Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Consciousness Evolution through Leafy Examples

By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, CBT, RMT
February 15, 2012 (original post: September 1, 2010)

Being such diverse and individual creatures on this beautiful planet, can we truly become one, along with Mother Earth, so we all can evolve? This will depend on choices made by the individuals still holding on to the idea that they are individuals at all levels of body, mind, and soul. A good place to begin seeing that unification is possible is by observing all the diverse foliage on Mother Earth.

As we look around and observe the various flowers, plants, and other vegetation, we see that there are many different species, all requiring different needs for them to survive on Mother Earth. This is identical to our human species… very diverse and requiring different needs to survive on Mother Earth. The various plant species are very expressive in their own way. Some express in color, others through smell, and others through shape and size. Our species, again, is identical in that we express ourselves in a multitude of ways, i.e., art, culture, foods, religion, etc. We can go on and on with the similarities but the point is that our plant friends appear to be identical in expression of life as the human species except for one very important difference… EGO!

In the plant kingdom, although knowing that they are individuals physically, plants know that without an energetic and spiritual connection to Mother Earth, the provider of their home and life sustenance, they will not survive and evolve along with Her. Contributing to the whole global consciousness, along with respecting and following the ways of Mother Earth, assists the plant kingdom to move forward in their journey of life with Mother Earth. Within this dance between the plant world and Mother Earth there is no ego involved to influence the plants to the idea that it is an individual and that it doesn’t need to contribute to the global consciousness. A reason why the ego does not influence the plant kingdom as much as it does the human species is that it’s possible that plants came into this universe as a group consciousness at a level different from the human species. This does not mean that the plants are higher or lower in consciousness evolutionary scale then we are. It just means that they have a different life contract then the human species.

We, on the other hand, came into this world as individual consciousnesses, in which we allow the ego to influence us much more easily because it’s only one consciousness as opposed to many consciousnesses working as one. As we allow the ego to influence us into thinking that we don’t need to be connected to Mother Earth and contribute to the global consciousness we further ourselves from Her and in the process move away from other living beings, including the human species, as well. This action sets into motion dis-ease between the human soul, the physical body, and Mother Earth. Evidence of this is seen in the increase of prescribed medications for emotional conditions and physical ailments. We don’t see this kind of dis-ease among the plant kingdom or the native people of the world who live in harmony with Mother Earth. The only time we see dis-ease in the plant kingdom and in the native people is when Mother Earth is going through her life changes and/or when those influenced by the ego create a climatic situation that causes Mother Earth to go into distress (ego + greed = BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico = climate change).

So here is what we know so far. The ego appears to influence individual consciousnesses much more easily then a group consciousness based on the life contract of the consciousness. It also appears that the human species remains connected to Mother Earth and can be a contributor to the global consciousness when ego is not involved with the day-to-day activities of the individual human consciousness. Finally (this will somewhat put the ego at ease), although we are physical individuals with many expressions identical to our plant family, we are all one in Spirit through our physical and energetic connection to Mother Earth.

However much influence the ego places on the human species to think that we do not need to be connected to Mother Earth, the connection with Her will always remain. The difference between us and the plant kingdom is that some of us choose not to contribute to the global consciousness, which then creates dis-ease between the human soul, the physical body, and Mother Earth. We can still be individuals physically in our expression of life. But when we do not contribute to the global consciousness and remain in harmony with Mother Earth, we become disconnected from Mother Earth and become asleep to Her needs. These actions also lead to chaos and dis-ease to those asleep as well, which creates dis-harmony with Mother Earth and her life journey. Our future as a human species is dependent on us remaining connected and being global consciousness contributors to Mother Earth as She evolves to her next level of expression in body, mind, and soul (Gaia).

After all is said and done, and the battles between ego, our life contract, and our souls have all been but eradicated, take solace in knowing that although we are individual souls physically within this Universe we are all ONE in Spirit eternally within and without this Universe. To be ONE in Spirit with Mother Earth, let’s follow the example of our leafy friends. Their example will and shall be our salvation.

Blessings and Peace Profound.

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