Friday, January 5, 2018

The Global Plan of the Incunabula

This is entry #3 for those following the Wingmakers material. Again, know that although the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) may appear to work for the good of the people, their intentions are self-serving due to the resistance to share the advanced technology knowledge to the world, which can help the people. Elite organizations that the ACIO are working with are not who we have been led to believe, i.e., the Illuminati, Masons, etc.  The true organization that is manipulating the people, to include these elite organizations, is called the Incunabula.  Below is an excerpt of page 145 from Interview #4 between Sarah (journalist) and Dr. Jamisson Neruda, who defected from the ACIO. To read all 5 interviews with Dr. Neruda, follow this link:

The Incunabula, in their quest to attain complete power and control of the people, will move to control all oil production and the global monetary system by having our great nation, the USA, be portrayed as the hero against an enemy that was artificially created for the purpose of controlling the minds of the people to think that there is an actual enemy, when in fact, the enemy is actually the Incunabula. Although the Incunabula truly feels they are doing all this for the benefit of humanity, their motives should be questioned at all times. 

Always follow the money when researching anything. And in this case, the money leads to the Incunabula.  Empower yourselves through knowledge and awareness of your environment.  And always know that all can be achieved, without fear but with love, when seen and done through the heart. The heart knows all and will help humanity move into a heart-centered reality.

… Sarah: “No, I sort of interrupted you. You were talking about the Incunabula’s plan.”

Dr. Neruda: “They desire a paperless currency coupled to a global leadership, and to carry this out they require a restructuring—or perhaps more precisely, a complete reengineering of resource and power sharing.”

Sarah: “Can you elaborate on this a bit?”

Dr. Neruda: “The plan requires new leadership in the Arab states. There is general concern that the Arab states will consolidate much like Europe is in the process of doing, and new superpowers will be created out of this consolidation. Multiple superpowers make consolidation of the global economic platform a thorny proposition.

“Because of its natural aggression as a superpower, the United States is the spearhead of the Incunabula to usher in the required changes of their plan. It will be positioned to exert a strong military and cultural presence in the Middle East and Asia; partly for oil considerations and partly for the purpose of gradually westernizing the indigenous cultures.”

Sarah: “Hold on a second. Our military bases are as much for the protection of our allies as for ourselves, and as for culture, we may export our movies and pop stars, but other countries are just as eager to be trend setters in the culture game.”

Dr. Neruda: “There’s a difference. The U.S. protects and defends because it can establish military bases in those regions after it is done defending. Agreements are made—sometimes without the public’s knowledge—to have military bases and protective forces therein for domestic peace issues and normalization. The U.S. has over one hundred-seventy military bases on foreign soil. This number will continue to grow as dictated by this plan.

“In regard to the export of culture, yes, you are right, the U.S. is not alone in this, but it leads the way through its capitalistic leverage of pop culture. No one does this as well as American corporations. They have set the world standard for monetizing content and brands. Other countries mimic this standard and add their weight. Collectively, the culture of capitalism reaches the Arab nations, China, North Korea, Southeast Asia, and the people of these countries— especially the new generations—are seduced by its allure….”

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