Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Enoc-Tu Message, The Law of Resonance, and The "Shift"

Hello my brothers and sisters in Great Spirit.  Under the guidance of all the guardian angels and elders of Mother Earth, the Galactic and Universal Councils of 12, St. Germain, Thoth, and Enoc-Tu, this message is being sent out to all so an understanding may be received by all who choose to understand during our time of evolution and ascension.

As stated in a message from the group consciousness of Enoc-tu, on July 15, 2013, which I shall post on this blog, “Many of you have been receiving messages of warning and incoming chaos, and you have tossed them aside as fear mongering and wanting to create panic and chaos amongst your people…”  This message went on to state that the Enoc-Tu message was not one of fear but of awareness and preparation for the coming changes to occur.  Unfortunately, many of you have taken this message, judged it, and have construed it as fear mongering.  Nothing is further from the truth.  Also, many of you have presented the Law of Resonance as proof that this and other messages sent out to the people do not come from a place of light because “light beings” do not send out messages of darkness and negativity.

For the most part, it’s true that “light beings,” or any being that serves the light of the Great Creator, do not send out messages of darkness and negativity. But then, they do not send negative or positive messages at all. They send pure love and energy that vibrates at infinite levels of frequencies.  Also, “light beings” do not see or use labels as we humans do. They just see and use energy as directed by the Great Creator, in accordance to the Universal Plan.  We, as humans on Earth, are the only beings that CHOOSE to use labels as a way to BEGIN to understand our world and Universe.  When we, as humans, do not understand our environment our egos immediately see this as a threat and labels the situation and/or message as negative or dark.  Sometimes, when the ego does not have something to use as a way to explain its position, it uses other previously accepted labels to support its position, i.e., Law of Resonance.  So let’s briefly look at the Law of Resonance.

The Law of Resonance basically states that, according to the Universe, which we all agreed to and created prior to our initial incarnation, in accordance to the Universal Plan, a body vibrating at a lower frequency, in this case, a human in fear, when introduced to a higher vibrating body (light being), the lower vibrating body will move to the higher vibrating state.  But before the lower vibrating body can move into the higher vibrating state, it goes through a “shift” or “transition” before it begins to vibrate at that higher frequency.  This “shift” or “transition” can occur in a blink of an eye or may take eons. But this “shift” or “transition” does occur every time and it is part of the Universal Plan.

In our current world experience, this “shift” IS THE CHAOS, according to our human labels, which we all are seeing around the world, i.e., protests in Egypt, wars in the Middle East, geopolitical issues in the USA, etc.  Many of us, as humans, are allowing ourselves to vibrate at the lower frequencies, which then the ego perceives this "shift" in vibration as bad, negative, not of the light, etc., because it does not fit into its label.  This action of the ego is holding most of humanity in a place of non-evolution and non-ascension.  But if we CHOOSE to let go of fear and the old ways of thinking and doing, we then allow ourselves to see and feel this higher frequency, which then will assist us all in moving forward into our next level of vibrational experience.  All this can and will occur within your hearts… the seat of your soul, if WE CHOOSE to allow it.

Go in Love and Peace Warriors of the Rainbow and know that Universal Love already resides within your Sacred Hearts.


Eagle Heart


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