By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, CBT, RMT
Originally written: March 7, 2008
The soul cannot create its physical body outside of the Universe because for a physical body to function WITHIN a Universe, and abide by the laws created for that Universe, the soul needs the resources that exist in that Universe to build the body. Just like building a house in the middle of the Antarctic using ice and snow instead of straw and wood. If you build a straw house in the Antarctic, you will soon have a mushy house.
(Note: Any thoughts created by the Universal Mind within itself, i.e., planets, galaxies, the Universe, etc., are in of itself an illusion. All things created outside of an illusion are real. This means that the soul that comes from Universal Consciousness is not an illusion but very REAL because Universal Consciousness is outside of the Universal Mind and the soul was created by Universal Consciousness!)
Once the soul incarnates into a physical body it begins to become fragmented and lose awareness of Self due to the lower vibration within the body. When this occurs the ego steps in to deceive this fragmentation (soul) into feeling fear through the use of abandonment. At this point, because of the fear, the soul is convinced to give its power to the ego for “safe keeping.” Very much like what a bank does when we give it our money. Also similar here is that although we are able to withdraw money from the bank a portion of the interest earned is kept by the bank. The ego works very similarly. The ego will “withdraw” ever so slightly from the soul’s “interest” so the soul does not notice.
Once the ego attains the soul’s energy, it will create scenarios within the Universe to continue to manipulate the soul in giving its energy to the ego. The entire time this is occurring the soul is given the illusion of safety and love from the ego.
When the soul begins to realize what is occurring, and begins to take back its energy (bank withdrawals) the ego will create a situation to instill more fear into the soul. This will then cause the soul to fall back into a more comfortable pattern, which is to the benefit of the ego. Through energy given to it by the soul, the ego is able to continue creating numerous thought forms (planets, galaxies, other dimensions, universes, etc.), scenarios, and fear within the Universal Mind to manipulate the soul and to maintain the ego’s energy consumption.
When we realize that our Universe is an illusion, created by the ego with our own energy we freely gave to it, we can begin to “withdraw” our energy from the Universe, thus draining the ego’s ability to control the soul. When we begin to reclaim our energy the ego will begin to use any means possible to prevent the soul from reclaiming its energy. Eventually, when enough souls within the Universal Mind have reclaimed their energy, the ego will disappear, along with this illusionary Universe, and the soul will in a sense “wake up” and realize that there is only one Universal Mind, with many thoughts, within Universal Consciousness. At this point, the soul can choose to return to Universal Consciousness to co-create or to return to the illusionary Universe to continue experiencing physical life in another body.
Reclaiming the soul’s energy will involve connecting with all of nature, and the Universe, and focus this energy into our hearts to reawaken our “awareness.” This process will begin to cause a chain reaction within this illusionary Universe that will push us to separate from the ego and the Universe. Once separated, the soul realizes that its source of energy is determined by its ability to remain grounded to its point of origin, which exists outside of the illusionary Universe and Universal Mind but resides within the Universal Consciousness.
In the past, for those souls beginning to “wake up,” the ego would deceive the soul into grounding itself into this illusionary Universe. When this occurred we would unconsciously deposit our energy back into the ego’s “bank,” thus providing it an endless amount of energy. The act of “remembering” the soul’s true ground, which exists within Universal Consciousness, begins the process of disconnecting from this illusion and reconnecting (awakening) to Universal Consciousness. Once fully awake from the dream, the soul becomes fully “aware” of its oneness with the Universal Consciousness. The illusionary Universe will begin to slowly cease to exist, and the ego will forever disappear.
Free will is a product (gift) given to the soul by Universal Consciousness. This free will can not be infringed upon by the Universal Mind but can be influenced by the ego as long as the soul remains within the Universe. Outside of the illusionary Universe, and outside of the Universal Mind, the ego has no power so it can not deceive the soul into thinking that it needs to give its energy to the ego. So it’s imperative that the ego continues to deceive the soul into remaining in the Universe so it can continue to exist. Remember, the soul was created by Universal Consciousness, which is outside of the Universal Mind and the Universe, so the ego has no influence over the soul outside of the Universe.
To recap, the ego will use many forms of deception to deceive the soul. One of them is the need to place importance on having a physical body to exist. But keep in mind that the physical body, like the Universe, was created within the Universal Mind with the soul’s own energy. Also, since both the body and the Universe were created within the Universal Mind, they are both illusions. To place importance in the body creates a false ground in the illusionary Universe. To break this bond from the body the soul must “remember” where its true ground is…The point of origin within Universal Consciousness.
To be continued…
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