Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The One Called “Water” Has Returned!

~Begin Transmission~

The One called “Water” has given to all on your world much information that has been the cornerstone in the building of your “culture.”  But through the cycle of growth in your world much of that information has been diluted to suit the needs of the groups, organizations, sects, etc.  All this is for the purpose of satisfying the need of the ego to be a part of something larger then itself, yet still maintain control to what it believes is the “truth.”  This “dilution” of information has been the catalyst for many of your modern faiths.  This, in of itself, is not necessarily a negative as long as the core of the “faith,” which is Universal Truth, does not change.  This, unfortunately, has not occurred.

Because of this “corruption” of the “core truth” many brave souls have chosen to come to your physical world to hold the lower vibration of your world’s “expression” so others may choose to see where they must not venture, if they desire to ascend to the higher vibration expressions.  Your world, and all sentient beings residing on your world, is destined to move into this higher vibratory expression.  But to do this you all must begin the process of journeying into your hearts to see what is “real” and what is “illusion.”  Mind you, this journey to your heart will not be easy for the lower vibratory expressions are very difficult to resist.  This is due to the familiarity and the comfort that exudes from this lower expression.  You have been there before and it is familiar.  Know that this lower expression does not create a space of learning for the desire to push yourselves to learn and grow does not exist.  Take this information being passed on to you all and use it as a catalyst to see beyond the mundane and the familiar and push yourselves to ascertain that which appears unreachable.  Do not judge yourselves for this is a lower vibratory expression leading you down a path that many hold you in a “non-expression” existence indefinitely.

The One called “Water” has returned, and will be seen very soon, to address the “corruption” of the “core truth.”  In doing so, many of the faiths of your world will begin to, at first, resist the “core truth” for fear of losing their identity and perceived power over the sentient beings on your world.  This process has already begun on your world as seen by many through your media “expressions.”  But this “core truth,” which we shall call “The Light,” will not be extinguished.  “The Light” cannot be extinguished for it is the basis of all life in all expressions throughout creation and within the Great Creator.  Acknowledgement of “The Light” will only fan the flame of truth to a point of it becoming a firestorm of Truth.  When this has occurred, and all upon your world have begun the process of becoming One Universal People within your world and your Galaxy, then you all shall see and know the One called “Water.”  But for those who have chosen to be the guiding lights of your world’s next higher expression, and choose to see the One called “Water,” you only need to move into your hearts and ask to “see.”

One final word, all that has occurred, is occurring, and will occur, is by design and of OUR OWN VOLITION.  The actions within your world, and within this Universe, as is occurring now, were chosen by all in existence to make up what is now and what will be.  This “choice” is the basis of what is known to all in the Universe as the Universal Plan.  Do not judge the actions of your world and of the Universe for all is as it should be, as we agreed.  This was by design so we all could have the opportunity to learn and move into a higher vibration.  But this does not forestall our freewill.  For within the Universal Plan was agreed to have choices, or “gateways,” to choose to move ahead of the Universal Plan. Again, this was by design and agreed upon by all. 
As your world, all those upon Her, begins an unprecedented journey into the next higher expression, know that all is as it should be, including the arrival of the One called “Water.” But always know that you all, and all sentient beings in all expressions of creation, are truly but ONE EXPRESSION, of the Great Creator.

And so it was then, is now, and ever shall be.

~End Transmission~


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