on the image to view the dynamics of the energy:

But why does the Universe allow the soul to modulate its life-force energy?

The soul modulates the amplitude and frequency of life-force energy to stabilize the amplitude and increase the frequency within a span of time to create a new stable energy foundation.  Once this new foundation is created and maintained a new paradigm in consciousness is created to support life-force energy, the energy matrix, and to assist in the Universe's evolution.  Once created, this new paradigm will be for the sole purpose to help all of life within the Universe to co-create with the Universe in accordance to the Universal Plan.  For the sake of a visual reference, the link below gives a basic overview of the definition of amplitude and frequency modulation and how it works.


But how does the soul begin to modulate life-force energy? The soul does this by connecting to the Universal Heart through its own heart center, which is directly connected with the physical heart of all living beings in the Universe. 

When additional souls, with their physical vessels, are introduced into the Universe, and the timeline remains fixed and cannot be changed according to Universal Law, the energy matrix becomes unstable once again and must be modulated by the souls that have entered.  The increase of souls into a set timeline increases the frequency, which translates into higher energy.  Add this scenario with the added energy coming from the Great Creator, which again is part of the Universe's plan for its evolution, and now you have the need for the souls to increase their work in modulating the energy matrix to keep everything stable.  But now, with the added energy, the souls have a difficult time in maintaining the stability of the energy matrix.  The solution for this situation is to begin the process of joining with other souls and act as one soul for the purpose of stabilizing the energy matrix and to assist in creating an environment for the Universe, and all those within Her, for the continuance of the Universe's evolutionary growth.  How do we begin to know what we are to do next in being a part of the Universe's plan?  Again, connecting with our hearts is the key.

When we connect to our hearts we also connect with the Universe's plan on how life-force energy will be used to continue in its creation evolution.  Staying within the flow of Universe's plan will also give us the foresight into how we are part of this larger plan and how we are integral to this plan.  This connection will also give us our path to fulfill our personal "Heart Plan," which is in alignment with the Universe's Plan.  This heart connection to the Universe's plan, and allowing ourselves to remain in the flow of this plan, is the process of exercising our intuition.  When you follow your intuition you are exercising the will of the Universe to continue to evolve.  The mere act of connecting with your heart begins the process of fulfilling the will of the Universe. 

When connecting with your heart, the energy created at all levels of manifestation creates an energy field, called a Heart Torus Energy field, which will have an effect on all levels of consciousness.  See the link below for an overview of the Heart Torus Energy Field.

Heart Torus Energy Field

In summary, when the Universe was created, a specific set of energetic and etheric guidelines were also created to stabilize and maintain the energy matrix of the Universe for the purpose of creation and for its evolution.  This energy matrix can be seen as a base frequency, we can call a carrier frequency, which is made of pure Life-Force Energy.  When souls, and their physical vessels, were introduced into the Universe the energy matrix became unstable and solution was needed to stabilize the energy matrix.  The mere act of the soul being aware of its connection with the heart of the Universe creates the modulation process to stabilize the energy matrix and increase the energy to create a new stable energy foundation.  Once this new foundation is created and maintained a new paradigm in consciousness is created to support life-force energy, the energy matrix, and to assist in the Universe's evolution.  Begin your journey by re-connecting with your heart. 

And so it is…

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mercury Retrograde – February 23 through March 18, 2013

By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, CBT, RMT
The Virtual Sacred Circle of Nations
February 25, 2013

Mercury Retrograde Effects for Most Zodiac Signs

In evaluating Mercury retrogrades, I use sidereal astrological calculations, as well as Starry Night Pro 6, to determine real-time (current) energies involved.  Mercury goes retrograde February 23, 2013, in the constellation of Aquarius, at 1:37 PM, Pacific Coast Time. 

Mercury rules thinking and perception, processing and disseminating information and all means of communication, commerce, education and transportation. By extension, Mercury rules people who work in these areas, especially those who work with their minds or their wits: writers and orators, consultants, commentators and critics, gossips and spin doctors, salespeople, teachers, travelers, tricksters and thieves. Mercury also has an occult side, so healing, astrology and the transmission of spiritual knowledge are also in his area.

Mercury retrograde gives rise to personal misunderstandings; flawed, disrupted, or delayed communications, negotiations and trade; glitches and breakdowns with phones, computers, cars, buses, and trains. And all of these problems usually arise because some crucial piece of information, or component, has gone astray or awry.  Public transit, i.e. air, bus, etc., law enforcement activity, and social unrest may be affected and/or increase during a Mercury retrograde.

It is not exactly wise to make important decisions while Mercury is retrograde, since it is likely that such decisions will be clouded by misinformation, poor communication and careless thinking. Mercury is all about mental clarity and the power of the mind, so when Mercury is retrograde these intellectual characteristics tend to be less acute than usual, as the critical faculties are dimmed. Make sure you pay attention to the small print!

Current Planetary Configurations During This Mercury Retrograde

During this Mercury Retrograde we have Mercury in the constellation of Aquarius.   

Other configurations connected with Mercury, also in the constellation of Aquarius, are: Mars/Aries conjunct Mercury/Gemini, Sun/Leo conjunct Mars/Aries, Neptune/Pisces conjunct Sun/Leo, and Venus/Taurus/Libra conjunct Neptune/Pisces.

(Note: Conjunctions in astrology are planets that are close to each other, as we look at them from the Earth.  Being so close to each other causes their energy to blend together, which causes them to be as one blended energy)

The energy during this period will be about going within and breaking down old paradigms, thoughts, feelings, and relationships that do not serve you anymore and to re-create new ones that truly serve not only you but serve other people from a group consciousness stand point.  This will begin to occur in our homes, work, governments, and other environments where old structured ways exist and are self-serving.  Once the new paradigms, thoughts, feelings, and relationships are created, then it will be about communicating this new viewpoint to the world so they can also re-evaluate and make their personal changes accordingly.

These personal changes will unconsciously be in alignment with the new viewpoint that the Earth and the Universe have already created for us.  Ultimately, everyone will be seeing from this new viewpoint and will come to realize that the systems of old, which all governments around the world have been operating under, will no longer be of use.  Because of this realization, and because of the new viewpoint, the people will begin to push their respective governments to take action in removing the old and installing the new, as seen and accepted by the people.  If the governments do not begin to abide by the wishes of the people then we shall begin to see small uprisings around the world pushing for true change.  Eventually, the energy of Aquarius will begin to unite the people’s efforts into one concerted push, which will push the governments into action.  The correct amount of “push” will culminate in the governments to take action according to the people’s wishes.  If too much “push” occurs from the people then the governments will take action in a more forceful, and negative, manner.

Much of this push to change from the old into the new, and get others to change as well, will be fueled by the energy of blood and war (Mars) and the fire of Aries (Sun).  Also, much of the chaos that may occur during this retrograde is due to the illusion (Neptune/Pisces) of seeing something that appears structured and serving the good but really does not serve the good but is self-serving.  In the final outcome, the energy we will be experiencing is the energy of unification of thought, body, and heart.  When aligned with the new viewpoint of the Earth and the Universe, we will begin to see a new global consciousness serving the people and the Earth and co-creating with the Earth from a heart-centered reality.  This will be truly the effort to push us to be completely one with the Earth, the galaxy, the Universe, and more importantly, with ourselves.

Aries/Mars: Be aware to not be filled with war and fire over an illusion that is only self-serving.  This is a time for you to re-evaluate your old ways of doing things and see if they need to be revised, set aside, or completely removed to allow a new way to come in.  Seeing things from the perspective of what helps others will help you can move you along your path of evolution much more quickly and with less pain to yourself and to others.

Gemini/Mercury: Your inner knowing may become scrambled a bit during this retrograde if you attempt to move your inner communications outside of yourself.  Trying to express what you feel may not come out the way you expected because what you say and what others hear will be completely different.  Your desire to communicate to the world, to include foreign nationals in foreign places, will feel stifled during this time.  Be patient.  If you conduct business in foreign places you may want to hold off on firming up any contracts until after March 18.  If you started any negotiations prior to February 23, remaining aware of Mercury Retrograde and its effects will help you in finishing up the negotiations.

Leo/Sun: Your need to be accepted the masses, and pushing to create new ways to be accepted by others, will become frustrating for you since your way of communicating will become garbled to many.  This frustration will become filled with anger and war-like action if you do not become aware of what you are doing to others.  There will also be a tendency for you to create more illusions to support what you want.   Become aware of your inner feelings and desires and become familiar of what you want and what is truly needed.  Doing this for yourself will translate to what is needed for others.  Only when you do the “inner work” shall you transcend the need for others to approve what you do.  You only need for You to approve what You do.

Taurus/Libra/Venus: The energy during this retrograde will push you into evaluating old methodologies within yourself and to break them up into pieces that are more manageable.  Once broken up, you will be able to remove the pieces that do not serve you anymore and to create new ones that DO serve you.  These new methodologies will not only serve you but serve the people if implemented correctly, with intent, and of course after March 18.  You will be forced to find balance between your emotional self and the physical self.  Your emotions will have a tendency to become more fluid, especially if unresolved relationships surface to show their faces to you so remain aware of your emotional state and keep them balanced with your intent.

The fluctuation of emotions may occur on more than one occasion during this retrograde period since Mercury Retrograde sometimes brings people that you have not seen in a long time to you to resolve old issues.  Stand firm in your inner knowing and do not expect to resolve any issue or relationship overnight.  Remember, this is about you first.  Once you resolve YOU then you can address anything else that requires your attention.

Other Major Zodiac Signs Affected by the Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio in the Trine Configuration

Saturn (Capricorn) Retrograde in Libra

Much of the old structures created by “old school thinkers” are being torn down only to be replaced by new thought structures.  Governments, which are very structured and very old school, are beginning to crumble under their own weight of their bureaucracy.  Evidence of this is being seen with the current sequestration action occurring in the USA. (

To further muddy the waters, communications between those trying to resolve the issues are being hindered by the energy of change, which this Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius is providing.

To properly resolve this issue, and keep the nation from going into complete chaos, all people and governments need to do is re-evaluate all their inner structures and thought processes, remove those structures that are self-serving, and create new structures and process that serve the people and that have a service-to-others mindset.

This being said, to truly resolve all that is occurring, we must all go within our hearts and re-create the world not according to what we feel should be correct and righteous but to re-create the world according to what the Earth feels is correct and righteous.  The indigenous people of the world have been doing exactly this for eons.  Maybe it’s time for us to become the student once again and learn from them.  Our way hasn’t worked for a long time.  Let’s try something different for A CHANGE!  We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Together, along with the Earth, we will create the change that already exists.  We only need to want and look at this new change.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Heart Plan, The Mandelbrot Set, and the Torus Energy Field... What's the Connection?

By David-Uriel "Ealge Heart" Ibarra
Originally written on July 24, 2012

This note is an oversimplication of what was shown to me while meditating.  A full description to what was experienced cannot in anyway be explained in words but can only be felt.  What is being shared here is just the beginning of a journey that only you can choose to begin.  Want a better world than the one you are in now... listen to your heart.

 While meditating, I was shown two images that represented heart frequencies, which are the resonate frequencies of our life force energy. The energy and frequencies being produced were extraordinary.

One image was the Mandelbrot set (a type of fractal), which illustrates self-similarity (as it is above so below). As you zoom in on the image at finer and finer scales, the same pattern re-appears so that it is virtually impossible to know at which level you are looking.  This energy was acting as a trigger for the next image… the Torus Energy Field.

The Torus Energy Field, which can be seen coming from our hearts and the brains, is the activated field from a star tetrahedron. When the star tetrahedron shape is set in motion, which can be observed on a computer, the first shape it forms is a tube torus (torus energy field). These star tetrahedron fields of crystalline energy and information, which surrounds the body, are referred to in ancient texts as the Merkaba. This Merkaba field carries our etheric blueprint and is made up of tiny crystalline geometries that frequently are "stuck" and are not moving in a coherent fashion. This is where the majority of our karmic patterning is stored.

For us as a people, and as an Earth Tribe, to become as one people in Spirit, we all need to listen to the songs (frequencies) our hearts are singing and follow its guidance so we can all create our world in accordance with the heart because the heart is our connection to the Divine Plan, as agreed upon by all souls in this Universe. To truly create positive change in this world, and in the Universe, we first must go within and find our “Heart Plan” and listen to our “Heart Song.”  If we don’t then we will wonder aimlessly being led by those who their sole purpose is to disrupt and control the people and the Earth.

Don’t let others dictate your journey.  Begin meditating, take responsibility for your own actions, and be of service-to-others.  Help us and Mother Earth and take control of your destiny; begin your soul journey, and LISTEN TO YOUR HEART!

Heart Torus Energy Field

Mandelbrot Set