Monday, April 2, 2012

Fear of the Unknown: The Yin and Yang Model

During times of great change there's always fear of the unknown. Staying present and remaining aware of your surroundings and of your self, which is a part of being in a "mindfulness" state, is the best way to surpass this change. But what is change other than a transition from one state of being to another state of being.

Within this Universe, life is always cycling between one state of being to another. This is how all beings within this Universe are able to know both sides and are able to completely discern what is good for them, what is not good for them, and what is balanced. We cannot have one without the other. This is the way the Universe was created and these are the Universal Laws that we as individual souls agreed to abide by while living in a physical body within this Universe. If life does not cycle from one state to another then there is no experience, which leads to no lessons learned for the soul. Also, this state of being is stagnant, the soul does not know the entire picture, and the soul does not evolve. This is the reason the Universe, as well as all living beings within the Universe, transitions from one state of being to another many times so it can have as many experiences as possible, which helps the Universe evolve. This transition between states of being, as with all transitions, is best represented by the Yin and Yang symbol.

To be able to discern what is good or not good for us as souls, and to be unified and balanced with the Universe, there must be a light and dark, a negative and positive, a cold and heat. As life moves forward, we move between the two sides of Yin and Yang, experiencing both worlds in the process. This transition between Yin and Yang, and having the experience of being within either Yin or Yang, is needed to be able to discern the two sides. The line between the two sides is the area of transition, which we are currently in now.

As we learn the lessons needed within Yang, which we are currently moving out of, we then begin to move towards Yin to have a higher vibratory level of experience within Yin. Once the lessons are learned, we begin to move back towards Yang again. But to move into Yang we must first move through the transition line once more. Eventually, through many cycles of experience (birth, death, birth), the peaks and valleys of life will become so small that we no longer will be living in either Yin or Yang but living within the transition line. This state of being is very fluid in nature and will be able to live in both worlds of Yin and Yang effortlessly.

At this point within the transition line, we may be able to share our knowledge and wisdom with others and truly become the "spirit guides" we are meant to be and be able to co-create a heart-centered reality with the Universe. When we reach this state of being, and co-creating with the Universe, we will be exercising Universal Mindfulness.

Love and Peace,

Rev. David-Uriel “Eagle Heart”

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