Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The One Called “Water” Has Returned!

~Begin Transmission~

The One called “Water” has given to all on your world much information that has been the cornerstone in the building of your “culture.”  But through the cycle of growth in your world much of that information has been diluted to suit the needs of the groups, organizations, sects, etc.  All this is for the purpose of satisfying the need of the ego to be a part of something larger then itself, yet still maintain control to what it believes is the “truth.”  This “dilution” of information has been the catalyst for many of your modern faiths.  This, in of itself, is not necessarily a negative as long as the core of the “faith,” which is Universal Truth, does not change.  This, unfortunately, has not occurred.

Because of this “corruption” of the “core truth” many brave souls have chosen to come to your physical world to hold the lower vibration of your world’s “expression” so others may choose to see where they must not venture, if they desire to ascend to the higher vibration expressions.  Your world, and all sentient beings residing on your world, is destined to move into this higher vibratory expression.  But to do this you all must begin the process of journeying into your hearts to see what is “real” and what is “illusion.”  Mind you, this journey to your heart will not be easy for the lower vibratory expressions are very difficult to resist.  This is due to the familiarity and the comfort that exudes from this lower expression.  You have been there before and it is familiar.  Know that this lower expression does not create a space of learning for the desire to push yourselves to learn and grow does not exist.  Take this information being passed on to you all and use it as a catalyst to see beyond the mundane and the familiar and push yourselves to ascertain that which appears unreachable.  Do not judge yourselves for this is a lower vibratory expression leading you down a path that many hold you in a “non-expression” existence indefinitely.

The One called “Water” has returned, and will be seen very soon, to address the “corruption” of the “core truth.”  In doing so, many of the faiths of your world will begin to, at first, resist the “core truth” for fear of losing their identity and perceived power over the sentient beings on your world.  This process has already begun on your world as seen by many through your media “expressions.”  But this “core truth,” which we shall call “The Light,” will not be extinguished.  “The Light” cannot be extinguished for it is the basis of all life in all expressions throughout creation and within the Great Creator.  Acknowledgement of “The Light” will only fan the flame of truth to a point of it becoming a firestorm of Truth.  When this has occurred, and all upon your world have begun the process of becoming One Universal People within your world and your Galaxy, then you all shall see and know the One called “Water.”  But for those who have chosen to be the guiding lights of your world’s next higher expression, and choose to see the One called “Water,” you only need to move into your hearts and ask to “see.”

One final word, all that has occurred, is occurring, and will occur, is by design and of OUR OWN VOLITION.  The actions within your world, and within this Universe, as is occurring now, were chosen by all in existence to make up what is now and what will be.  This “choice” is the basis of what is known to all in the Universe as the Universal Plan.  Do not judge the actions of your world and of the Universe for all is as it should be, as we agreed.  This was by design so we all could have the opportunity to learn and move into a higher vibration.  But this does not forestall our freewill.  For within the Universal Plan was agreed to have choices, or “gateways,” to choose to move ahead of the Universal Plan. Again, this was by design and agreed upon by all. 
As your world, all those upon Her, begins an unprecedented journey into the next higher expression, know that all is as it should be, including the arrival of the One called “Water.” But always know that you all, and all sentient beings in all expressions of creation, are truly but ONE EXPRESSION, of the Great Creator.

And so it was then, is now, and ever shall be.

~End Transmission~


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Powerful... Are you ready to take the next step towards your destiny? Let's all do it together as ONE EARTH TRIBE!


Eagle Heart

by Jock Doubleday

When in the course of human events a government is infiltrated, and its power usurped, by men and women of avarice and ill-intent, as in the course of time all governments must be, it becomes the duty and the privilege of good and reasonable persons, whose quiet lives of lawful action stand in pleasant contrast to the lives of the unsavory and well-positioned few, to resist transgressive tyranny and declare new independence and new sovereignty.

We, the people of the land known today as the United States of America, a community of persons of all races, colors, creeds, religions, and beliefs, do hold these truths to be foundational and unassailable, that natural persons are created with inalienable rights afforded them by the divinity from which they spring, namely, the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to lawful, individual pursuit of happiness.

We, the people of the land known today as the United States of America, do hold that, to protect our natural rights, a branched and balanced tree of government, a sapling bright with possibility, must be new-planted in the spring that follows winter's tyranny, and that the winter tree of government, corrupted in its substance, if not its form, must be upheaved.

We, the people of the land known today as the United States of America, do hold that some well-rooted and cold-hearted family banking dynasties, expressing themselves most odiously as central banks that prey upon the currencies of nations, have worked for centuries stealthily to insinuate themselves into the wholesome body of humanity, in the guise of medicine to cure the body politic, and in such fraudulent guise have wreaked unholy havoc on the happiness of peoples and the hard-won wealth of nations.

We, the people of the land known today as the United States of America, do hold that these few family lineages have gained control of the major media, the public schools, the medical schools, the legal system, and the vast majority of politicians, indeed the very process of election itself, more easily to steer the hearts and minds of men, the ship of broad opinion, toward a dark, unwelcome shore.

We, the people of the land known today as the United States of America, do hold that men and women in the highest ranks of government have colluded with unprincipled heads of corporations, banks, and other interests to subvert both common law and common decency, and that, to break their stranglehold upon society, provisions of a special nature must be made, namely:

·     -    to dismantle, in form and substance, the cynically named Federal Reserve, a parasitical cabal of banks whose 100-year reign over this great nation's money supply has thrown plain commerce into chaos, caused untold misery, sent millions to untimely graves, and bankrupted by stark egregious fraud an otherwise unbridled engine of prosperity;

·    -     to release, for public view, the records of these banking families' transactions in the last 100 years, since the creation of the Federal Reserve, to aid in fair and honest criminal trials of the banking families' members who have stolen, by outrageous fraud, the wealth, and means of wealth creation, from unwitting generations;

·      -   to abolish courts whose proceedings have, by public record, served to bolster, indeed certify, a labyrinthine multitude of statutory whims du jour while burying beneath a growing weight of legal language the brief, bright, lucid wisdom of foundational law that has for centuries gone by the name of common law, or natural law, or the law of the land;

·       -  to abolish, in its entirety, all statutory legislation unaligned with common law;

·         to free, immediately, all persons incarcerated by statutory law who otherwise would have remained free under common law;

·     -    to abolish all laws and executive orders unaligned with the Constitution;

·     -   to end, forever, the so-called "State of Emergency" that cynical forces have used as a loophole to create unconstitutional laws and unconstitutional executive orders;

·     -    to end all wars without defensive cause;

·      -   to end preemptive strikes on nations, peoples, persons;

·       -  to end all military action in the guise of humanitarian aid;

·      -   to end all association with the United Nations;

·      -   to end the federalization of police;

·      -   to end the war on drugs;

·       -  to end the war on terror;

·      -   to strike the fraudulent national debt – a debt created by fraud by deceitful and usurious bankers – from the nation's weary registers;

·      -   to allow, indeed to celebrate, competing currencies;

·       -  to abolish all property taxes;

·       -  to abolish all income taxes;

·       -  to make all government proceedings transparent to the people;

·       -  to make all government facilities, including Deep Underground Military Bases, H.A.A.R.P. facilities, and other secret facilities, available for public visitation and constructive use;

·       -  to abolish all weather-modification programs, including and especially chemtrail programs;

·       -  to abolish all genetic engineering laboratories and programs;

·       -  to destroy all bioweapons laboratories and programs;

·       -  to abolish all nuclear weapons programs and safely dismantle all nuclear weapons;

·       -  to abolish and safely dismantle all nuclear power plants;

·       -  to abolish the FDA;

·       -  to abolish the CDC;

·       -  to destroy all FEMA internment and reeducation camps;

·       -  to abolish all Native American internment and reeducation camps, known today as reservations, and restore to Native American peoples fertile, unfettered lands befitting their respective cultural heritages;

·       -  to abolish torture of any kind and destroy all torture facilities;

·       -  to abolish standing armies;

·       -  to end domestic habitation of foreign military personnel;

·       -  to abolish existing drone programs and destroy all surveillance drones and weaponized drones;

·       -  to abolish any agency performing unreasonable searches and seizures; and

·       -  to abolish, forever, electronic voting machines.

We, the people of the land known today as the United States of America, do hold that our patient sufferance of the Machiavellian machinations of financial institutions using governments as whores is at an end, and that men and women of principle are ethically constrained boldly to alter a too long-corrupted body politic and fashion a society aligned with liberty.

We, the people of the land known today as the United States of America, do declare our independence from financial institutions that have worked by fraud, and in secret, to create societal division by using media to steer otherwise tolerant men toward hatred, riot, skirmishes, and war, and do declare our independence in particular from financial institutions owned or controlled by Rothschild family members and their banking colleagues whose bloodlines have allowed them access to inestimable wealth and power unimaginable and unattainable by common men and women.

We, the people of the land known today as the United States of America, do hold that laws birthed from politicians' pens at the behest of banking and financial interests do not deserve the name of law but must forever take the name of fraud, and that a government working in secret with society-fracturing financial institutions, as our government has done for centuries, is an abject slave to monied interests and cannot represent the people or do good for them.

We, the people of the land known today as the United States of America, do disavow the usurpations of unprincipled men of finance and their minions swelling the greedy halls of government, and all the contracts they have wrought in concert, and in secret, and in fraud, through the long years since the original Declaration of Independence was created.

We, the people of the land known today as the United States of America, by the authority of common law and in the name of the sovereign individuals of this nation, by ties of common membership in this, the human race, whose "races" are but variations on a great and noble theme, do boldly declare our freedom, total and without constraint, from all political, financial, and, especially, legal and unlawful tethers formerly binding sovereign men and women to unrighteous action and unnecessary daily toil and pain.

In support of this Declaration, we pledge our lives.


______________ (your name here)

(Jock Doubleday: “This is an open-source document, so everyone should feel free to amend it to their satisfaction and post wherever they like without credit to me. thank you!”)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Mercury Retrograde – June 7 through July 1, 2014

By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, CBT, RMT
The Virtual Sacred Circle of Nations
June 6, 2014

Mercury Retrograde Effects for Most Zodiac Signs

In evaluating Mercury retrogrades, I use sidereal astrological calculations, as well as Starry Night Pro 6, to determine real-time (current) energies involved, which effect the physical.

Using sidereal calculations, Mercury goes retrograde June 7, 2014, in the constellation of Gemini.

Mercury rules thinking and perception, processing and disseminating information and all means of communication, commerce, education and transportation. By extension, Mercury rules people who work in these areas, especially those who work with their minds or their wits: writers and orators, consultants, commentators and critics, gossips and spin doctors, salespeople, teachers, travelers, tricksters and thieves. Mercury also has an occult side, so healing, astrology and the transmission of spiritual knowledge are also in his area.

Mercury retrograde gives rise to personal misunderstandings; flawed, disrupted, or delayed communications, negotiations and trade; glitches and breakdowns with phones, computers, cars, buses, and trains. And all of these problems usually arise because some crucial piece of information, or component, has gone astray or awry.  Public transit, i.e. air, bus, etc., law enforcement activity, and social unrest may be affected and/or increase during a Mercury retrograde.

It is not exactly wise to make important decisions while Mercury is retrograde, since it is likely that such decisions will be clouded by misinformation, poor communication and careless thinking. Mercury is all about mental clarity and the power of the mind, so when Mercury is retrograde these intellectual characteristics tend to be less acute than usual, as the critical faculties are dimmed. Make sure you pay attention to the small print!

Planetary Configurations during this Mercury Retrograde

During this Mercury Retrograde, in sidereal, we have Mercury in Gemini.  Mercury is also conjunct with Jupiter (Sagittarius) in the sign of Gemini.

Other configurations and aspects to consider are the following:

  • Retrograde Mercury (Gemini) in Gemini squared Mars (Aries) in Capricorn.
  • Retrograde Mercury (Gemini) in Gemini squared the Moon (Cancer) in Capricorn.
  • Retrograde Mercury (Gemini) in Gemini trine Neptune (Pisces) in Aquarius.
  • Retrograde Mercury (Gemini) in Gemini opposed Pluto (Scorpio) in Sagittarius, which is in retrograde.

The Energy for this Mercury Retrograde

The energy during this period will be about our communication with ourselves, how we communicate with others (self-reflection), and taking the time (relax and breath) sort out what you’re going to say to yourself and others so you’ll be better understood.  Much of the time taken to speak to others involves breathing properly so the correct emphasis on specific words to share a thought, and idea, or a vision, can be properly presented.  When we don’t present the correct words, with the correct emphasis, to ourselves and to others we become frustrated, which can lead to anger and then judgment.  This judgment will, in most cases, create blocks in communication in all areas of business and personal lives.

When frustration occurs due to poor communication mental, emotional, and physical blocks can also occur.  The lungs (including the trachea and bronchi) tighten causing short of breath and a shortage of oxygen to the body.  The arms, shoulders, hands, muscles, and bones also become affected, causing an overall tightening and a shortage of much needed oxygen and blood to the areas.

So, in retrospect, taking the time to breathe properly and reflecting on how our words will be interpreted by others, to include ourselves, can truly make the difference in our lives in body, mind, and Spirit.

Other Major Zodiac Signs Affected by the Mercury Retrograde being in Gemini

Jupiter (Sagittarius) in Gemini conjunct Mercury (Gemini) in Gemini.

Jupiter enjoys being expansive and free flowing without restrictions.  Jupiter does everything big in a big way.  People with Sagittarius as their sign, and businesses started in the sign of Sagittarius, would do well with expanding themselves emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.  Except, there are two things that will hinder this wonderful experience… Mercury (Gemini), currently in retrograde, and Pluto (Scorpio) in Sagittarius (Jupiter) being in retrograde opposed Mercury (see below for Mercury and Pluto configuration).

Due to the restricted flow of luck from Jupiter because of Pluto in Sagittarius being in retrograde, and the ability to communicate what is being thought properly is being hampered by Mercury in retrograde, communications in all aspects of life and business, to include the inner self and governments, will be strained and where luck once flowed freely to create great things will now be hindered severely.  Take the time to breath and centered before you speak.  What you say and mean to others may not be what they hear and understand from you.

Also, foreign travel, law and ethics, culture, knowledge and experience are all embedded in Jupiter (Sagittarius), which may be adversely affected as well during this Mercury retrograde. Any business travel is not recommended unless it was previously arranged prior to this retrograde.  But still keep in mind that your communication skills may be hampered if not fully aware of the energy currently flowing.  World governments are advised be aware of this retrograde energy.  If not, we may see many political conflicts occur in the world theater.

Retrograde Mercury (Gemini) in Gemini opposed Pluto (Scorpio) in Sagittarius, which is also in retrograde.

Because of the retrograde Pluto (Scorpio) opposition, the Plutonic energy (Truth) pulling on retrograde Mercury (Gemini) begins the process of breaking down old thought forms, paradigms, and processes, and allows the illuminating energy of Truth to flow freely within yourself.  Once the old within you has been reviewed (self-reflection) and addressed from a non-judgmental state of mind then the process of allowing Truth (love and light) to flow into you can begin.  People around you will begin to notice the change within you when you begin the process and you truly release the old within you. 
Retrograde Mercury (Gemini) in Gemini squared Mars (Aries) in Capricorn

For those who are Type 1 personalities, this configuration will be a time of challenge when trying to convey and idea, a concept, or a plan.  Your words may not be as clear as you would like them to be.  Even when you speak your words your ears may hear something different.  Just think of Yoda speaking in the Star Wars movies and you’ll get the picture.  Before you speak, take a step back, breath, and think of what you will say and how it will be perceived by those listening to you.  You’ll get your point across much better and clearer if you do.

Retrograde Mercury (Gemini) in Gemini squared the Moon (Cancer) in Capricorn

This configuration will bring out the emotional side of you to bear when plans don’t quite work out the way you wanted them to be.  Home-based business, businesses you consider as home, and all things dealing with the “home,” may be affected more than usual when planning home parties, home gatherings, or even home “fix it” projects.  Now may be the best time to patiently lay out your plans and prepare to move forward when Mercury goes direct.

Retrograde Mercury (Gemini) in Gemini trine Neptune (Pisces) in Aquarius

Illusions of grandeur may flow easily during this configuration.  Dreamy Neptune (Pisces) will have the opportunity to inject more of the ego’s idea of what should be all in the effort to showcase itself to the world.  Bragging about “this” and bragging about “that” may be a common situation until Mercury moves out of Gemini.  On the flip side, if you are truly attempting to convey information on a project, a plan, etc., to further a goal or mission for an organization, business, etc., it may be perceived by others as “bragging.”  Again, as with anything, take a step back, take a breath, reflect on what you are about to say and how it will be perceived by others, and check in with your heart before you say anything.  If you truly come from the heart then what you say shall be received clearly.

Monday, January 27, 2014


This article is from an astrology friend that speaks of the coming Horse year.  There's much insight here. Enjoy.  

Eagle Heart

The new Moon on January 30 at 11:20 pm PST (but listed as January 31 in many calendars) begins the year of the Wood Horse. Chinese New Year is a spring festival that begins on the second new Moon after Winter Solstice, with the Sun and Moon in Aquarius. This new Moon also starts the month of the Fire Tiger making energy very strong and lively as Horse year begins, a clear departure from the slower energy of the previous Water Snake year 2013.
The Wood Horse year is a time of fast victories, unexpected adventure, and surprising romance. It is an excellent year for travel, and the more far away and off the beaten path the better. Energy is high and production is rewarded. Decisive action, not procrastination, brings victory. But you have to act fast in a Horse year. If you are not 100% secure about a decision, then don’t do it. Events move so quickly in a Horse year that you don’t want to gallop off in the wrong direction.
In Chinese astrology, Horse year is considered a fortunate year that brings luck and good things. Magical Horse has supernatural powers, is heroic, strong, and can even fly! A white celestial cloud Horse is sacred to the Chinese Goddess Kwan Yin. Her white Horse flies through the heavens, bringing peace and blessings. Horse is a hero in China because important battles were won due to the power and strength of the Horse.
Horse’s cycle is the seventh earthly branch in Chinese medicine and symbolizes June, the fifth lunar month. June is the time of Gemini, Horse’s western counterpart. In the summer month of June there is powerful yang chi, and yin chi starts to settle. The sun is brightest and the plants are strong, having reached maturity. In Chinese medicine, Horse’s earthly branch is the element Fire. Each of the 12 Chinese astrology signs have 2 hours; Horse hours are 11 am – 1 pm including the heat of high noon.
On a global scale, expect some world economies to become stronger while others experience economic chaos and collapse. Under Horse’s strong influence there is no middle ground. (The time for middle-ground diplomacy and planning was last year in Water Snake 2013.) Anticipate extremes in stock markets, fluctuation of prices, and general chaos in all things financial. There will be wars, battles, and skirmishes all over the world.

Middle class economies are developing with emerging markets in many places including Egypt, Turkey, Brazil, and India. But there will also be protests for fair development, even wars. Peace can be restored in Wood Sheep year 2015 but Wood Horse 2014 will be a wild ride as the world changes, and changes fast.
People born in Horse years (2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930, 1918, 1906) are bright, cheerful, popular, and fun loving. They find people and crowds exciting, and love parties. Horse’s childish innocence, sunny disposition, and natural charm attract many friends. Horse is a highly intuitive animal, so people born in Horse year follow their hunches. Their keen judgment and natural intuition often help them make the right decisions throughout their life. Usually they don’t need to struggle in order to succeed and obtain the fine things life has to offer.

Horses have a carefree nature and need ample room for self-expression. When constrained by rules, proud Horse will rebel, refusing to be corralled or tamed. Horses will tell you exactly what is on their mind; they are frank and dislike hidden agendas. So this is the time for issues to be out in the open, especially with family members. The time for secrecy was last year Snake 2013, not now in Horse year.

The best years for Horse to have abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are in Horse, Tiger, Sheep, and Dog years. Analytical Rat year is the least fortunate for Horse.
Who should be a player and take big risks this year? If you just do what you want like a Horse, you could end up broke at the end of this Horse year! The impulsive way of doing things in a Horse year is not the best year for everyone. For example, the spontaneous energy of Horse year brings challenges to the thoughtful Rat who is Horse’s opposite.

Fast action flows just right for you if you are compatible with Horse energy by having Horse, Tiger, Dog, or Sheep in your Chinese Four Pillars chart of animal year, month, day, and hour. For info about your Four Pillars chart, schedule an astrology reading with me. But if you do not have lucky animal signs in your Four Pillars birth chart, maybe for you in this Horse year it might be better to just follow along with the herd. Let others be the risk takers or whistle blowers. You might benefit by sitting in the sidelines and watching the Horse race in front of you, especially if you have Rat or Ox in your Four Pillars chart of animal year, month, day, and hour. For you, stay smart and thrifty, hang on to what you already have, and not rebel like spirited Horse.

Keep in mind this year that Horse energy is free spirited, wild, willful, and independent. Horse has a refined instinct that acts fast, on the spot, unlike Horse’s opposite the Rat who thinks and plans before acting. The time for pondering and planning was 2013 Snake year. Horse year is time to act fast, buy that home, launch that business, travel the world, make a big purchase, get a promotion at work, have a breakthrough – take a leap and fly. If it’s right, then there’s nothing to think about. Just follow instincts. Even if you miss the mark, you’ll have all of Wood Sheep year 2015 to get cozy and enjoy life’s comforts in all their artistic forms.
Casual and outdoorsy Horse year is about freedom, returning to nature, and enjoying life and life’s adventures. You won’t always want to focus on work because it’s easy to be distracted by fun, good times, and parties in sexy Horse year. Because Horse can be impulsive, act now and think later, avoid the mistakes of overspending, enabling others, and denying when there is a problem. Overspending is easy in a Horse year because if you feel you deserve something or want a reward, the impulse to buy is strong. Horses often buy what they feel they deserve without realizing how their purchases effect their long-term planning because Horse rarely plans for the future.

Also in Horse year, it’s easy to make a snap decision, especially business decisions that are not planned but “just feel right.” Denial that there is a problem is another Horse trait. It’s easier to move on to the next adventure than face reality or clean up a mess. So don’t ignore details this year while being an optimist that things will all just work out on their own.

Horse doesn't care about money and lives large, so in Horse year you might be tempted to overspend on entertainment, going out, fun festivities – anything to keep up with the Horse good times and spirit of live today. Horse year ends in triumph or tragedy, and more businesses will fail than succeed. So learn from what you see around you. You don’t have to act, but you do have to know. In the year of the Horse, you can let others lead the way then follow in the footsteps of their success – but you’ll have to act fast.  The Horse, Tiger, Dog, or Sheep benefit the most from Horse’s strong and spirited actions.
In risk-taking fast-moving Horse year, people are impatient to regain their loses. Everyone wants to make fast money and win big. But luck is with you most strongly if you were born in the year, month, day, or hour of the HORSE, TIGER, DOG, or SHEEP.

Horse hours are 11 am – 1 pm. High noon is the most Horse moment.

Tiger hours are 3 – 5 am.

Dog hours are 7 – 9 PM.

Sheep hours are 1 – 3 pm.

If born during Horse hours 11 am – 1 pm, you can follow your instincts and they will lead you to the right place! This is a fortunate year for you especially in summer.

If born during Tiger hours 3 – 5 am, like nocturnal Tiger you are ready to go day or night. Time to be the leader and work independently.

If born during Dog hours 7 – 9 pm, you honestly are in the right place at the right time in this Horse year. You’ll be able to keep up when others realize how fast the pace is in this Horse race year.

If born during Sheep hours 1 – 3 pm, luck is with you for love and romance. Romantic Horse succeeds when paired with a kind and sensitive Sheep so opportunity can come your way in a Horse year.

You have a chance this year at wild good fortune and sudden gain in Horse year. But odds are much better if your birth year, birth month, birth day, or birth hour is Horse, Tiger, Dog, or Sheep. If these animals signs are not in your Four Pillars chart, then perhaps step aside and take a front-row seat to the Horse race. It will be all or nothing as life events move fast then are gone in a gallop!