Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Power of Me: Making a Commitment to Yourself

By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, CBT, RMT
July 20, 2010

How many times have we started a new venture only to be told by those we see as credible people that, "It can't be done. You don't have enough experience..."  or "You don't have the education to do that." There are also times that even our loved ones give us the "Look" that tells us we shouldn't even think of a new venture because it may steer us from our intended goal.  But who's goal is it really?  Can it be that the goal we' ve been striving for is really not ours but theirs?  Can it also be that when friends, loved ones, even our business partners, tell us to not follow a chosen path, or act on an idea, because it will not work and it may hurt the business, they are really trying to say, "Don't do it because I don't want to be outdone by you and feel stupid."?  Enough is enough!!

We have the power to do whatever we choose to do.  If we want to climb Mt. Everest than so be it.  If we want to help heal the world then do it.  If we want to venture into a new business then start the journey.  No one should ever feel that they are beneath anyone.  Whether this feeling is imposed upon you intentionally or not, we all need to feel free to speak our mind with the confidence that the other person will not take it personal.  If they do then the issue is them and not you.  You're only speaking your mind and your feelings.  Just keep in mind that when you speak your mind your intention is to convey your feelings and not to hurt the feelings of the other person.  Now, how do we begin to use our power in our life to begin our journey... do some soul searching on what you really want in life and make a commitment to yourself to do what you have chosen.

When you make a commitment to yourself you really are giving yourself permission to do what you have chosen to do.  This begins to open the doors of manifestation to bring to fruition the ideas and plans you have created for yourself.  What you focus on determines your reality in life.  If you choose to be successful in what you love to do then that is what will occur in time.  If you choose to believe others that you are a failure then life will provide you with scenarios to prove your thoughts.  No one has the power or the right to tell you what to believe, to feel, or to do in your life.  It's your life!!  You are the captain of your journey.  Why would you want to let someone else steer your ship to a destination that you don't want to go to.  Those that are on the path of light will be approached by many who are not of the light.  They do not want you to succeed because this would mean that they no longer control you, which also means that they do not have any power over you. 

You are a beautiful soul with the potential to create miracles for yourself and for others that are truly in need.  Don't give your power away to someone who is only going to use it for their own benefit of greed, control, hate, etc.  Once you take back your power then the miracles will begin for you.  Make the commitment to take back your power and destiny and become the future you deserve to have.  No one is your boss but yourself.  Be the change that you already are.


1 comment:

  1. This is very true and it takes a lot of courage to steer your own ship, though there are "helpers" who will come into your life as soon as you take that first step into your own journey. These could be actual angels from a higher dimension or friends, acquaintances that will be on the same path and be there to give you guidance if you need it. Namaste.
