Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Complex Universe

Here's an email conversation about current events and the thoughts, theories, etc. that many have regarding why they occur. Keep in mind that everyone has a piece of the Universal Truth. We only need to share it with others, and not judge the truth of others, to gain a larger perspective of the TRUTH. The names of the person or people involved have been changed to protect the innocent. Enjoy. :-)

David-Uriel "Eagle Heart"

Hi Raj. The Universe is so complex that we in human form can not even begin to understand what should or should not occur. Judging life, along with its experiences, from a human perspective can be very tunnel vision in nature. We do not know, or even begin to know, what individual soul contracts say about what the individual is to encounter in their physical life. We can only have faith that what ever occurs it was in concurrence with their soul contract. Keep in mind that the soul chooses what LIFE EXPERIENCES it needs to have to continue its soul growth. How life will manifest those experiences is up to life and not up to the individual. 

Also keep in mind that experiences create energy so life takes this energy and manifests situations according to this energy “signature” and not according to our expectations (judgments). This is the reason why we should not judge Earthly and Universal circumstances based on human judgments because we do not have the entire picture. This is also the reason why I say we need to honor those souls who have passed on and the souls currently going through their soul contract physically because they have chosen to be our teachers for our soul growth by showing us where attention needs to be focused on. Right attention + Right intention + Right focus = Positive outcome.

Here are my thoughts on your comments. Don’t take my thoughts as saying that you are wrong but as a “in addition to” approach. Everyone has a piece of the Universal puzzle. We only need to share with each other to gain the larger perspective of our chosen path. Your thoughts are presented followed by my thoughts in brackets and italicized:

From a spiritual perspective, this is a time for compassion and love. The people who died and those now in distress are part of the whole. [I agree. We are all one so when one person feels pain we all feel pain through our energetic connection. Quantum Physics speaks of this connection in depth.]

We as humanity are in distress. [Humanity, as well as Mother Earth, is in transition. Before change from one paradigm to another can occur a transition must take place. We as humans label, and judge, this transition as chaos, distress, etc. This transition is neither negative nor positive but only a path to reach a destination. Human perspective is the only action that chooses to label the transition negative or positive.]

They did not choose to be in these circumstances. These circumstances did not have to occur - if greed of industry did not keep other forms of energy from coming fruition, if the collective of human emotion calmed, rather than agitated the Earth and we did not ignorantly submit global rule of the many by the few for so long. [These brave souls did choose the circumstances indirectly by choosing their experience(s) before they incarnated into this physical reality. Knowing that experiences equates to energy life takes this energy and creates the physical situations that manifest the physical realities. Also, what these souls chose was the macro view, of which exists a multitude, of a potential reality. This choice creates the energy and determines how their choice will manifest in the physical form. Quantum physics also speaks to an infinite number of potential realities. Once we make a choice then a ‘quantum collapse” occurs, which creates a physical reality based on the choice of the individual soul.]

But now that it has happened we can have compassion and take right action. Spirituality is more than silent prayer. Spirituality is reaching out to comfort and uplift those in need. [I agree in that since this reality was chosen not just by the souls in Japan but by all souls within our Earth and in this Universe. Being “one” does not stop at the Earth. It also includes the Universe. We are all one in body, mind, and Spirit. Spirituality is much more than silent prayer. But it’s also much more than comforting and uplifting people in need. Being spiritual means being “you” the soul and all that makes up the individual soul. Being spiritual means being true to your beliefs, respecting the beliefs of others without judgment, and taking responsibilities for your actions as well as acknowledging the shortcomings.]

Humanity can provide spiritual, emotional and physical support to those in need - in Japan and to our next door neighbors. [I agree. But we must be aware of our intentions when we provide spiritual, emotional and physical support to those in need. When we provide this help from a place of love then everything will occur according to the contracts agreed upon by the affected souls. When we provide help from a place of fear then we may really only be helping others for the sake of not feeling the pain ourselves. This occurs because of the idea that we are all one. Since we are all one then we feel the pain of others. This includes the pain Mother Earth and the Universe feels.]

We must affect a change in our own hearts and spread that light. [This should be done in accordance to the soul contracts of the affected souls and in accordance with the contract agreed upon by all the souls in the Universe. Intuition will tell us when we are in alignment with this contract.]

To those who write off the suffering as "God's will" or "their karma" is to disconnect rather than merge. [I agree. To “write off suffering,” as you stated, allow the individual to not take responsibility for his or her actions. What is occurring in our world, and in the Universe, is because we chose to experience the energy before we incarnated into this physical reality. Many will argue this statement but the question then needs to be asked… “Are you accepting responsibility for your contribution to the state of events currently occurring?”]

We need to feel and demonstrate empathy or we are not yet fit to become the Divine Light Beings of our potential. [To say this statement is to say that it does not already exist within you. This is also coming from a place of lack instead of coming from a place of abundance. We are already Light Beings having a physical experience based on our choices made prior to incarnation. To be divine or not is a judgment based on human expectations. Light beings vibrate, and operate, in accordance to contracts agreed upon by all souls, to include Universal Source, i.e. God, Creator, etc.]

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