Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Upcoming Celestial Events- Life Changing

After some research, I verified that on May 20, the alignment will be with the Sun, Moon, Earth, and the Pleiades Constellation only in the sign of Taurus (Earth element).

Prior to Dec. 21, a lunar eclipse, a penumbral lunar eclipse, and a solar eclipse will occur.  We will also have a Venus Tranist visible for most of the Northern Hemisphere on June 5-6.  Then on Dec 21, the celestial alignment, creating a cross in the heavens and a triangle between Sagittarius, Scorpio, and Ophiuchus, will occur. I have attached an image, created in Microsoft Worldwide Telescope, showing the Dec. 21, celestial event. I inserted some facts on the image for your information.  Pay close attention to the location of the Dec. 21 event, which will occur in the sign of Sagittarius.  The lower left corner of the image will give you more details on the possible significance of this alignment.  Here are the events leading up to Dec. 21:

  • May 20, 2012: Annular (partial) Solar Eclipse; Ring of Fire north of the equator possibly affected with 6+ magnitude earthquakes. Social, political, and emotional upheavals may occur in China, Japan, Alaska, and North America.  Also alignment with the Pleiades Constellation to occur on same day at the same time. Quetzalcoatl, god of Aztecs, or Kukulcan, god to the Mayas, who is equated to Enki of the Anunnaki, is to come down to Earth from the Pleiades Constellation, through the Chichen Itza pyramid, and bring peace and enlightenment to the world.  Possible increase of UFO sightings and/or landings reported in affected areas.  Be aware of an increase in solar activity as well, which could lead to an increase of geological upheavals in affected areas.
  • June 4, 2012: Partial Lunar Eclipse; areas of possible emotional, political, and social upheaval are the Americas, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia areas, and Russia.
  • June 5-6, 2012: Venus Transit across the Sun.  Much energy of love pouring into the Earth Consciousness and the consciousness of all beings.  Those in fear of losing perceived control of the masses will rebel and attempt to stop the energy flow through distraction, illusion, fear, and loss of stature.  Possible upheaval events of emotional, political, social, and geological nature after the transit occurs.
  • Nov. 13, 2012: Total Solar Eclipse; possible geological upheavals along the entire Ring of Fire with 6+ magnitude earthquakes.  Stay aware in all areas of the Pacific south of the equator.
  • Nov. 28, 2012: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse; areas of possible emotional, political, and social upheavals are North and Central America, Hawaii, most of Africa, the European Nations, Middle East, India, China, Russia, the Indonesia area, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia.

Note: Ophiuchus is important because it's the seeker of peace and wisdom, the healer, the 13th sign (Mayan calendar is based on 13 cycles) and the sign of crossing. It's also the Sumerian God Enki of the Anunnaki.

From here on out we're in for a wonderous experience.  Remain aware of your world.



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