Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thoughts and the Sea of Consciousness

By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, CBT, RMT
Originally written on March 4, 2009

Thoughts are like pebbles that, when tossed into the sea of consciousness, will create ripples of manifestation. So depending on what thought we toss into consciousness can determine what reality we will experience. One person can set things in motion for everyone to follow if they choose. But if one person or a group of people toss thoughts of fear and ego based desires into the sea of consciousness then fear, anger, control, war, etc., will manifest. That appears to be occurring now. So before we toss any thoughts into the sea we must first ask ourselves from what place that thought is coming from and what is the motive of that thought. If the thought comes from a place of love, compassion, and tolerance, and the motive is to serve the greater good for all, then that is what will manifest. The opposite is also true.

Take care my friends and blessings to everyone.

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