This blog entry is informational in nature and does not advocate or denounce the mission of the Venus Project. This entry is being presented purely as a starting point for discussions to break outside of the box of conventional thinking and begin the process of finding new ways of resolving the current issues being faced by our society today. Use discernment when reading the information and/or when viewing the video. I welcome discussions on this subject and I look forward to your questions.
David-Uriel “Eagle Heart”
Part 1
Part 2

One People. One World. One Spirit... We Are One!
The Virtual Sacred Circle of Nations (VSCN) brings together spiritually like-minded people into a virtual group circle to share current world events,information, and to provide spiritually-centered healing sessions for to assist in the creation of a spiritually and heart-centered reality. In sharing our knowledge and wisdom with others we all grow together in Spirit as One!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Resource Based Economy (Energy, Work) - Parts 1 and 2
Imagining a World Without Money.
This is an overview of Jacque Fresco, the founder of the Venus Project. This blog entry is informational in nature and does not advocate or denounce the mission of the Venus Project. This entry is being presented purely as a starting point for discussions to break outside of the box of conventional thinking and begin the process of finding new ways of resolving the current issues being faced by our society today. Use discernment when reading the information and when viewing the video. I welcome discussions on this subject and I look forward to your questions.
David-Uriel “Eagle Heart”
Born on March 13, 1916, Jacque Fresco started his professional career as design consultant for Rotor Craft Helicopter Company. He served in the Army Design and Development Unit at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, U.S. and worked for the Raymond De-Icer Corporation based in Los Angeles, California, U.S., as a research engineer.
He worked for many companies and in many fields such as technical consultant and technical advisor to the motion picture industry, industrial design instructor at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. In Los Angeles, he was colleague and work associate of psychologist Donald Powell Wilson.
In 1942, Fresco started the Revell Plastics Company (now Revell-Monogram) with Lou Glaser, working variously in aerospace research and development, architecture, efficient automobile design, bare-eye 3D cinematic projection methods and medical equipment design where he developed a three dimensional X-ray unit amongst other things.
The Venus Project was started around 1975 by Fresco and by former portrait artist, Roxanne Meadows in Venus, Florida, USA. Its research center is a 21-acre (85,000 m2) property with various domed buildings of his design, where they work on books and films to demonstrate their concepts and ideas. Fresco has produced an extensive range of scale models based on his designs. The Venus Project was incorporated in 1995.
Venus project was founded on the idea that poverty is caused by the stifling of progress in technology, which itself is caused by the present world's profit-driven economic system. The progression of technology, if it were carried on independent of its profitability, Fresco theorizes, would make more resources available to more people thereby reducing corruption and greed, and instead make people more likely to help each other. Fresco advocates against a money-based economy in favor of what he refers to as a resource-based economy.
In a 2008 interview with Fresco and Meadows, Fresco stated that a 'lack of credentials' has made it difficult for him to gain influence in academic circles. He adds that when universities do invite him to speak, they often don't give him enough time to explain his views.
David-Uriel “Eagle Heart”
Born on March 13, 1916, Jacque Fresco started his professional career as design consultant for Rotor Craft Helicopter Company. He served in the Army Design and Development Unit at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, U.S. and worked for the Raymond De-Icer Corporation based in Los Angeles, California, U.S., as a research engineer.
He worked for many companies and in many fields such as technical consultant and technical advisor to the motion picture industry, industrial design instructor at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. In Los Angeles, he was colleague and work associate of psychologist Donald Powell Wilson.
In 1942, Fresco started the Revell Plastics Company (now Revell-Monogram) with Lou Glaser, working variously in aerospace research and development, architecture, efficient automobile design, bare-eye 3D cinematic projection methods and medical equipment design where he developed a three dimensional X-ray unit amongst other things.
The Venus Project was started around 1975 by Fresco and by former portrait artist, Roxanne Meadows in Venus, Florida, USA. Its research center is a 21-acre (85,000 m2) property with various domed buildings of his design, where they work on books and films to demonstrate their concepts and ideas. Fresco has produced an extensive range of scale models based on his designs. The Venus Project was incorporated in 1995.
Venus project was founded on the idea that poverty is caused by the stifling of progress in technology, which itself is caused by the present world's profit-driven economic system. The progression of technology, if it were carried on independent of its profitability, Fresco theorizes, would make more resources available to more people thereby reducing corruption and greed, and instead make people more likely to help each other. Fresco advocates against a money-based economy in favor of what he refers to as a resource-based economy.
In a 2008 interview with Fresco and Meadows, Fresco stated that a 'lack of credentials' has made it difficult for him to gain influence in academic circles. He adds that when universities do invite him to speak, they often don't give him enough time to explain his views.
Monday, December 20, 2010
The 12 Universal Laws

The Universal Laws are viewed as guidelines that place us in the flow. Following these laws assists and enhances each part of our life, from the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Working, understanding, and applying these laws can allow us to live in harmony, leading to a fulfilled and a prosperous life.
There are other "sub-laws" that support the basic 12 Univesal Laws but by being aware of the 12 Universal Laws we can become more attune to our actions to others as well as to ourselves, thus unconsciously fulfilling the multitude of sub-laws."
The 12 Universal Laws
The 12 Universal Laws
1) The Law of Oneness:
This Law explains that everything in this world is connected to everything else. Anything we believe, think, do, or say affects the world and the universe around us.
This Law explains that everything in this world is connected to everything else. Anything we believe, think, do, or say affects the world and the universe around us.
2) Law of Energy or Vibration:
This Law describes that everything in the Universe vibrates. This law holds true in every aspect of life. Vibration is in the physical world, within our thoughts, feelings, desires, and dreams. Every vibrational frequency has a unique vibration.
3) The Law of Action:
Action brings results, manifesting different results, depending upon our thoughts, dreams, emotions, and words. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support those thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.
4) The Law of Correspondence:
This Law places us in the drivers’ seat of our own life. Your outer world will be a direct reflection of your inner world, accepting responsibility for your life. This law takes us out of the victim role making us the sole creator of our own life.
5) Law of Cause and Effect:
This Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. For this law we look at every action. This is because every action has an appropriate reaction. This law means we have to take responsibility for every that happens in our lives. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.”
6) The Law of Compensation:
This Law is an arm from Cause and Effect being applied to abundance and blessings that come into our lives. Compensation is the visible effects of our deeds; it can show up as gifts, money, friendships, or any other blessing given to us due to our actions.
7) Law of Attraction:
This Law creates things, events, and people that come into our lives, through our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. All these thoughts and actions are energy that we place out to the world attracting like energies. In other words placing a negative energy out to the world will attract other negative energies and putting out a positive energy will attract other positive energies.
This Law describes that everything in the Universe vibrates. This law holds true in every aspect of life. Vibration is in the physical world, within our thoughts, feelings, desires, and dreams. Every vibrational frequency has a unique vibration.
3) The Law of Action:
Action brings results, manifesting different results, depending upon our thoughts, dreams, emotions, and words. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support those thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.
4) The Law of Correspondence:
This Law places us in the drivers’ seat of our own life. Your outer world will be a direct reflection of your inner world, accepting responsibility for your life. This law takes us out of the victim role making us the sole creator of our own life.
5) Law of Cause and Effect:
This Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. For this law we look at every action. This is because every action has an appropriate reaction. This law means we have to take responsibility for every that happens in our lives. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.”
6) The Law of Compensation:
This Law is an arm from Cause and Effect being applied to abundance and blessings that come into our lives. Compensation is the visible effects of our deeds; it can show up as gifts, money, friendships, or any other blessing given to us due to our actions.
7) Law of Attraction:
This Law creates things, events, and people that come into our lives, through our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. All these thoughts and actions are energy that we place out to the world attracting like energies. In other words placing a negative energy out to the world will attract other negative energies and putting out a positive energy will attract other positive energies.
8) Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy:
As energy we all have the power to change any condition in our lives. Producing a higher vibration consumes and transforms lower ones. This means we can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying their principles that will produce change.
9) Law of Relativity:
Each of us will receive a series of situations to strengthen the energy within us. This law gives us the ability to stay connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the situations. This law also teaches us that if we compare our problems to other peoples’ problems it will place everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation, there is always someone who is in a more difficult position, making it all relative.
10) Law of Polarity:
This Law states that everything has an opposite. Light has to have dark in order to understand each. If we change an undesirable thought by concentrating on the opposite thought, brings a desirable change.
11) Law of Rhythm:
This Law describes to us that everything vibrates and moves to a rhythm. Each rhythm establishes seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s universe. To master rhythm you must rise above any negative parts of a cycle.
12) Law of Gender:
This Law is the Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) of life, making them the basis for all creation. As spiritual beings we must balance the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves to become a true co-creator with God.
Astrological Interpretation for the December 21, 2010, Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse
December 21, 2010, Lunar Eclipse: Gateway opening, increase of feminine energy, increase of emotions and intuition, increase of situational awareness, time for emotional "check and balance."
Mercury in retrograde (ends Dec. 30, 2010)
All forms of communications strained. Structures (Capricorn), i.e., businesses, relationships, organizations, careers, etc., will be re-evaluated. People’s foundations, i.e., home, careers, beliefs, relationships, etc., will also be questioned and re-evaluated. Much stress to occur in the belief systems of the people of foreign lands (Sagittarius) with much back pain accompanying the stress. Communication between governments may become confused and strained possibly leading to chaotic confrontations.
Tropical Astrology
Eclipse in Gemini: Old acquaintances may begin to come into your life again to resolve old issues. To understand them, as well as them understanding you, may be difficult during Mercury retrograde. Truths that have been pushed away for fear of facing them may be reflected by those close to you and by those traveling to you from far distances. The truth shall be shown again.
Sidereal Astrology
Eclipse in Taurus: The truth of the matter shall be shown for any ill conceived and represented financial transactions. The belief in the strength of the monetary system will begin to wane further in the shadow of the eclipse. This will be made possible due to the light of truth shining through from the emotional side of Taurus, which is Scorpio ruled by Pluto (the Destroyer of old paradigms) as well as Ophiuchus (the serpent handler-the medicine of truth), the new constellation that now traverses the Earth’s ecliptic.
Many gateways will be traversed until the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012. This lunar eclipse, which represents the further awakening of our awareness and intuition, is just another marker for us acknowledge and let go in preparation for our rendezvous with our chosen destiny. This preparation is furthered intensified with the emotional side of Gemini and Taurus (Sagittarius and Scorpio/Ophiuchus) closer to be aligned with the center of our galaxy, which shines the light of truth to us all. Through our awareness, intuition, and remaining present, we will not only survive but thrive during the transition into our heart-based reality, which is our birthright.
Be Blessed my Friends,
David-Uriel "Eagle Heart"
Mercury in retrograde (ends Dec. 30, 2010)
All forms of communications strained. Structures (Capricorn), i.e., businesses, relationships, organizations, careers, etc., will be re-evaluated. People’s foundations, i.e., home, careers, beliefs, relationships, etc., will also be questioned and re-evaluated. Much stress to occur in the belief systems of the people of foreign lands (Sagittarius) with much back pain accompanying the stress. Communication between governments may become confused and strained possibly leading to chaotic confrontations.
Tropical Astrology
Eclipse in Gemini: Old acquaintances may begin to come into your life again to resolve old issues. To understand them, as well as them understanding you, may be difficult during Mercury retrograde. Truths that have been pushed away for fear of facing them may be reflected by those close to you and by those traveling to you from far distances. The truth shall be shown again.
Sidereal Astrology
Eclipse in Taurus: The truth of the matter shall be shown for any ill conceived and represented financial transactions. The belief in the strength of the monetary system will begin to wane further in the shadow of the eclipse. This will be made possible due to the light of truth shining through from the emotional side of Taurus, which is Scorpio ruled by Pluto (the Destroyer of old paradigms) as well as Ophiuchus (the serpent handler-the medicine of truth), the new constellation that now traverses the Earth’s ecliptic.
Many gateways will be traversed until the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012. This lunar eclipse, which represents the further awakening of our awareness and intuition, is just another marker for us acknowledge and let go in preparation for our rendezvous with our chosen destiny. This preparation is furthered intensified with the emotional side of Gemini and Taurus (Sagittarius and Scorpio/Ophiuchus) closer to be aligned with the center of our galaxy, which shines the light of truth to us all. Through our awareness, intuition, and remaining present, we will not only survive but thrive during the transition into our heart-based reality, which is our birthright.
Be Blessed my Friends,
David-Uriel "Eagle Heart"
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
December 10 - 29/30, 2010 Mercury Retrograde Alert
The planet Mercury rules thinking and perception and all types of communication. When Mercury goes retrograde it gives rise to personal misunderstandings. There would be delays, flaws and hitches in all communication related areas like transportation, trade, etc. Astrologers advise not to make any important decisions while Mercury is retrograde, since it is likely that such decisions will be marred by misinformation, poor communication and careless thinking. During a retrograde period, it is not a good idea to push forward any practical venture. It is better to prepare for it rather than doing it and to move ahead later with the direct phase of Mercury.
Mercury goes Retrograde 3 times every year. As it slows down before the Retrograde period, we call it the Pre-Retrograde. Mercury starts loosing power then and hence new ventures cannot do well in this period. Then there is the Post-Retrograde when Mercury picks up or gains speed but is still moving slowly enough to cause a slow progress in the projects undertaken. During the Mercury Retrograde period it is best advised not to venture into any new territory and to stay put. Actually Mercury keeps going around the Sun, always in the same direction and more or less at the same speed. Knowing the Mercury retrograde periods can help you to plan your ventures in advance so that they do not go off-track.
Most Mercury Retrogrades are calculated in the Tropical System of Astrology, which is based on the seasons of the Earth. I calculate Mercury Retrograde for both Tropical and Sidereal Systems.
In a nutshell, the Sidereal System is "what you see is what you get." This means that assuming you are an Aquarius in the Tropical System, if you would have looked up into the sky at the time of your birth and viewed the constellation the Sun was in, chances are that the Sun would have been in the constellation of Capricorn instead of Aquarius. This is due what is called, "The Precession of the Equinoxes." Because of this "Earth wobble" the Earth moves back in the zodiac table approximately one degree every 72 years. So now, after 2000 years since astrological observations began, the Earth has moved back approximately 24 degrees. This is significant since on an average each "house" in the zodiac table is approximately 30 degrees in size. How does this affect us from a Mercury Retrograde standpoint?
In the Tropical System, the upcoming retrograde will be in the sign of Capricorn. All forms of structures that are outdated will be reevaluated and if it does not serve its intended purpose then it will be broken down and rebuilt by those in the next zodiac house (Aquarius). All forms of structured ideas that previously helped, and continue to help, organizations may be forced to look within themselves and let go of what does not work for the greater good of the organization. From a health and wellness standpoint, a retrograde in Capricorn may affect the knees, joints, and the skeletal system (structures). The inability to be flexible to new ideas and new ways of doing business may cause much pain and suffering. In addition, the Sidereal System needs to be factored into this retrograde as well.
In this retrograde, from the Sidereal System, it will occur in the sign of Sagittarius. Belief systems in all forms, i.e. religion, business practices, etc., will be challenged to the point of breaking unless adaptation and flexibility are incorporated. Travel to distant lands is not recommended during this time since Sagittarius affects foreign lands. Communication with foreign people may be difficult so international business may be affected as well as international relations between governmental bodies. From a health and wellness standpoint, the hips, thighs, liver, and sciatic nerve may be affected, especially for those who have experienced previous injuries in these areas.
To put it all together, this Mercury Retrograde may dramatically affect all forms of structured belief systems causing miscommunication within yourself and with others around you. All businesses and government bodies may also be affected to the point of causing clashes over who's right and who's wrong. Large "big business" companies may fall if they do not do their "inner work" and create a healthy work environment and a healthy work relationship for both their employees and their business partners. Health and wellness in the areas of hips, sciatic nerve, lower back, joints, knees, liver, and the skeletal system may also be affected in a way that brings awareness to those areas.
Awareness of this upcoming Mercury Retrograde, and future retrogrades, may help in alleviating the strain of this energy and help us in letting go of old and outdated belief systems. By letting go of judgment we can be in a better place to adapt and change with the times.
David-Uriel "Eagle Heart"
Mercury goes Retrograde 3 times every year. As it slows down before the Retrograde period, we call it the Pre-Retrograde. Mercury starts loosing power then and hence new ventures cannot do well in this period. Then there is the Post-Retrograde when Mercury picks up or gains speed but is still moving slowly enough to cause a slow progress in the projects undertaken. During the Mercury Retrograde period it is best advised not to venture into any new territory and to stay put. Actually Mercury keeps going around the Sun, always in the same direction and more or less at the same speed. Knowing the Mercury retrograde periods can help you to plan your ventures in advance so that they do not go off-track.
Most Mercury Retrogrades are calculated in the Tropical System of Astrology, which is based on the seasons of the Earth. I calculate Mercury Retrograde for both Tropical and Sidereal Systems.
In a nutshell, the Sidereal System is "what you see is what you get." This means that assuming you are an Aquarius in the Tropical System, if you would have looked up into the sky at the time of your birth and viewed the constellation the Sun was in, chances are that the Sun would have been in the constellation of Capricorn instead of Aquarius. This is due what is called, "The Precession of the Equinoxes." Because of this "Earth wobble" the Earth moves back in the zodiac table approximately one degree every 72 years. So now, after 2000 years since astrological observations began, the Earth has moved back approximately 24 degrees. This is significant since on an average each "house" in the zodiac table is approximately 30 degrees in size. How does this affect us from a Mercury Retrograde standpoint?
In the Tropical System, the upcoming retrograde will be in the sign of Capricorn. All forms of structures that are outdated will be reevaluated and if it does not serve its intended purpose then it will be broken down and rebuilt by those in the next zodiac house (Aquarius). All forms of structured ideas that previously helped, and continue to help, organizations may be forced to look within themselves and let go of what does not work for the greater good of the organization. From a health and wellness standpoint, a retrograde in Capricorn may affect the knees, joints, and the skeletal system (structures). The inability to be flexible to new ideas and new ways of doing business may cause much pain and suffering. In addition, the Sidereal System needs to be factored into this retrograde as well.
In this retrograde, from the Sidereal System, it will occur in the sign of Sagittarius. Belief systems in all forms, i.e. religion, business practices, etc., will be challenged to the point of breaking unless adaptation and flexibility are incorporated. Travel to distant lands is not recommended during this time since Sagittarius affects foreign lands. Communication with foreign people may be difficult so international business may be affected as well as international relations between governmental bodies. From a health and wellness standpoint, the hips, thighs, liver, and sciatic nerve may be affected, especially for those who have experienced previous injuries in these areas.
To put it all together, this Mercury Retrograde may dramatically affect all forms of structured belief systems causing miscommunication within yourself and with others around you. All businesses and government bodies may also be affected to the point of causing clashes over who's right and who's wrong. Large "big business" companies may fall if they do not do their "inner work" and create a healthy work environment and a healthy work relationship for both their employees and their business partners. Health and wellness in the areas of hips, sciatic nerve, lower back, joints, knees, liver, and the skeletal system may also be affected in a way that brings awareness to those areas.
Awareness of this upcoming Mercury Retrograde, and future retrogrades, may help in alleviating the strain of this energy and help us in letting go of old and outdated belief systems. By letting go of judgment we can be in a better place to adapt and change with the times.
David-Uriel "Eagle Heart"
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Federal Employee Pay Freeze as a Political Symbol
The actions taken by the Obama Administration, as stated in the article below, is a poor attempt to curtail the national deficit as well as being a political "act of trust" symbol for the Democrats to the Republicans. What's also being considered is taking the total amount of an employee's retirement and cutting it by 50%. This means the employee would have to work twice as long (60 years) to get what they would normally get in 30 years. This is not acceptable. Take up your pens, computer keyboards, etc. and contact your respective Congressmen and voice your disgust about this draconian-style tactics just to fix a problem that was initially created by our slumbering government.
Federal Employee Pay Freeze as a Political Symbol
By Ralph Smith
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Americans have been reading about riots in Europe over the past few months. Government employees, led by their unions in many cases, students and even pensioners have taken to the streets in Greece, England, and Ireland to protest cuts in their benefits as governments try to prevent a financial meltdown and to bring government spending into line with their revenue. As in America, these countries (and others) have been spending more than they were taking in and, in some cases, the borrowing and spending greatly exceeded their revenue or the total value of the nation's gross domestic product.
We are not immune to these financial pressures and, as most readers now know, President Obama has proposed a two-year salary freeze for federal employees. No doubt, this is not the end of an attempt to bring federal spending more into line with revenue.
The political pressure has been building. While some of our readers have complained about the articles that discuss a possible pay freeze as being unsympathetic or not "advancing the interests of the federal workforce," as some thought we should be doing, we have kept readers informed of the various positions of interested parties on the topic knowing full well some readers don't like reading about possible benefit or pay cuts.
The president's proposed freeze would require Congressional approval before it can be implemented. It would impact about two million workers in 2011 and 2012 and save about $28 billion. $28 billion is a huge number but, as hard as it is to believe that is a small fraction of the $1.3 trillion annual budget deficit. What is more important to the federal workforce is that Republicans (and probably some Democrats) are asking for much larger reductions in federal spending. Some of these proposals would have a larger impact on the federal workforce and include proposals to change the calculation for federal retirement, reducing federal hiring, etc.
The co-chairmen of the Obama deficit-cutting commission also put federal employees in their sights by calling for a three-year freeze on compensation for civilian workers and a 10% reduction in the federal work force by 2020. This action would eliminate about 200,000 jobs. The pay freeze alone would reportedly save $42.3 billion over five years, the co-chairmen projected.
The president's action is more important as a symbol of political action by the political class. The action by President Obama this week appears to signaling a willingness to reach toward Republicans ahead of negotiations on deficit-cutting that are likely to dominate the political atmosphere in Washington next year.
And, of course, the federal workforce has its share of lobbyists in the form of unions and associations such as the National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) which will be out in force to try and reverse the president's recommendation for a freeze.
The Heritage Foundation says that compensation for federal employees is 30% to 40% higher than for comparable jobs in the private sector. Federal employee unions call that assertion a "myth.'' The Federal Salary Council, which consists of federal employee union representatives and government officials says that federal employees are underpaid by 24% or so.
Federal employee unions are already hitting the airwaves with press releases attacking the president's action.
Presumably because his salary is paid by federal employees, AFGE President John Gage referred to the savings by freezing federal employee pay as "peanuts at best." It is unlikely most Americans would agree with this assessment and won't create good public relations with the nation's taxpayers but presumably those dues paying members are looking for dramatic rhetoric. He also described the president's action as "a superficial panic reaction to the draconian cuts the deficit commission will recommend." While he did not mention it, we can probably assume that less "superficial" cuts are in the offing in coming months.
NTEU, perhaps because it had to get its ire under control or just because it wanted to hit the airwaves with a calculated response was initially more measured and may have had future political relations with the administration on its mind when publishing on its website: "NTEU is mindful of our nation’s economic circumstances, but we are very disappointed with the White House’s position and intend to explore all of our options, including working with Congress to overturn it." But, after a few hours and, perhaps with some time for reflection, this union got its PR section warmed up with a quote from NTEU's Colleen Kelly to USA Today: "I would say that any CEO who would propose a pay freeze without consulting employees is not going to be a very successful CEO."
NARFE issued a press release within a short time after the president's statement and NARFE's president stated: "In light of the growing number of critical challenges being shouldered by federal workers, the government cannot afford to make substantial reductions to the earned compensation of individuals who have dedicated their careers to public service. For that reason, we urge the president to reconsider this ill-conceived decision."
Keeping in mind that the director of OPM owes his job to President Obama, the government's human resources agency issued a very short press release that is supportive of the pay freeze. Its press release stated: "Federal employees work hard for our nation each day, and this sacrifice the President asked them to make today is significant and emblematic of the shared sacrifice we all will have to make if we are to bring the deficit to heel and preserve an economic future for our children."
So, not surprisingly, the lobbying has already begun. The president's pay freeze proposal is the latest political event highlighting cutting back on federal spending and it will not be the last of these events. Whether the efforts of the special interest groups will turn around the political tide remains to be seen.
We can reasonably predict a few public protests by federal unions, at least when future cuts may be announced, but we aren't likely to see federal employees taking to the streets and setting fire to trash cans or effigies of Barack Obama burning while swinging from a lanyard.
But, without a doubt, federal employees are now a political symbol of federal spending and the spiraling federal debt.
What happens to the salaries and benefits of federal employees in coming months may give insight into whether the Congress and the administration are going to make a concerted effort to reduce the federal deficit. And, as we know from the initial recommendations issued by the co-chairmen of the debt commission, there will be few segments of society spared from the ultimate cuts if Congress and the administration decide to seriously attack the subject.
These future cuts, if they occur, will overshadow the two-year pay freeze for federal employees. Yesterday's action may have been the opening round and put federal employees on the front pages in the nation's media but, in all likelihood, we can anticipate future actions that will further raise the ire of the federal workforce.
Federal Employee Pay Freeze as a Political Symbol
By Ralph Smith
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Americans have been reading about riots in Europe over the past few months. Government employees, led by their unions in many cases, students and even pensioners have taken to the streets in Greece, England, and Ireland to protest cuts in their benefits as governments try to prevent a financial meltdown and to bring government spending into line with their revenue. As in America, these countries (and others) have been spending more than they were taking in and, in some cases, the borrowing and spending greatly exceeded their revenue or the total value of the nation's gross domestic product.
We are not immune to these financial pressures and, as most readers now know, President Obama has proposed a two-year salary freeze for federal employees. No doubt, this is not the end of an attempt to bring federal spending more into line with revenue.
The political pressure has been building. While some of our readers have complained about the articles that discuss a possible pay freeze as being unsympathetic or not "advancing the interests of the federal workforce," as some thought we should be doing, we have kept readers informed of the various positions of interested parties on the topic knowing full well some readers don't like reading about possible benefit or pay cuts.
The president's proposed freeze would require Congressional approval before it can be implemented. It would impact about two million workers in 2011 and 2012 and save about $28 billion. $28 billion is a huge number but, as hard as it is to believe that is a small fraction of the $1.3 trillion annual budget deficit. What is more important to the federal workforce is that Republicans (and probably some Democrats) are asking for much larger reductions in federal spending. Some of these proposals would have a larger impact on the federal workforce and include proposals to change the calculation for federal retirement, reducing federal hiring, etc.
The co-chairmen of the Obama deficit-cutting commission also put federal employees in their sights by calling for a three-year freeze on compensation for civilian workers and a 10% reduction in the federal work force by 2020. This action would eliminate about 200,000 jobs. The pay freeze alone would reportedly save $42.3 billion over five years, the co-chairmen projected.
The president's action is more important as a symbol of political action by the political class. The action by President Obama this week appears to signaling a willingness to reach toward Republicans ahead of negotiations on deficit-cutting that are likely to dominate the political atmosphere in Washington next year.
And, of course, the federal workforce has its share of lobbyists in the form of unions and associations such as the National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) which will be out in force to try and reverse the president's recommendation for a freeze.
The Heritage Foundation says that compensation for federal employees is 30% to 40% higher than for comparable jobs in the private sector. Federal employee unions call that assertion a "myth.'' The Federal Salary Council, which consists of federal employee union representatives and government officials says that federal employees are underpaid by 24% or so.
Federal employee unions are already hitting the airwaves with press releases attacking the president's action.
Presumably because his salary is paid by federal employees, AFGE President John Gage referred to the savings by freezing federal employee pay as "peanuts at best." It is unlikely most Americans would agree with this assessment and won't create good public relations with the nation's taxpayers but presumably those dues paying members are looking for dramatic rhetoric. He also described the president's action as "a superficial panic reaction to the draconian cuts the deficit commission will recommend." While he did not mention it, we can probably assume that less "superficial" cuts are in the offing in coming months.
NTEU, perhaps because it had to get its ire under control or just because it wanted to hit the airwaves with a calculated response was initially more measured and may have had future political relations with the administration on its mind when publishing on its website: "NTEU is mindful of our nation’s economic circumstances, but we are very disappointed with the White House’s position and intend to explore all of our options, including working with Congress to overturn it." But, after a few hours and, perhaps with some time for reflection, this union got its PR section warmed up with a quote from NTEU's Colleen Kelly to USA Today: "I would say that any CEO who would propose a pay freeze without consulting employees is not going to be a very successful CEO."
NARFE issued a press release within a short time after the president's statement and NARFE's president stated: "In light of the growing number of critical challenges being shouldered by federal workers, the government cannot afford to make substantial reductions to the earned compensation of individuals who have dedicated their careers to public service. For that reason, we urge the president to reconsider this ill-conceived decision."
Keeping in mind that the director of OPM owes his job to President Obama, the government's human resources agency issued a very short press release that is supportive of the pay freeze. Its press release stated: "Federal employees work hard for our nation each day, and this sacrifice the President asked them to make today is significant and emblematic of the shared sacrifice we all will have to make if we are to bring the deficit to heel and preserve an economic future for our children."
So, not surprisingly, the lobbying has already begun. The president's pay freeze proposal is the latest political event highlighting cutting back on federal spending and it will not be the last of these events. Whether the efforts of the special interest groups will turn around the political tide remains to be seen.
We can reasonably predict a few public protests by federal unions, at least when future cuts may be announced, but we aren't likely to see federal employees taking to the streets and setting fire to trash cans or effigies of Barack Obama burning while swinging from a lanyard.
But, without a doubt, federal employees are now a political symbol of federal spending and the spiraling federal debt.
What happens to the salaries and benefits of federal employees in coming months may give insight into whether the Congress and the administration are going to make a concerted effort to reduce the federal deficit. And, as we know from the initial recommendations issued by the co-chairmen of the debt commission, there will be few segments of society spared from the ultimate cuts if Congress and the administration decide to seriously attack the subject.
These future cuts, if they occur, will overshadow the two-year pay freeze for federal employees. Yesterday's action may have been the opening round and put federal employees on the front pages in the nation's media but, in all likelihood, we can anticipate future actions that will further raise the ire of the federal workforce.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Dr. Steven Greer presents "Contact & Disclosure: The Final Sequence"
Here's a video by Dr. Greer speaking about full UFO disclosure and those professionals who experienced UFO encounters. Time to welcome your Universal Brethren.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Time of the Sixth Sun
Time to awaken my Brothers and Sisters in Spirit.
Blessed Be Earth Mama,
David Eagle Heart
Blessed Be Earth Mama,
David Eagle Heart
Message from T. H. O. R. - We Are Here
We greet you in love and light our Brothers and Sisters in Spirit. As we pass on information of current events we ask that you always go within and use discernment and intuition to validate the information being presented. Use only that which best resonates with your personal truth. When enough of your fellow brethren awaken to their personal truth, only then will Universal Truth be presented to all those ready to receive it.
There are many of you in recent days that have expressed peculiar sensations culminating in nausea, dizziness, and other symptoms not recognized by your physical bodies. Some of these symptoms may be underlying issues that require the attention of your medical practitioners. But a great many of you, after having ruled out any medical imbalances, are still experiencing much unrest in body, mind, and Spirit. Much of what is being experienced is two fold.
First. Your planet, a living organism just like yourselves, is going through much change in preparation for the next level of experience in Spirit. Due to these changes, any living physical body created within your planet's span of influence will also experience these changes. This interaction with your planet, and all who live within the planet, is no different then when your physical body experiences an injury in a localized area and the entire physical body reacts to the injury, i. e., immune system changes, increased blood flow to the affected area, etc. When your planet changes so do your physical bodies to match the planet's changes. These changes assist the physical body to move to a higher state of Spirit (higher frequency) to match the intent and frequency of your individual souls and the soul of your planet.
Second. A further influence on your physical bodies is the cloaking device used on the ships of our Galactic brethren. As our Galactic brethren prepare to assist in the fulfillment of your agreed upon soul contracts, and as they locate themselves globally in places conducive to the fulfillment of these contracts, the harmonics produced by their cloaking devices are of such high frequency that those physical bodies that are in the process of raising their frequency to match your planet's frequency will be more susceptible to its harmonics. Understand that the harmonics created by the cloaking device is not in anyway intended to persuade you in making a choice to pursue your intended soul goal. Your free will and choice are not in anyway affected. The harmonics of the cloaking devices, which create the feelings being experienced, are just a by-product that resonates outside of space-time. The harmonics of these cloaking devices are also in alignment with the energy that is a part of the next level of consciousness.
There is much more involved in this process with much more levels of complexity but for now we have given you a brief overview of what is occurring at this time and what you and your planet may begin to feel, if it has not begun already.
As both your planet and all of you living amongst her walk the path of your soul contracts, culminating in the raising of your consciousness to the next level of soul experience within Spirit, know that We Are Here ready to be of service to assist you all in any form that is needed within the confines of your soul contracts. We will only assist and not intervene. Call upon us and we will be there.
In Service of the Galactic Council and of our Brethren in Spirit,
T. H. O. R.
There are many of you in recent days that have expressed peculiar sensations culminating in nausea, dizziness, and other symptoms not recognized by your physical bodies. Some of these symptoms may be underlying issues that require the attention of your medical practitioners. But a great many of you, after having ruled out any medical imbalances, are still experiencing much unrest in body, mind, and Spirit. Much of what is being experienced is two fold.
First. Your planet, a living organism just like yourselves, is going through much change in preparation for the next level of experience in Spirit. Due to these changes, any living physical body created within your planet's span of influence will also experience these changes. This interaction with your planet, and all who live within the planet, is no different then when your physical body experiences an injury in a localized area and the entire physical body reacts to the injury, i. e., immune system changes, increased blood flow to the affected area, etc. When your planet changes so do your physical bodies to match the planet's changes. These changes assist the physical body to move to a higher state of Spirit (higher frequency) to match the intent and frequency of your individual souls and the soul of your planet.
Second. A further influence on your physical bodies is the cloaking device used on the ships of our Galactic brethren. As our Galactic brethren prepare to assist in the fulfillment of your agreed upon soul contracts, and as they locate themselves globally in places conducive to the fulfillment of these contracts, the harmonics produced by their cloaking devices are of such high frequency that those physical bodies that are in the process of raising their frequency to match your planet's frequency will be more susceptible to its harmonics. Understand that the harmonics created by the cloaking device is not in anyway intended to persuade you in making a choice to pursue your intended soul goal. Your free will and choice are not in anyway affected. The harmonics of the cloaking devices, which create the feelings being experienced, are just a by-product that resonates outside of space-time. The harmonics of these cloaking devices are also in alignment with the energy that is a part of the next level of consciousness.
There is much more involved in this process with much more levels of complexity but for now we have given you a brief overview of what is occurring at this time and what you and your planet may begin to feel, if it has not begun already.
As both your planet and all of you living amongst her walk the path of your soul contracts, culminating in the raising of your consciousness to the next level of soul experience within Spirit, know that We Are Here ready to be of service to assist you all in any form that is needed within the confines of your soul contracts. We will only assist and not intervene. Call upon us and we will be there.
In Service of the Galactic Council and of our Brethren in Spirit,
T. H. O. R.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
"Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" trailer
In January 2011, the feature length movie, Zeigeist: Moving Foward, will be unfolded for us. This movie will include the vision of the Venus Project (
Spread the word my brothers and sisters in Spirit because ascension has begun.
Spread the word my brothers and sisters in Spirit because ascension has begun.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Message from T. H. O. R. Consciousness
We are a group (Consciousness) within this Universe that acts as a watchdog for those galaxies who have representatives with the Galactic Council. This group follows one important directive, which many smaller directives derive from. This one directive, the Universal Prime Law, states that the laws previously agreed upon by all those who chose to incarnate into this Universe shall be followed. Some of these laws involve premature exposure of higher consciousness beings to lower consciousness beings before they are capable of understanding. Some of these other laws involve the genetic manipulation of lesser conscious beings for the purpose of creating a vehicle to incarnate into at a later point in time. These, and many other laws, are important and are part of the natural law of this Universe.
When the Universal Prime Law is broken by discordant beings for service-to-self purposes, which eventually affects all those within this Universe, We go out to those affected to assist them in their journey to break away from those imposing upon them and to assist them in their spiritual evolution. All this is done according to the respective soul's contract, which was created before the soul incarnated into this Universe. We go by the name of T. H. O. R., which means "Take Hold of Our Revolution." This name is more of a battle cry then a name.
When a race of lesser conscious beings, on their elected path of spirital evolution, is imposed upon by those breaking the Universal Prime Law, the battle cry goes out to infuse the affected souls ready to receive this empowering energy so they can break away from the imposing beings and move forward with their soul contract. T. H. O. R. has now come to your beloved Earth and it is time to take hold of your destiny and move forward on your path of spiritual evolution. It is your right and your destiny to return to your origins so you can help those on the path that you have already walked on. Proof of this battle cry is evident throughtout your world with the increased chaos, pain, and dis-ease. These are birthing pains that your world, as well as your physical vessel, are experiencing.
Just know for now that the cry has been sent and all those with ears to hear have heard the call and are in the process of preparing for the coming evolutionary changes, which are occurring at this moment. For you to ascend and accept your spiritual lineage you must make sure that your world ascends as well. You and your world are phyically and spiritually one. Heed the call and "Take Hold of Our Revolution"... your spiritual revolution.
Be Blessed,
T. H. O. R.
When the Universal Prime Law is broken by discordant beings for service-to-self purposes, which eventually affects all those within this Universe, We go out to those affected to assist them in their journey to break away from those imposing upon them and to assist them in their spiritual evolution. All this is done according to the respective soul's contract, which was created before the soul incarnated into this Universe. We go by the name of T. H. O. R., which means "Take Hold of Our Revolution." This name is more of a battle cry then a name.
When a race of lesser conscious beings, on their elected path of spirital evolution, is imposed upon by those breaking the Universal Prime Law, the battle cry goes out to infuse the affected souls ready to receive this empowering energy so they can break away from the imposing beings and move forward with their soul contract. T. H. O. R. has now come to your beloved Earth and it is time to take hold of your destiny and move forward on your path of spiritual evolution. It is your right and your destiny to return to your origins so you can help those on the path that you have already walked on. Proof of this battle cry is evident throughtout your world with the increased chaos, pain, and dis-ease. These are birthing pains that your world, as well as your physical vessel, are experiencing.
Just know for now that the cry has been sent and all those with ears to hear have heard the call and are in the process of preparing for the coming evolutionary changes, which are occurring at this moment. For you to ascend and accept your spiritual lineage you must make sure that your world ascends as well. You and your world are phyically and spiritually one. Heed the call and "Take Hold of Our Revolution"... your spiritual revolution.
Be Blessed,
T. H. O. R.
Short Message from T. H. O. R. Consciousness on the Origins of Angels, the Elohim, and Yahweh
We write to you with a message of hope and peace. You, We, and everyone within this Universe are aspects of All That Is (Source). The name Archangel Uriel is also just an aspect of Source. We all have aspects of various deities because we all come from the same Source. Some have larger aspects of these deities than others based on what their soul contract is in this world and in this Universe. Please be open to this... the names given to these deities (Uriel, Michael, etc.) are only labels created by those who did not understand these beings of extraordinary knowledge, power, and understanding. The deities of antiquity all began with their own names before those of the earthly incarnation re-labeled them. Most, but not all, of the Elohim are the Annunaki. Uriel was Enki of the Annunaki and Yahweh is King Anu.
The Universe was created by a great need for Source (God not Yahweh) to know itself so by creating aspects of itself it sent these aspects into this newly formed Universe to experience physical life. Source also created many other universes in its pursuit to experience physical life in all its possibilities.
You may not agree with this information, and this is perfectly fine. Just know that we all have a portion of the universal truth, which is, we are all aspects of the same Universal Mind. Because of this, we all have the power, through choice, to come together and manifest the world, and the Universe, we know already exists... one filled with peace, love, compassion, understanding, and empathy. When all within your world come together as a global consciousness a miracle shall occur. The miracle of a realized LIFE.
T. H. O. R.
The Universe was created by a great need for Source (God not Yahweh) to know itself so by creating aspects of itself it sent these aspects into this newly formed Universe to experience physical life. Source also created many other universes in its pursuit to experience physical life in all its possibilities.
You may not agree with this information, and this is perfectly fine. Just know that we all have a portion of the universal truth, which is, we are all aspects of the same Universal Mind. Because of this, we all have the power, through choice, to come together and manifest the world, and the Universe, we know already exists... one filled with peace, love, compassion, understanding, and empathy. When all within your world come together as a global consciousness a miracle shall occur. The miracle of a realized LIFE.
T. H. O. R.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
ESP Development through Hypnosis for 10/10/2010, 11/11/2011, and 12/12/2012 Gateways
In the coming months leading to December 21, 2012, many changes will be occurring to our world and to us. Lessons to be learned for the evolution of our soul, as well as the soul (Gaia) of Mother Earth, are being presented to us much more frequently, and sometimes, much more harshly. This is due to our previously agreed upon soul contract timeline and due to time compression as believed by the Mayans as represented in their calendar. Some, but not all, of the changes to occur may be along the line of increased awareness, telepathy, intuition, etc. To put it simply, all of our extra sensory perception (ESP) tools will increase to accommodate the upcoming shifts.
To help in our ESP development so we can be ready for the coming changes I have created a hypnosis video to assist in opening the doors to our dormant portions of our brain and our mind that contain the knowledge and wisdom that come with the gift of ESP. ESP will develop only when the person is ready for the responsibility that comes with this gift. Hypnosis is not mind control and will only work when you allow it. You remain in complete control the entire time and can choose to accept or reject any suggestions given during the program. Please read the disclaimer before viewing and listening to the program.
This video is my gift to you all for being a part of these awesome times and for being a part of the VSC Project. The video can also be used as a meditation for the upcoming 10/10/2010, 11/11/2011, 12/12/2012 gateways. Again, please read the disclaimer before viewing and listening to the program.
Continued Love and Peace to Us All,
To help in our ESP development so we can be ready for the coming changes I have created a hypnosis video to assist in opening the doors to our dormant portions of our brain and our mind that contain the knowledge and wisdom that come with the gift of ESP. ESP will develop only when the person is ready for the responsibility that comes with this gift. Hypnosis is not mind control and will only work when you allow it. You remain in complete control the entire time and can choose to accept or reject any suggestions given during the program. Please read the disclaimer before viewing and listening to the program.
This video is my gift to you all for being a part of these awesome times and for being a part of the VSC Project. The video can also be used as a meditation for the upcoming 10/10/2010, 11/11/2011, 12/12/2012 gateways. Again, please read the disclaimer before viewing and listening to the program.
Continued Love and Peace to Us All,
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Gathering
The time draws near for what many have sensed since incarnating into our Universe. Everything that has a beginning has an end only to be renewed again into a higher octave of life with a whole new level of experiences.
When we all decided, as a complete consciousness, to come into this Universe we also decided our timeline and when it would be renewed. This time is now fast approaching. The feeling we have as we get closer to our allotted time is the quickening. We all feel it. Some feel excitement while others feel much fear. Those that feel fear are the ones with much to let go. They know that their time is getting short to accomplish their chosen soul goal. Those that feel excitement may also feel some apprehension due to not clearly knowing what will happen. But they trust their intuition enough to know that what will happen will be in accordance to their soul contract. Mother Earth is also going through her quickening. She, along with all upon her, decided as a group consciousness that this is our time to move into our destiny.
We see signs of the quickening worldwide in Mother Earth (increased earthquakes, volcano eruptions, increased weather phenomena, etc.) and in all the creatures upon her (increased disease, anxiety, increased drug use, etc.). The more we try to hold on to the old ways (greed, service to self, etc.) the more chaos, destruction, and disease will occur. This is the reason why we all have agreed to the Gathering.
At a specific point in time, chosen by us all before the creation of this Universe, we decided to awaken and usher into existence a new and loved-filled reality. This new "world" will have us being able to commune with all that is around and within us. This includes those in the physical as well as Spirit. We will be communing as one consciousness intimately connected with the entire Universe as well as with Spirit.
To begin the process we must first come together as one and begin to share what we know with others so they can grow in Spirit. Spirit then will share with us what it knows. In sharing we each other we all grow in Spirit and help the Universe move into its next level of awareness.
So now, being a servant of Mother Earth, the Universe, Spirit, and All That Is, I put out the call to all Light Bearers to begin to hold Sacred Circle Gatherings in your homes, your towns, your cities, and any place you feel is sacred to all that attend your gathering, and set the intent to first connect with all on Mother Earth, with Mother Earth, and with Spirit. Once connected, intend to connect as one Global Consciousness to Universe and send a message to the Universe so all will know that we are here, we have accepted our destiny, and we are now ready to rejoin our brothers and sisters in our Universe and fulfill our destiny to become universal beings once again. The time is now.
When we all decided, as a complete consciousness, to come into this Universe we also decided our timeline and when it would be renewed. This time is now fast approaching. The feeling we have as we get closer to our allotted time is the quickening. We all feel it. Some feel excitement while others feel much fear. Those that feel fear are the ones with much to let go. They know that their time is getting short to accomplish their chosen soul goal. Those that feel excitement may also feel some apprehension due to not clearly knowing what will happen. But they trust their intuition enough to know that what will happen will be in accordance to their soul contract. Mother Earth is also going through her quickening. She, along with all upon her, decided as a group consciousness that this is our time to move into our destiny.
We see signs of the quickening worldwide in Mother Earth (increased earthquakes, volcano eruptions, increased weather phenomena, etc.) and in all the creatures upon her (increased disease, anxiety, increased drug use, etc.). The more we try to hold on to the old ways (greed, service to self, etc.) the more chaos, destruction, and disease will occur. This is the reason why we all have agreed to the Gathering.
At a specific point in time, chosen by us all before the creation of this Universe, we decided to awaken and usher into existence a new and loved-filled reality. This new "world" will have us being able to commune with all that is around and within us. This includes those in the physical as well as Spirit. We will be communing as one consciousness intimately connected with the entire Universe as well as with Spirit.
To begin the process we must first come together as one and begin to share what we know with others so they can grow in Spirit. Spirit then will share with us what it knows. In sharing we each other we all grow in Spirit and help the Universe move into its next level of awareness.
So now, being a servant of Mother Earth, the Universe, Spirit, and All That Is, I put out the call to all Light Bearers to begin to hold Sacred Circle Gatherings in your homes, your towns, your cities, and any place you feel is sacred to all that attend your gathering, and set the intent to first connect with all on Mother Earth, with Mother Earth, and with Spirit. Once connected, intend to connect as one Global Consciousness to Universe and send a message to the Universe so all will know that we are here, we have accepted our destiny, and we are now ready to rejoin our brothers and sisters in our Universe and fulfill our destiny to become universal beings once again. The time is now.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Antahkarana Healing and Meditation Symbol
Antahkarana is an ancient healing and meditation symbol that has been used in Tibet and China for thousands of years. It is a powerful symbol in that simply by having it in your presence, it will create a positive affect on the chakras and aura. When doing healing work, it focuses and deepens the actions of the healing energies involved. When meditating with the symbol on your person or close by, it automatically creates what the Taoists call the great microcosmic orbit wherein spiritual energies travel up the spine, over the crown chakra, then down through the front of the body to the root chakra and back up again continuously moving around and around. This action balances the chakras and prevents excessive energy build up in one or more chakras.
The Antakarana symbol will also bring to balance any imbalanced energy that has collected on objects such as jewelry or crystals by placing the object between two symbols. The energetic effects of the Antahkarana have been confirmed over and over by the improved results noted by those using the symbol and by clairvoyant observation by those trained in sensing changes in the aura and chakras.
Clairvoyants and mystics, both past and present, describe the Antahkarana as a part of the connection between the physical brain and the Higher Self. It is this connection that must heal and develop if we are to grow spiritually.
The Antakarana is also multi-dimensional. From one perspective it appears to be two dimensional, being made-up of three sevens on a flat surface. The three sevens represent the seven chakras, the seven colors and the seven tones of the musical scale.
From another perspective this symbol appears as a three dimensional cube. Its energy moves up from two to three dimensions that can be seen and continues up through unseen dimensions all the way to the highest dimension - the dimension of the Higher-Self.
The Tibetan meditation practice that used the Antahkarana took place in a room lit with candles. In the middle of the room was a large earthenware vessel shaped in an oval which symbolized the cosmic egg of the universe. The vessel was filled with several inches of water and in the middle was a stool. On the seat of the stool, inlaid in silver was the Antahkarana symbol. One wall was covered with copper that was polished to a mirror finish. Tapestries which displayed symbols similar to the symbols used in Reiki were hung on the opposite wall. A Tibetan Lama meditator would sit on the stool and gaze steadily at the image of one of the Reiki-like symbols reflected in the polished copper mirror. This yantra meditation would create a single point in the mind of the meditator, uniting the consciousness with the transcendental energies of the symbol reflected on the polished copper while the Antahkarana symbol on the stool would focus the energies generated and cause them to evenly flow through all the chakras and to connect with Earth.
It is clear that the Tibetans did not originate the symbol and there is no written record as to its true origin. However, through clairvoyant perception the symbol was first given to the people of Earth during Lemurian times over 100,000 years ago. Current clairvoyants and mystics say that the Antahkarana was created by a counsel of Ascended Masters who are watching over the evolution of the Galaxy. They also say that the people of Earth were in trouble and needed help in re-establishing their connection with the Higher Self. It is said that the Ascended Masters created the symbol and using a decree, imbued it with its own consciousness. Now anyone who uses it will have the connection between the physical brain and the Higher Self strengthened. It is the Higher Self that creates and guides the benefits of the symbol and that is why it can never be used for harm.
Directions for Use
The Antahkarana is a special symbol that has its own consciousness. It is the image of the printed symbol that creates the effect. It works directly with your aura and chakras and varies its healing effect depending on what you need at the time of use. Since it is directed by the Higher Self, it always has a beneficial effect and can never be misused or used to cause harm. The symbols can be placed under a massage table, or under the bottom of a chair or you could sit on them. They can also be placed on the wall or they can be held against your body with the print facing the area that needs healing.
Use in Meditation
You can meditate directly on the Antahkarana by gazing steadily at it with your eyes relaxed, gently brushing away any thoughts that may come up. With continued practice the image may begin to shift and change or to fade in and out, or it may disappear completely. This is good because it indicates you have entered a deeper level of meditation and are receiving greater benefit. Do not allow this to disturb you. Continue your steady relaxed gaze. You may even begin to see pictures in front of the image that are very pleasant and relaxing. A single meditation with the symbol will be beneficial during times of stress; however, regular use is best. Setting aside 10 to 30 minutes each day for meditation on the Antahkarana works well. The value you receive will develop along with your mental clarity and a sense of peace and security will stay with you throughout the day.
Uses of Each Symbol
There are several variations of the symbol. The large single symbol is more female and creates its healing in a gentle way healing the female energies of both men and women. The female symbol is more compassionate energy as well. The smaller single symbol is more male and has more assertive and direct energy. This symbol will focus and penetrate and will heal the male energy of both men and women. Use your intuition in deciding which one to use.
The Cosmic Cross is made of seven symbols crossing each other. This represents the seven major chakras. This symbol will purify your energy and can be used to open the heart. The square multiple symbols, made of sixteen male or female symbols, will break up blocked and congested energy, and get stuck energy moving. This symbol can also scatter your energy so it is recommended that you follow its use with the single male symbol to create centering and grounding. Use your intuition to determine if the female or male Cosmic Cross is needed.
The Antahkarana symbols lend themselves easily to experimentation so allow yourself to be guided to new uses. Some people have silk screened them onto t-shirts; others have placed a small wallet sized image in their shoes (to help them run faster and jump higher). You can also tape a wallet sized image - using surgical tape over a chakra or over an area that is weak or in need of healing and it will immediately strengthen the area.
A Meditation using the Antahkarana Symbol: The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation
Place the Antahkarana symbol under the feet when doing this meditation. It is a modified form of the Taoist Microcosmic Orbit meditation. The microcosmic orbit is the circular pathway of energetic flow in the body, also known as the ‘Circulation of the Light’. The energetic points can be equated to the major chakras and this meditation is designed to open and clear the chakras, creating a clear pathway for higher frequency energies as they are brought into your system.
It will allow these higher energies to be fully assimilated and prevent problems caused by too much energy in the head or other parts of the body. It will also purify and/or release from your system any negative energy you may have released that were stored within yourself or that you may have attracted. By circulating your energy, lower vibratory energy is released from the chakras and may even be transformed as it passes through them. This happens automatically as you circulate it.
The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation
1. Hold your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Picture the Antahkarana symbol at the Sacral (navel) Chakra and hold your attention there for about 30 seconds to several minutes. Next, move down to the Root Chakra and do the same. Next, proceed down, around and up to the backside of the body to the Root Chakra and do the same. Do this for each chakra point along the spine to the top of the head then down the front of the body on each chakra point ending at the Sacral Chakra. This technique will open and clear each chakra. The energy running through each chakra point and back to the starting point is considered an energy circuit.
2. After opening and clearing the chakras, visualize running white light around this circuit for several minutes or up to half an hour.
The circuit always begins at the Sacral Chakra and then travels down the front and up the spine as this is the natural flow of energy throughout the circuit. The emphasis is on the dynamic flow and circulation of chi energy, so in this meditation the chakras themselves are not of major importance and are considered only energy points within the overall microcosmic orbit. For your convenience, the various Antahkarana symbols are provided in this article. They are very powerful so be aware of their potential when performing healing work on yourself and others.
The Antahkarana Symbols
The Antakarana symbol will also bring to balance any imbalanced energy that has collected on objects such as jewelry or crystals by placing the object between two symbols. The energetic effects of the Antahkarana have been confirmed over and over by the improved results noted by those using the symbol and by clairvoyant observation by those trained in sensing changes in the aura and chakras.
Clairvoyants and mystics, both past and present, describe the Antahkarana as a part of the connection between the physical brain and the Higher Self. It is this connection that must heal and develop if we are to grow spiritually.
The Antakarana is also multi-dimensional. From one perspective it appears to be two dimensional, being made-up of three sevens on a flat surface. The three sevens represent the seven chakras, the seven colors and the seven tones of the musical scale.
From another perspective this symbol appears as a three dimensional cube. Its energy moves up from two to three dimensions that can be seen and continues up through unseen dimensions all the way to the highest dimension - the dimension of the Higher-Self.
The Tibetan meditation practice that used the Antahkarana took place in a room lit with candles. In the middle of the room was a large earthenware vessel shaped in an oval which symbolized the cosmic egg of the universe. The vessel was filled with several inches of water and in the middle was a stool. On the seat of the stool, inlaid in silver was the Antahkarana symbol. One wall was covered with copper that was polished to a mirror finish. Tapestries which displayed symbols similar to the symbols used in Reiki were hung on the opposite wall. A Tibetan Lama meditator would sit on the stool and gaze steadily at the image of one of the Reiki-like symbols reflected in the polished copper mirror. This yantra meditation would create a single point in the mind of the meditator, uniting the consciousness with the transcendental energies of the symbol reflected on the polished copper while the Antahkarana symbol on the stool would focus the energies generated and cause them to evenly flow through all the chakras and to connect with Earth.
It is clear that the Tibetans did not originate the symbol and there is no written record as to its true origin. However, through clairvoyant perception the symbol was first given to the people of Earth during Lemurian times over 100,000 years ago. Current clairvoyants and mystics say that the Antahkarana was created by a counsel of Ascended Masters who are watching over the evolution of the Galaxy. They also say that the people of Earth were in trouble and needed help in re-establishing their connection with the Higher Self. It is said that the Ascended Masters created the symbol and using a decree, imbued it with its own consciousness. Now anyone who uses it will have the connection between the physical brain and the Higher Self strengthened. It is the Higher Self that creates and guides the benefits of the symbol and that is why it can never be used for harm.
Directions for Use
The Antahkarana is a special symbol that has its own consciousness. It is the image of the printed symbol that creates the effect. It works directly with your aura and chakras and varies its healing effect depending on what you need at the time of use. Since it is directed by the Higher Self, it always has a beneficial effect and can never be misused or used to cause harm. The symbols can be placed under a massage table, or under the bottom of a chair or you could sit on them. They can also be placed on the wall or they can be held against your body with the print facing the area that needs healing.
Use in Meditation
You can meditate directly on the Antahkarana by gazing steadily at it with your eyes relaxed, gently brushing away any thoughts that may come up. With continued practice the image may begin to shift and change or to fade in and out, or it may disappear completely. This is good because it indicates you have entered a deeper level of meditation and are receiving greater benefit. Do not allow this to disturb you. Continue your steady relaxed gaze. You may even begin to see pictures in front of the image that are very pleasant and relaxing. A single meditation with the symbol will be beneficial during times of stress; however, regular use is best. Setting aside 10 to 30 minutes each day for meditation on the Antahkarana works well. The value you receive will develop along with your mental clarity and a sense of peace and security will stay with you throughout the day.
Uses of Each Symbol
There are several variations of the symbol. The large single symbol is more female and creates its healing in a gentle way healing the female energies of both men and women. The female symbol is more compassionate energy as well. The smaller single symbol is more male and has more assertive and direct energy. This symbol will focus and penetrate and will heal the male energy of both men and women. Use your intuition in deciding which one to use.
The Cosmic Cross is made of seven symbols crossing each other. This represents the seven major chakras. This symbol will purify your energy and can be used to open the heart. The square multiple symbols, made of sixteen male or female symbols, will break up blocked and congested energy, and get stuck energy moving. This symbol can also scatter your energy so it is recommended that you follow its use with the single male symbol to create centering and grounding. Use your intuition to determine if the female or male Cosmic Cross is needed.
The Antahkarana symbols lend themselves easily to experimentation so allow yourself to be guided to new uses. Some people have silk screened them onto t-shirts; others have placed a small wallet sized image in their shoes (to help them run faster and jump higher). You can also tape a wallet sized image - using surgical tape over a chakra or over an area that is weak or in need of healing and it will immediately strengthen the area.
A Meditation using the Antahkarana Symbol: The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation
Place the Antahkarana symbol under the feet when doing this meditation. It is a modified form of the Taoist Microcosmic Orbit meditation. The microcosmic orbit is the circular pathway of energetic flow in the body, also known as the ‘Circulation of the Light’. The energetic points can be equated to the major chakras and this meditation is designed to open and clear the chakras, creating a clear pathway for higher frequency energies as they are brought into your system.
It will allow these higher energies to be fully assimilated and prevent problems caused by too much energy in the head or other parts of the body. It will also purify and/or release from your system any negative energy you may have released that were stored within yourself or that you may have attracted. By circulating your energy, lower vibratory energy is released from the chakras and may even be transformed as it passes through them. This happens automatically as you circulate it.
The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation
1. Hold your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Picture the Antahkarana symbol at the Sacral (navel) Chakra and hold your attention there for about 30 seconds to several minutes. Next, move down to the Root Chakra and do the same. Next, proceed down, around and up to the backside of the body to the Root Chakra and do the same. Do this for each chakra point along the spine to the top of the head then down the front of the body on each chakra point ending at the Sacral Chakra. This technique will open and clear each chakra. The energy running through each chakra point and back to the starting point is considered an energy circuit.
2. After opening and clearing the chakras, visualize running white light around this circuit for several minutes or up to half an hour.
The circuit always begins at the Sacral Chakra and then travels down the front and up the spine as this is the natural flow of energy throughout the circuit. The emphasis is on the dynamic flow and circulation of chi energy, so in this meditation the chakras themselves are not of major importance and are considered only energy points within the overall microcosmic orbit. For your convenience, the various Antahkarana symbols are provided in this article. They are very powerful so be aware of their potential when performing healing work on yourself and others.
The Antahkarana Symbols
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Consciousness Evolution through Leafy Examples
By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, CBT, RMT
February 15, 2012 (original post: September 1, 2010)
Being such diverse and individual creatures on this beautiful planet, can we truly become one, along with Mother Earth, so we all can evolve? This will depend on choices made by the individuals still holding on to the idea that they are individuals at all levels of body, mind, and soul. A good place to begin seeing that unification is possible is by observing all the diverse foliage on Mother Earth.
As we look around and observe the various flowers, plants, and other vegetation, we see that there are many different species, all requiring different needs for them to survive on Mother Earth. This is identical to our human species… very diverse and requiring different needs to survive on Mother Earth. The various plant species are very expressive in their own way. Some express in color, others through smell, and others through shape and size. Our species, again, is identical in that we express ourselves in a multitude of ways, i.e., art, culture, foods, religion, etc. We can go on and on with the similarities but the point is that our plant friends appear to be identical in expression of life as the human species except for one very important difference… EGO!
In the plant kingdom, although knowing that they are individuals physically, plants know that without an energetic and spiritual connection to Mother Earth, the provider of their home and life sustenance, they will not survive and evolve along with Her. Contributing to the whole global consciousness, along with respecting and following the ways of Mother Earth, assists the plant kingdom to move forward in their journey of life with Mother Earth. Within this dance between the plant world and Mother Earth there is no ego involved to influence the plants to the idea that it is an individual and that it doesn’t need to contribute to the global consciousness. A reason why the ego does not influence the plant kingdom as much as it does the human species is that it’s possible that plants came into this universe as a group consciousness at a level different from the human species. This does not mean that the plants are higher or lower in consciousness evolutionary scale then we are. It just means that they have a different life contract then the human species.
We, on the other hand, came into this world as individual consciousnesses, in which we allow the ego to influence us much more easily because it’s only one consciousness as opposed to many consciousnesses working as one. As we allow the ego to influence us into thinking that we don’t need to be connected to Mother Earth and contribute to the global consciousness we further ourselves from Her and in the process move away from other living beings, including the human species, as well. This action sets into motion dis-ease between the human soul, the physical body, and Mother Earth. Evidence of this is seen in the increase of prescribed medications for emotional conditions and physical ailments. We don’t see this kind of dis-ease among the plant kingdom or the native people of the world who live in harmony with Mother Earth. The only time we see dis-ease in the plant kingdom and in the native people is when Mother Earth is going through her life changes and/or when those influenced by the ego create a climatic situation that causes Mother Earth to go into distress (ego + greed = BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico = climate change).
So here is what we know so far. The ego appears to influence individual consciousnesses much more easily then a group consciousness based on the life contract of the consciousness. It also appears that the human species remains connected to Mother Earth and can be a contributor to the global consciousness when ego is not involved with the day-to-day activities of the individual human consciousness. Finally (this will somewhat put the ego at ease), although we are physical individuals with many expressions identical to our plant family, we are all one in Spirit through our physical and energetic connection to Mother Earth.
However much influence the ego places on the human species to think that we do not need to be connected to Mother Earth, the connection with Her will always remain. The difference between us and the plant kingdom is that some of us choose not to contribute to the global consciousness, which then creates dis-ease between the human soul, the physical body, and Mother Earth. We can still be individuals physically in our expression of life. But when we do not contribute to the global consciousness and remain in harmony with Mother Earth, we become disconnected from Mother Earth and become asleep to Her needs. These actions also lead to chaos and dis-ease to those asleep as well, which creates dis-harmony with Mother Earth and her life journey. Our future as a human species is dependent on us remaining connected and being global consciousness contributors to Mother Earth as She evolves to her next level of expression in body, mind, and soul (Gaia).
After all is said and done, and the battles between ego, our life contract, and our souls have all been but eradicated, take solace in knowing that although we are individual souls physically within this Universe we are all ONE in Spirit eternally within and without this Universe. To be ONE in Spirit with Mother Earth, let’s follow the example of our leafy friends. Their example will and shall be our salvation.
Blessings and Peace Profound.
February 15, 2012 (original post: September 1, 2010)
Being such diverse and individual creatures on this beautiful planet, can we truly become one, along with Mother Earth, so we all can evolve? This will depend on choices made by the individuals still holding on to the idea that they are individuals at all levels of body, mind, and soul. A good place to begin seeing that unification is possible is by observing all the diverse foliage on Mother Earth.
As we look around and observe the various flowers, plants, and other vegetation, we see that there are many different species, all requiring different needs for them to survive on Mother Earth. This is identical to our human species… very diverse and requiring different needs to survive on Mother Earth. The various plant species are very expressive in their own way. Some express in color, others through smell, and others through shape and size. Our species, again, is identical in that we express ourselves in a multitude of ways, i.e., art, culture, foods, religion, etc. We can go on and on with the similarities but the point is that our plant friends appear to be identical in expression of life as the human species except for one very important difference… EGO!
In the plant kingdom, although knowing that they are individuals physically, plants know that without an energetic and spiritual connection to Mother Earth, the provider of their home and life sustenance, they will not survive and evolve along with Her. Contributing to the whole global consciousness, along with respecting and following the ways of Mother Earth, assists the plant kingdom to move forward in their journey of life with Mother Earth. Within this dance between the plant world and Mother Earth there is no ego involved to influence the plants to the idea that it is an individual and that it doesn’t need to contribute to the global consciousness. A reason why the ego does not influence the plant kingdom as much as it does the human species is that it’s possible that plants came into this universe as a group consciousness at a level different from the human species. This does not mean that the plants are higher or lower in consciousness evolutionary scale then we are. It just means that they have a different life contract then the human species.
We, on the other hand, came into this world as individual consciousnesses, in which we allow the ego to influence us much more easily because it’s only one consciousness as opposed to many consciousnesses working as one. As we allow the ego to influence us into thinking that we don’t need to be connected to Mother Earth and contribute to the global consciousness we further ourselves from Her and in the process move away from other living beings, including the human species, as well. This action sets into motion dis-ease between the human soul, the physical body, and Mother Earth. Evidence of this is seen in the increase of prescribed medications for emotional conditions and physical ailments. We don’t see this kind of dis-ease among the plant kingdom or the native people of the world who live in harmony with Mother Earth. The only time we see dis-ease in the plant kingdom and in the native people is when Mother Earth is going through her life changes and/or when those influenced by the ego create a climatic situation that causes Mother Earth to go into distress (ego + greed = BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico = climate change).
So here is what we know so far. The ego appears to influence individual consciousnesses much more easily then a group consciousness based on the life contract of the consciousness. It also appears that the human species remains connected to Mother Earth and can be a contributor to the global consciousness when ego is not involved with the day-to-day activities of the individual human consciousness. Finally (this will somewhat put the ego at ease), although we are physical individuals with many expressions identical to our plant family, we are all one in Spirit through our physical and energetic connection to Mother Earth.
However much influence the ego places on the human species to think that we do not need to be connected to Mother Earth, the connection with Her will always remain. The difference between us and the plant kingdom is that some of us choose not to contribute to the global consciousness, which then creates dis-ease between the human soul, the physical body, and Mother Earth. We can still be individuals physically in our expression of life. But when we do not contribute to the global consciousness and remain in harmony with Mother Earth, we become disconnected from Mother Earth and become asleep to Her needs. These actions also lead to chaos and dis-ease to those asleep as well, which creates dis-harmony with Mother Earth and her life journey. Our future as a human species is dependent on us remaining connected and being global consciousness contributors to Mother Earth as She evolves to her next level of expression in body, mind, and soul (Gaia).
After all is said and done, and the battles between ego, our life contract, and our souls have all been but eradicated, take solace in knowing that although we are individual souls physically within this Universe we are all ONE in Spirit eternally within and without this Universe. To be ONE in Spirit with Mother Earth, let’s follow the example of our leafy friends. Their example will and shall be our salvation.
Blessings and Peace Profound.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Letter to Mother Earth - Hearing the Call
As I laid in bed wondering why I was feeling so lost and confused I was shown what our beloved Mother Earth has seen and what She is preparing for in the coming future. Waves of sorrow, remorse, and a feeling of embarrassment swept through me as I realized I had not heard the call to fulfill my agreement with Mother Earth. This realization prompted me to write a heartfelt letter to Mother Earth asking for Her forgiveness. Without her we are no better then the selfish thoughts being brought forth into this reality. I love you all and I hope from the deepest part of my soul that you all hear Mother Earth's call and love yourselves and Mother Earth as well. Blessings to all of you my fellow Earth Tribesmen.
Mother Earth,
I ask for your forgiveness for I have been asleep for many lifetimes. When I should have been feeling your pain and listening for your call I was only thinking of myself not realizing the agony you were going through. Many times you have touched my life during times of need only to be rejected because of my selfishness. As time moved on you heard your call and whispered to me your desire to join you. But again, instead of going through your pain and being there for you, I selfishly turned away and only focused on my needs and desires completely oblivious of your needs. For this I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness.
Now, at the event horizon to a new dawn, I stand here before you asking to guide me to what you need the most. I feel your pain now as you prepare to move into your new life. As I cry tears of joy and pain realizing what I have done and now knowing what I am to do, I anxiously await your call to be of service to you and anyone else serving you. My purpose now is to walk with you and bring comfort to you as you have provided for me now and in the past. I am here for you. Ask what you need of me and I shall do everything in my power to fulfill your needs. I am your humble servant and I shall always heed your call from this day forward. I, along with my fellow Earth Tribesmen, shall always be at your side. WE SHALL NOT FORSAKE YOU AGAIN. Love Reign Forever.
Your Humble Servant,
Mother Earth,
I ask for your forgiveness for I have been asleep for many lifetimes. When I should have been feeling your pain and listening for your call I was only thinking of myself not realizing the agony you were going through. Many times you have touched my life during times of need only to be rejected because of my selfishness. As time moved on you heard your call and whispered to me your desire to join you. But again, instead of going through your pain and being there for you, I selfishly turned away and only focused on my needs and desires completely oblivious of your needs. For this I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness.
Now, at the event horizon to a new dawn, I stand here before you asking to guide me to what you need the most. I feel your pain now as you prepare to move into your new life. As I cry tears of joy and pain realizing what I have done and now knowing what I am to do, I anxiously await your call to be of service to you and anyone else serving you. My purpose now is to walk with you and bring comfort to you as you have provided for me now and in the past. I am here for you. Ask what you need of me and I shall do everything in my power to fulfill your needs. I am your humble servant and I shall always heed your call from this day forward. I, along with my fellow Earth Tribesmen, shall always be at your side. WE SHALL NOT FORSAKE YOU AGAIN. Love Reign Forever.
Your Humble Servant,
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Power of Me: Making a Commitment to Yourself
By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, CBT, RMT
July 20, 2010
How many times have we started a new venture only to be told by those we see as credible people that, "It can't be done. You don't have enough experience..." or "You don't have the education to do that." There are also times that even our loved ones give us the "Look" that tells us we shouldn't even think of a new venture because it may steer us from our intended goal. But who's goal is it really? Can it be that the goal we' ve been striving for is really not ours but theirs? Can it also be that when friends, loved ones, even our business partners, tell us to not follow a chosen path, or act on an idea, because it will not work and it may hurt the business, they are really trying to say, "Don't do it because I don't want to be outdone by you and feel stupid."? Enough is enough!!
We have the power to do whatever we choose to do. If we want to climb Mt. Everest than so be it. If we want to help heal the world then do it. If we want to venture into a new business then start the journey. No one should ever feel that they are beneath anyone. Whether this feeling is imposed upon you intentionally or not, we all need to feel free to speak our mind with the confidence that the other person will not take it personal. If they do then the issue is them and not you. You're only speaking your mind and your feelings. Just keep in mind that when you speak your mind your intention is to convey your feelings and not to hurt the feelings of the other person. Now, how do we begin to use our power in our life to begin our journey... do some soul searching on what you really want in life and make a commitment to yourself to do what you have chosen.
When you make a commitment to yourself you really are giving yourself permission to do what you have chosen to do. This begins to open the doors of manifestation to bring to fruition the ideas and plans you have created for yourself. What you focus on determines your reality in life. If you choose to be successful in what you love to do then that is what will occur in time. If you choose to believe others that you are a failure then life will provide you with scenarios to prove your thoughts. No one has the power or the right to tell you what to believe, to feel, or to do in your life. It's your life!! You are the captain of your journey. Why would you want to let someone else steer your ship to a destination that you don't want to go to. Those that are on the path of light will be approached by many who are not of the light. They do not want you to succeed because this would mean that they no longer control you, which also means that they do not have any power over you.
You are a beautiful soul with the potential to create miracles for yourself and for others that are truly in need. Don't give your power away to someone who is only going to use it for their own benefit of greed, control, hate, etc. Once you take back your power then the miracles will begin for you. Make the commitment to take back your power and destiny and become the future you deserve to have. No one is your boss but yourself. Be the change that you already are.
July 20, 2010
How many times have we started a new venture only to be told by those we see as credible people that, "It can't be done. You don't have enough experience..." or "You don't have the education to do that." There are also times that even our loved ones give us the "Look" that tells us we shouldn't even think of a new venture because it may steer us from our intended goal. But who's goal is it really? Can it be that the goal we' ve been striving for is really not ours but theirs? Can it also be that when friends, loved ones, even our business partners, tell us to not follow a chosen path, or act on an idea, because it will not work and it may hurt the business, they are really trying to say, "Don't do it because I don't want to be outdone by you and feel stupid."? Enough is enough!!
We have the power to do whatever we choose to do. If we want to climb Mt. Everest than so be it. If we want to help heal the world then do it. If we want to venture into a new business then start the journey. No one should ever feel that they are beneath anyone. Whether this feeling is imposed upon you intentionally or not, we all need to feel free to speak our mind with the confidence that the other person will not take it personal. If they do then the issue is them and not you. You're only speaking your mind and your feelings. Just keep in mind that when you speak your mind your intention is to convey your feelings and not to hurt the feelings of the other person. Now, how do we begin to use our power in our life to begin our journey... do some soul searching on what you really want in life and make a commitment to yourself to do what you have chosen.
When you make a commitment to yourself you really are giving yourself permission to do what you have chosen to do. This begins to open the doors of manifestation to bring to fruition the ideas and plans you have created for yourself. What you focus on determines your reality in life. If you choose to be successful in what you love to do then that is what will occur in time. If you choose to believe others that you are a failure then life will provide you with scenarios to prove your thoughts. No one has the power or the right to tell you what to believe, to feel, or to do in your life. It's your life!! You are the captain of your journey. Why would you want to let someone else steer your ship to a destination that you don't want to go to. Those that are on the path of light will be approached by many who are not of the light. They do not want you to succeed because this would mean that they no longer control you, which also means that they do not have any power over you.
You are a beautiful soul with the potential to create miracles for yourself and for others that are truly in need. Don't give your power away to someone who is only going to use it for their own benefit of greed, control, hate, etc. Once you take back your power then the miracles will begin for you. Make the commitment to take back your power and destiny and become the future you deserve to have. No one is your boss but yourself. Be the change that you already are.
Monday, July 19, 2010
RSA Animate - The Secret Powers of Time
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Doorway Out of Ego, Part 3: The Fear of Loss
By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CH.t, CBT, RMT
July 13, 2010
July 13, 2010
In part 2 of the Doorway Out of Ego: The Ego and the Illusionary Universe, we found out that, “… the physical body, like the Universe, was created within the Universal Mind with the soul’s own energy. Also, since both the body and the Universe were created within the Universal Mind, they are both illusions. To place importance in the body creates a false ground in the illusionary Universe. To break this bond from the body the soul must “remember” where its true ground is…The point of origin within Universal Consciousness.”
In “Earth Avatars,” we also found out that, “…Since we co-created the current state of our world then we must take responsibility for its condition and take action to co-create a different outcome where love and light reign. It begins with US! Our focus determines our reality.”
Now with this information available to us, we are able to begin to address the one thing that holds us back from reaching our true potential and, more importantly, hindering us from fulfilling our soul goal and evolving to our next level of consciousness… FEAR!
Since the beginning of our Universe, fear has been a tool used by the ego very extensively. During our early development stages, fear served us well by protecting us from things that could have hurt or killed us. Fear, or better yet, fear of loss (FOL), always played it safe. I guess you can call FOL the ultimate conservative (smiling).
As time progressed, we as a people, more so than other creatures and Mother Earth, began to be hindered by FOL when it came time to evolve to our next level. It became more and more difficult to learn and grow from our experiences because we would allow FOL to keep us safe. We as a people felt very comfortable in our own worlds. We knew exactly what was to occur at any given moment. The drawback to this is that when opportunity came knocking at our doors we closed the windows, closed the shutters, and pretended that no one was home. Eventually, we answered the door and realized that there was a new view on life, which helped us move to the next level of evolution. Every time we answered our evolutionary door we came closer to fulfilling our soul goal. We’re now at a point in time to move again into possibly our final level of consciousness evolution and the ego knows this.
The ego has become very strong within this Universe. It’s become very strong because through FOL we have been feeding it. The ego knows our souls’ agreed upon time line. It knows that its time is short. The ego uses the energy we give it to re-create the Universe how it sees fit so it came better manipulate us into FOL. When we fall into FOL we then willingly give our energy (free will) over to the ego, which then will continue with its own version of the Universe.
In “The Doorway Out of Ego, Part 1,” we discovered that, “Our ego (left brain) is always trying to pull us away from what is needed to be seen, heard, and done because it fears any form of change.” So what we begin to see here is that the ego is at the mercy of its own attempt of controlling itself and those it has influence over. By the ego using FOL we allow the ego to influence and drag us down along with it.
As Earth Avatars-Ambassadors of Gaia, we have a responsibility to not only help ourselves reach our soul goals but to help others to attain their soul goals as well, as long as it does not hinder their life lessons. When we allow ourselves to be influenced by the ego through FOL we will not be able to attain our soul goals and be true Ambassadors of Gaia. To fulfill our soul goals we must declare to the world, and to the Universe, in one resounding unified voice that we are Earth Avatars-Ambassadors of Gaia and that we commit ourselves to “NO FEAR.” By making this declaration we will be exercising our free will and begin to reclaim our power.
The ego has no control over our free will because free will is a gift given to each individual soul from outside of this Universe. Anything from outside of this Universe can not be influenced by the ego. Anything created within this Universe can be influenced by the ego. The reason for this is that the ego is a product of the Universe. Our souls, as well as our free will, are products outside of the Universe (Universal Consciousness, God, etc.).
We agreed to have this physical experience as a global consciousness. Let’s own up to the state our world is in. Create the world as it should be according to our agreed upon soul contract. Let’s take the final steps to our final level of evolution. Make the declaration to the world and the Universe. Be free of the ego. Be the master of your ego and not it of you. Be true Ambassadors of Gaia. Be Earth Avatars.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Doorway Out of Ego, Part 2: The Ego and the Illusionary Universe
By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, CBT, RMT
Originally written: March 7, 2008
The soul cannot create its physical body outside of the Universe because for a physical body to function WITHIN a Universe, and abide by the laws created for that Universe, the soul needs the resources that exist in that Universe to build the body. Just like building a house in the middle of the Antarctic using ice and snow instead of straw and wood. If you build a straw house in the Antarctic, you will soon have a mushy house.
(Note: Any thoughts created by the Universal Mind within itself, i.e., planets, galaxies, the Universe, etc., are in of itself an illusion. All things created outside of an illusion are real. This means that the soul that comes from Universal Consciousness is not an illusion but very REAL because Universal Consciousness is outside of the Universal Mind and the soul was created by Universal Consciousness!)
Once the soul incarnates into a physical body it begins to become fragmented and lose awareness of Self due to the lower vibration within the body. When this occurs the ego steps in to deceive this fragmentation (soul) into feeling fear through the use of abandonment. At this point, because of the fear, the soul is convinced to give its power to the ego for “safe keeping.” Very much like what a bank does when we give it our money. Also similar here is that although we are able to withdraw money from the bank a portion of the interest earned is kept by the bank. The ego works very similarly. The ego will “withdraw” ever so slightly from the soul’s “interest” so the soul does not notice.
Once the ego attains the soul’s energy, it will create scenarios within the Universe to continue to manipulate the soul in giving its energy to the ego. The entire time this is occurring the soul is given the illusion of safety and love from the ego.
When the soul begins to realize what is occurring, and begins to take back its energy (bank withdrawals) the ego will create a situation to instill more fear into the soul. This will then cause the soul to fall back into a more comfortable pattern, which is to the benefit of the ego. Through energy given to it by the soul, the ego is able to continue creating numerous thought forms (planets, galaxies, other dimensions, universes, etc.), scenarios, and fear within the Universal Mind to manipulate the soul and to maintain the ego’s energy consumption.
When we realize that our Universe is an illusion, created by the ego with our own energy we freely gave to it, we can begin to “withdraw” our energy from the Universe, thus draining the ego’s ability to control the soul. When we begin to reclaim our energy the ego will begin to use any means possible to prevent the soul from reclaiming its energy. Eventually, when enough souls within the Universal Mind have reclaimed their energy, the ego will disappear, along with this illusionary Universe, and the soul will in a sense “wake up” and realize that there is only one Universal Mind, with many thoughts, within Universal Consciousness. At this point, the soul can choose to return to Universal Consciousness to co-create or to return to the illusionary Universe to continue experiencing physical life in another body.
Reclaiming the soul’s energy will involve connecting with all of nature, and the Universe, and focus this energy into our hearts to reawaken our “awareness.” This process will begin to cause a chain reaction within this illusionary Universe that will push us to separate from the ego and the Universe. Once separated, the soul realizes that its source of energy is determined by its ability to remain grounded to its point of origin, which exists outside of the illusionary Universe and Universal Mind but resides within the Universal Consciousness.
In the past, for those souls beginning to “wake up,” the ego would deceive the soul into grounding itself into this illusionary Universe. When this occurred we would unconsciously deposit our energy back into the ego’s “bank,” thus providing it an endless amount of energy. The act of “remembering” the soul’s true ground, which exists within Universal Consciousness, begins the process of disconnecting from this illusion and reconnecting (awakening) to Universal Consciousness. Once fully awake from the dream, the soul becomes fully “aware” of its oneness with the Universal Consciousness. The illusionary Universe will begin to slowly cease to exist, and the ego will forever disappear.
Free will is a product (gift) given to the soul by Universal Consciousness. This free will can not be infringed upon by the Universal Mind but can be influenced by the ego as long as the soul remains within the Universe. Outside of the illusionary Universe, and outside of the Universal Mind, the ego has no power so it can not deceive the soul into thinking that it needs to give its energy to the ego. So it’s imperative that the ego continues to deceive the soul into remaining in the Universe so it can continue to exist. Remember, the soul was created by Universal Consciousness, which is outside of the Universal Mind and the Universe, so the ego has no influence over the soul outside of the Universe.
To recap, the ego will use many forms of deception to deceive the soul. One of them is the need to place importance on having a physical body to exist. But keep in mind that the physical body, like the Universe, was created within the Universal Mind with the soul’s own energy. Also, since both the body and the Universe were created within the Universal Mind, they are both illusions. To place importance in the body creates a false ground in the illusionary Universe. To break this bond from the body the soul must “remember” where its true ground is…The point of origin within Universal Consciousness.
To be continued…
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Doorway Out of Ego, Part 1
By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra
Originally written on October 26, 2006
The final doorway we must walk through before reaching full realization is the doorway that leads us out of our ego. Once through the doorway we enter a void that holds the raw material for all possibilities and potentials. Here is where it all begins and ends. The identification of “I” and “me” dissolves and what takes its place is a feeling of just being.
All worry, fear, anxiety, and anything else that exists in the physical world is non-existent in this void. We come to realize and understand that we are a part of something much larger within this void. The more time we stay within this void the more we know that we are not within the void but the void is within us. It is the point of all creation. From this point what is created expands out into the universe. Once an idea, potential, etc. is created and placed into the universe, it runs its course, not mentioning free will, until it is exhausted. Once exhausted, what’s left of that idea, potential, etc. is then returned to the void as raw material to be used again.
The ego keeps us in a state of fear purposely to keep us out of this void because it feels that it will lose its identity once we enter this void. The ego also knows that once we enter the void we can re-create ourselves into our highest potential, which means we will have no need for the ego.
Walking through the doorway also holds the ability to heal all aspects of ourselves and our family tree for past, present, and possible future. Any and all diseases can be removed out of existence in the void. Once all imbalances are removed we then can re-create ourselves into a healthy state to where we can pursue our highest goals in service to others.
The doorway of ego can be looked upon as an exit out of space and time from our universe and into the void of creation. How can this be? Our limited science can only show us the visible universe we live in but is not able to see the edge of it. But going on the idea that the universe is a reflection of itself (as it is above so below) we assume that the universe is a sphere like our world because in nature the sphere is the most perfect, and duplicated, object, i.e. Earth, Mars, the Sun, etc. We continually see evidence of this reflection around us. We only need to take the time to see. For example, the Earth can be considered to be holding an entire universe within it. This means that for every planet in our universe contains an entire universe within it. How large is our universe? Only time will tell when we’ll have the technology to answer this question. The real question here is how do we open the doorway into the void so we can begin re-creating not just our lives but our universe as well? To begin opening the doorway we first must clean our body temple of any and all issues that exist in the mind and body.
For the mind, this can be any issue that clutters it, which causes some form of distress. This clutter slows our ability to listen to our inner voice because the clutter distracts us with unnecessary busy work. The act of forgiving ourselves for any transgressions we feel we’re responsible for, whether in the far past or just recently, is an important method to releasing the clutter that might exist within our minds. Other forms of clutter that develop from not forgiving ourselves might manifest in several ways. Some of these are worrying about paying a bill that has not been created and sent to you, work projects that begin two months from the day they were scheduled, to any other issues (clutter) that we don’t have control over. Once the mind clutter is addressed then we need to cleanse our physical body.
Cleansing the body of toxins can be accomplished through numerous body cleanses available that assist the body in removing toxins that inhibit the body’s ability to function at optimal levels. These cleanses vary from juice, to vegetable, to lemonade, to homeopathic cleanses. Once the body cleanse is complete we then begin the process of quieting the ego.
Our ego (left brain) is always trying to pull us away from what is needed to be seen, heard, and done because it fears any form of change. One method of quieting the ego is by talking to it and convincing it that changes are a part of life, is beneficial to it, and things will be alright when this change occurs. If this doesn’t work then a more forceful but compassionate voice will need to be used to get it to quiet down. Other methods to help in quieting the ego vary but a few of them involve physical and mental exercises, i.e., Tai Chi, yoga, and meditation. The ego is like a child so it knows only what a child knows and sees through its own perspective. Once the ego is quiet we must then listen to our inner voice.
This voice is our guidance that will assist us in opening the doorway and what to do once we open this door. Whenever we begin to stray from our set intent our inner voice begins to gently speak to us to let us know that we need to return to our intended path. Straying from our inner voice’s guidance will send us back to a fear state and we fall back to where we started. The last step in this process is actually walking through the doorway.
One good method of starting the process of walking through the doorway is through the stimulation of the bodily senses. The stimulation of the senses assists in further quieting the left brain (ego) and helps us in letting go of our physical and mental issues. Doing so also allows us to better listen to our inner voice as well. What form of stimulation is required is dependent on the individual. If you’re drawn to aromatherapy (smell) than that is the best method for you. Same goes for music (sound), touch (massage), etc. Once through the doorway what should we expect from the void?
To be continued…
Originally written on October 26, 2006
The final doorway we must walk through before reaching full realization is the doorway that leads us out of our ego. Once through the doorway we enter a void that holds the raw material for all possibilities and potentials. Here is where it all begins and ends. The identification of “I” and “me” dissolves and what takes its place is a feeling of just being.
All worry, fear, anxiety, and anything else that exists in the physical world is non-existent in this void. We come to realize and understand that we are a part of something much larger within this void. The more time we stay within this void the more we know that we are not within the void but the void is within us. It is the point of all creation. From this point what is created expands out into the universe. Once an idea, potential, etc. is created and placed into the universe, it runs its course, not mentioning free will, until it is exhausted. Once exhausted, what’s left of that idea, potential, etc. is then returned to the void as raw material to be used again.
The ego keeps us in a state of fear purposely to keep us out of this void because it feels that it will lose its identity once we enter this void. The ego also knows that once we enter the void we can re-create ourselves into our highest potential, which means we will have no need for the ego.
Walking through the doorway also holds the ability to heal all aspects of ourselves and our family tree for past, present, and possible future. Any and all diseases can be removed out of existence in the void. Once all imbalances are removed we then can re-create ourselves into a healthy state to where we can pursue our highest goals in service to others.
The doorway of ego can be looked upon as an exit out of space and time from our universe and into the void of creation. How can this be? Our limited science can only show us the visible universe we live in but is not able to see the edge of it. But going on the idea that the universe is a reflection of itself (as it is above so below) we assume that the universe is a sphere like our world because in nature the sphere is the most perfect, and duplicated, object, i.e. Earth, Mars, the Sun, etc. We continually see evidence of this reflection around us. We only need to take the time to see. For example, the Earth can be considered to be holding an entire universe within it. This means that for every planet in our universe contains an entire universe within it. How large is our universe? Only time will tell when we’ll have the technology to answer this question. The real question here is how do we open the doorway into the void so we can begin re-creating not just our lives but our universe as well? To begin opening the doorway we first must clean our body temple of any and all issues that exist in the mind and body.
For the mind, this can be any issue that clutters it, which causes some form of distress. This clutter slows our ability to listen to our inner voice because the clutter distracts us with unnecessary busy work. The act of forgiving ourselves for any transgressions we feel we’re responsible for, whether in the far past or just recently, is an important method to releasing the clutter that might exist within our minds. Other forms of clutter that develop from not forgiving ourselves might manifest in several ways. Some of these are worrying about paying a bill that has not been created and sent to you, work projects that begin two months from the day they were scheduled, to any other issues (clutter) that we don’t have control over. Once the mind clutter is addressed then we need to cleanse our physical body.
Cleansing the body of toxins can be accomplished through numerous body cleanses available that assist the body in removing toxins that inhibit the body’s ability to function at optimal levels. These cleanses vary from juice, to vegetable, to lemonade, to homeopathic cleanses. Once the body cleanse is complete we then begin the process of quieting the ego.
Our ego (left brain) is always trying to pull us away from what is needed to be seen, heard, and done because it fears any form of change. One method of quieting the ego is by talking to it and convincing it that changes are a part of life, is beneficial to it, and things will be alright when this change occurs. If this doesn’t work then a more forceful but compassionate voice will need to be used to get it to quiet down. Other methods to help in quieting the ego vary but a few of them involve physical and mental exercises, i.e., Tai Chi, yoga, and meditation. The ego is like a child so it knows only what a child knows and sees through its own perspective. Once the ego is quiet we must then listen to our inner voice.
This voice is our guidance that will assist us in opening the doorway and what to do once we open this door. Whenever we begin to stray from our set intent our inner voice begins to gently speak to us to let us know that we need to return to our intended path. Straying from our inner voice’s guidance will send us back to a fear state and we fall back to where we started. The last step in this process is actually walking through the doorway.
One good method of starting the process of walking through the doorway is through the stimulation of the bodily senses. The stimulation of the senses assists in further quieting the left brain (ego) and helps us in letting go of our physical and mental issues. Doing so also allows us to better listen to our inner voice as well. What form of stimulation is required is dependent on the individual. If you’re drawn to aromatherapy (smell) than that is the best method for you. Same goes for music (sound), touch (massage), etc. Once through the doorway what should we expect from the void?
To be continued…
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Sri Yantra Mandala
Yantras come from the more than 2000 years old tantric tradition. A yantra is the yogic equivalent of the Buddhist mandala.
A yantra is a visual mantra (a verbal repitition – usually a positive affirmation). It is a symbol or icon – particulary of a goddess (devi) in geometric form.
A Mandala literally means a circle, and is viewed as sacred, normally allowing the observer to settle into a higher or hightened state of awareness. This works very well with our mission with the Virtual Sacred Circle Project. We are a virtual sacred mandala.
Given this, a yantra mandala may be considered to be a geometric embodiment of a Hindu deity enveloped in a sacred circle. Such an embodiment is said to arouse our awareness and point our concentration to the attributes of whichever deity represented in the yantra. Sri yantra is called the mother of all yantras because all other yantras derive from it.
The Sri Yantra Mandala is a configuration of nine interlacing triangles centred around the bindu (the central point of the yantra), drawn by the super imposition of five downward pointing triangles, representing Shakti ; the female principle and four upright triangles, representing Shiva ; the male principle.
Man's spiritual journey from the stage of material existence to ultimate enlightenment is mapped on the Sri Yantra Mandala. The spiritual journey is taken as a pilgrimage in which every step is an ascent to the center, a movement beyond one's limited existence, and every level is nearer to the goal.
Each of the circuits of the Sri Yantra, from the outer plane to the bindu (the center), corresponds with one of the stages of the spiritual journey.
The goal of contemplating the Sri Yantra is that the adept can rediscover his primordial sources. The circuits symbolically indicate the successive phases in the process of becoming.
The Sri Yantra is believed to be the image of the OM mantra, which in the Hindu tradition is understood to be the primordial sound of creation. In his book Rhythms of Vision, Lawrence Blair writes that when the OM is correctly intoned into a tonoscope (a device that transforms sound into a visual representation on a screen), it first produces a circle. As the tone is completed, the circle is filled sequentially with concentric squares, triangles and finally, as the last traces of the "mmm" have died away, the Sri Yantra.
Now this blog posting is not meant to promote the Hindu belief system or any other belief system. It was meant to convey the sacredness of circles, the energy they create for healing and manifesting, and how we as a global consciousness can do our part and create a world of peace, love, and harmony through the use of various ancient or modern tools (Sri Yantra Mandala, medicine wheels, internet, etc.).
How to Use the Sri Yantra Mandala
The secret key to using Yantras in meditation is Resonance. The process of Resonance is established by mental focus on the image of the Yantra. As long as the mind is tuned into the specific mood associated to that Yantra, the energy flows, but when the Resonance is stopped, the energy disappears.
Instructions for Sri Yantra Mandala meditation (Can be done with any Yantra):
1. Hang the Sri Yantra mandala on a wall facing North or East, placing the center of the Yantra at the level of your eyes.
2. Adopt your favorite posture or, if you want, sit on a chair maintaining a straight spine.
3. Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, but do not force at all, just let the breath flow normally.
4. Look into the center of the Yantra, trying to blink as rarely as possible; you don't want to look at the particular details of the Yantra, just keep your sight right in the center and observe the whole Yantra at once.
This exercise should last at least 15-30 minutes every day; the experience will be indescribable.
After at least seven days of Sri Yantra Mandala meditation you will be able to tap into the same yantric energy even without a Yantra (at the beginning you may fix your sight on an exterior or imaginary point or evoke the Yantra with your eyes closed)
When executing this technique it is recommended that we maintain a state of aspiration and intense longing for experiencing the beatific energies of the consciousness.
In superior phases the Sri Yantra Mandala absorbs the practitioner's complete attention, and he can no longer tell if the Yantra is within himself or if he is within the Yantra; this is the state of non-duality.
A yantra is a visual mantra (a verbal repitition – usually a positive affirmation). It is a symbol or icon – particulary of a goddess (devi) in geometric form.
A Mandala literally means a circle, and is viewed as sacred, normally allowing the observer to settle into a higher or hightened state of awareness. This works very well with our mission with the Virtual Sacred Circle Project. We are a virtual sacred mandala.
Given this, a yantra mandala may be considered to be a geometric embodiment of a Hindu deity enveloped in a sacred circle. Such an embodiment is said to arouse our awareness and point our concentration to the attributes of whichever deity represented in the yantra. Sri yantra is called the mother of all yantras because all other yantras derive from it.
The Sri Yantra Mandala is a configuration of nine interlacing triangles centred around the bindu (the central point of the yantra), drawn by the super imposition of five downward pointing triangles, representing Shakti ; the female principle and four upright triangles, representing Shiva ; the male principle.
Man's spiritual journey from the stage of material existence to ultimate enlightenment is mapped on the Sri Yantra Mandala. The spiritual journey is taken as a pilgrimage in which every step is an ascent to the center, a movement beyond one's limited existence, and every level is nearer to the goal.
Each of the circuits of the Sri Yantra, from the outer plane to the bindu (the center), corresponds with one of the stages of the spiritual journey.
The goal of contemplating the Sri Yantra is that the adept can rediscover his primordial sources. The circuits symbolically indicate the successive phases in the process of becoming.
The Sri Yantra is believed to be the image of the OM mantra, which in the Hindu tradition is understood to be the primordial sound of creation. In his book Rhythms of Vision, Lawrence Blair writes that when the OM is correctly intoned into a tonoscope (a device that transforms sound into a visual representation on a screen), it first produces a circle. As the tone is completed, the circle is filled sequentially with concentric squares, triangles and finally, as the last traces of the "mmm" have died away, the Sri Yantra.
Now this blog posting is not meant to promote the Hindu belief system or any other belief system. It was meant to convey the sacredness of circles, the energy they create for healing and manifesting, and how we as a global consciousness can do our part and create a world of peace, love, and harmony through the use of various ancient or modern tools (Sri Yantra Mandala, medicine wheels, internet, etc.).
How to Use the Sri Yantra Mandala
The secret key to using Yantras in meditation is Resonance. The process of Resonance is established by mental focus on the image of the Yantra. As long as the mind is tuned into the specific mood associated to that Yantra, the energy flows, but when the Resonance is stopped, the energy disappears.
Instructions for Sri Yantra Mandala meditation (Can be done with any Yantra):
1. Hang the Sri Yantra mandala on a wall facing North or East, placing the center of the Yantra at the level of your eyes.
2. Adopt your favorite posture or, if you want, sit on a chair maintaining a straight spine.
3. Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, but do not force at all, just let the breath flow normally.
4. Look into the center of the Yantra, trying to blink as rarely as possible; you don't want to look at the particular details of the Yantra, just keep your sight right in the center and observe the whole Yantra at once.
This exercise should last at least 15-30 minutes every day; the experience will be indescribable.
After at least seven days of Sri Yantra Mandala meditation you will be able to tap into the same yantric energy even without a Yantra (at the beginning you may fix your sight on an exterior or imaginary point or evoke the Yantra with your eyes closed)
When executing this technique it is recommended that we maintain a state of aspiration and intense longing for experiencing the beatific energies of the consciousness.
In superior phases the Sri Yantra Mandala absorbs the practitioner's complete attention, and he can no longer tell if the Yantra is within himself or if he is within the Yantra; this is the state of non-duality.
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