Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Doorway Out of Ego, Part 3: The Fear of Loss

By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CH.t, CBT, RMT
July 13, 2010

In part 2 of the Doorway Out of Ego: The Ego and the Illusionary Universe, we found out that, “… the physical body, like the Universe, was created within the Universal Mind with the soul’s own energy. Also, since both the body and the Universe were created within the Universal Mind, they are both illusions. To place importance in the body creates a false ground in the illusionary Universe. To break this bond from the body the soul must “remember” where its true ground is…The point of origin within Universal Consciousness.”

In “Earth Avatars,” we also found out that, “…Since we co-created the current state of our world then we must take responsibility for its condition and take action to co-create a different outcome where love and light reign. It begins with US! Our focus determines our reality.”

Now with this information available to us, we are able to begin to address the one thing that holds us back from reaching our true potential and, more importantly, hindering us from fulfilling our soul goal and evolving to our next level of consciousness… FEAR!

Since the beginning of our Universe, fear has been a tool used by the ego very extensively.  During our early development stages, fear served us well by protecting us from things that could have hurt or killed us.  Fear, or better yet, fear of loss (FOL), always played it safe.  I guess you can call FOL the ultimate conservative (smiling).

As time progressed, we as a people, more so than other creatures and Mother Earth, began to be hindered by FOL when it came time to evolve to our next level.  It became more and more difficult to learn and grow from our experiences because we would allow FOL to keep us safe.  We as a people felt very comfortable in our own worlds.  We knew exactly what was to occur at any given moment.  The drawback to this is that when opportunity came knocking at our doors we closed the windows, closed the shutters, and pretended that no one was home.  Eventually, we answered the door and realized that there was a new view on life, which helped us move to the next level of evolution.  Every time we answered our evolutionary door we came closer to fulfilling our soul goal.  We’re now at a point in time to move again into possibly our final level of consciousness evolution and the ego knows this.

The ego has become very strong within this Universe.  It’s become very strong because through FOL we have been feeding it.  The ego knows our souls’ agreed upon time line.  It knows that its time is short.  The ego uses the energy we give it to re-create the Universe how it sees fit so it came better manipulate us into FOL.  When we fall into FOL we then willingly give our energy (free will) over to the ego, which then will continue with its own version of the Universe.

In “The Doorway Out of Ego, Part 1,” we discovered that, “Our ego (left brain) is always trying to pull us away from what is needed to be seen, heard, and done because it fears any form of change.”  So what we begin to see here is that the ego is at the mercy of its own attempt of controlling itself and those it has influence over.  By the ego using FOL we allow the ego to influence and drag us down along with it.

As Earth Avatars-Ambassadors of Gaia, we have a responsibility to not only help ourselves reach our soul goals but to help others to attain their soul goals as well, as long as it does not hinder their life lessons.  When we allow ourselves to be influenced by the ego through FOL we will not be able to attain our soul goals and be true Ambassadors of Gaia.  To fulfill our soul goals we must declare to the world, and to the Universe, in one resounding unified voice that we are Earth Avatars-Ambassadors of Gaia and that we commit ourselves to “NO FEAR.”  By making this declaration we will be exercising our free will and begin to reclaim our power.

The ego has no control over our free will because free will is a gift given to each individual soul from outside of this Universe.  Anything from outside of this Universe can not be influenced by the ego.  Anything created within this Universe can be influenced by the ego.  The reason for this is that the ego is a product of the Universe.  Our souls, as well as our free will, are products outside of the Universe (Universal Consciousness, God, etc.).

We agreed to have this physical experience as a global consciousness.  Let’s own up to the state our world is in.  Create the world as it should be according to our agreed upon soul contract.  Let’s take the final steps to our final level of evolution.  Make the declaration to the world and the Universe.  Be free of the ego.  Be the master of your ego and not it of you.  Be true Ambassadors of Gaia.  Be Earth Avatars.


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