Friday, May 27, 2011

Scientists Detect Earth-Equivalent Amount of Water within the Moon

Breaking news: There is water inside the moon -- so much, in fact, that in some places it rivals the amount of water found within Earth. According to scientists, the moon has much more water than previously thought. First-time measurements of lunar melt inclusions show that some parts of the lunar mantle have as much water as the Earth's upper mantle. The results may change the prevailing theory about the Moon's origins…. Follow the link below and read for yourselves.

To quote a friend who informed me of this discovery, and I feel her comments are quite appropriate, “It is fascinating that through the ages, the moon has been associated with the feminine energies and water. She shall be our Mother, birthing us into a true space-faring species with her bounty :) Big changes are on the way!”

Here's a link to Richard C. Hoagland discussing the water discovery on Coast-to-Coast (after the sign-on news)

Please pass on this discovery to everyone as far and wide as possible so others may know as well.


David-Uriel “Eagle Heart

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