Tuesday, January 9, 2018

5th Entry-5th Interview with Dr. Jamisson Neruda: The Grand Portal and the Emergence of Human 3.0

This is entry #5 for those following the Wingmakers material. Again, know that although the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) may appear to work for the good of the people, their intentions are self-serving due to the resistance to share the advanced technology knowledge to the world, which can help the people. Elite organizations that the ACIO are working with are not who we have been led to believe, i.e., the Illuminati, Masons, etc.  The true organization that is manipulating the people, to include these elite organizations, is called the Incunabula.

Below is an excerpt of pages 197-200 from Interview #5 between Sarah (journalist) and Dr. Jamisson Neruda, who defected from the ACIO. To read all 5 interviews with Dr. Neruda, follow this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/143FByBUPQ6olxqCD_mJE3hP4pB7QLWio/view?usp=sharing

This 5th interview begins to address the Grand Portal and human evolution, to include humanity's next level of expression… Human 3.0, the Sovereign Integral (SI), as written by the Wingmakers. The Human 3.0 SI means the unification of humanity at all levels and expressing our true essence and purpose, in the flow of our Creator. The artificial Human 3.0, creating the transhuman, means separation from all that we are to be, leading us further away from our heart. 

Become aware of your world. Move into your heart. And become what you already are... An infinite being, limitless in scope and all loving, with the power to transform and create at will. Share with all.

… Sarah: “I presume the Incunabula and Illuminati have something to say about this whole Human 3.0 plan. Am I right on that?”

Dr. Neruda: “Yes. The Triad of Power, however you want to define it, in terms of titles, is programmed to create their own Human 3.0. This version will be predicated on the convergence of technology in support of biological enhancements that make the human vessel even more of a welcoming environment for the functional implants. The goal is to make an infinite human on the earth plane... infinite by virtue of immortality. The fusion of human and technology or what some call transhumanism, is the goal. So, Human 3.0 for the Triad of Power is very different from Human 3.0 SI, as envisioned by the WingMakers.

“You see, transhumanism is separation. It says we are frail, weak, finite, brutish, diseased… incomplete. All of these ideas for technological implants and cognitive enhancement were parts of the ACIO agenda.”

Sarah: “The ACIO was building Human 3.0?”

Dr. Neruda: “Yes, certain key aspects of the transhumanist model. Not the SI version. You see, the whole idea of transcending is linked to the inception point of separation. It is the I AM supreme model. It says, the human vessel can be and should be enhanced in such a way that the functional implants can live forever. There are several things missing, according to the WingMakers. One, the unconscious mind cannot contain the datastreams of a continuous species, and two, the search for who we are, as the true source of life, will only be further obscured by technological enhancement. The realization of I AM WE ARE is not a technological realization, nor is its manifestation accelerated by or through technology, at an individual level. It is a self-learning and behavioral process. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Sarah: “So transhumanists want to transcend human suffering, ignorance, and mortality through technology, and the ACIO was providing some of the technology to do this, but who would have access to the technology?”

Dr. Neruda: “The elite, of course. It would only accelerate and accentuate the separation. It is simultaneous empowerment and disempowerment. The economic models for the transhumanist diffusion, as it was called in the Labyrinth Group, were not widely considered. The Incunabula being the only exception.”

Sarah: “You mean they actually wanted to build a plan that made the transcending technologies available to everyone?”

Dr. Neruda: “They looked at it from two angles: one, if the technology could be introduced at birth, it would mitigate the cost issues of health care and education, offsetting diffusion costs. But it would have to be a government implemented service. No private company could secure sufficient trust. So a critical component was to make the United Nations the credible world organization that could introduce transhumanism to the global stage.
“The second angle was to allow class distinctions and free markets to eventually make the technology irresistible to everyone, and then allow government subsidies to bring down the costs sufficiently to enable its dispersion.

“All of this sounds very altruistic, but the quality of the technologies would be variant. Elite classes would be able to secure higher quality implantations coupled to more responsive genetics. This would simply be a human civilization that would be attempting to purge discontent and disobedience, in favor of participation in a ruled system of government by elite transhumans.

“Technology will evolve from external-impersonal, to external-personal, to integrated-personal, to internal-personal. Transhumanism is the last phase, and it is the phase that the elite are moving to. The internal-personal is based on exactly the same paradigm of what is now the human condition—namely, humans have a programmed interface that’s integral to their human body, and is powered by the infinite source of which they truly are.
“Humans are unwittingly trying to be Anu to themselves. It’s part of the program, according to the WingMakers. Humanity will play God to itself. It will try to engineer a better human and a better civilization.

“It will do this because it can’t imagine how humanity can save itself through simple behaviors and the realization that these behaviors can make. They will do it because they are programmed to become integrated with technology. This is the path that the WingMakers seek to avert. They write that human beings are complete if they can step out of their consciousness frameworks and realize what is actually powering their systems, their artificial realities, their programmed existence. The integration of technology internally will only make this realization more difficult.”

Sarah: “I think you said on Saturday that there were prophecies of a synthetic race overtaking humanity… this sounds like what those prophets saw.”

Dr. Neruda: “Fifteen felt the same way. He never assumed that they were off-planet aliens. These prophets could have seen Human 3.0 transhumanists in some distant timeline and assumed they were alien….”

Sarah: “Okay. In whatever way Human 1.0s were eliminated from the planet, they were replaced by Human 2.0, and these included upgrades like self-reproduction and more advanced programming. And central to this programming was the notion that Anu was God and would return to his creation. Correct?”

Dr. Neruda: “Yes.”

Sarah: “And the next upgrade to Human 2.0 branches out like a fork in the road. One version of Human 3.0 goes down the path of technology integration… or transhumanism. The other version, 3.0 SI, is a more organic process of using behaviors to support this process of becoming a Human 3.0 or Sovereign Integral, and then becoming part of a network of these Sovereign Integrals. Is that correct?”

Dr. Neruda: “You have the general idea, yes.”

Sarah: “And the Triad of Power wants Human 3.0 to go down the path of technology integration, because that is how they are programmed… to emulate their god, Anu. Right?”

Dr. Neruda: “Yes.”

Sarah: “So it’s kind of like humanity sits at a crossroads. On the one side is the Triad of Power that is programmed to develop Human 3.0 as a… a cyborg, I guess, and the other side is the future existence of humanity urging us to do it internally, one person at a time, through a behavioral process. I guess the part that’s missing for me is the role of The Grand Portal, which remains unclear. I thought it was a technology that proved the existence… the irrefutable scientific existence of the human soul. How does that figure into this?”

Dr. Neruda: “There are humans here who are designers of the new unconscious mind that will bridge human populations everywhere on the planet to feel and express equality and oneness. It will connect humanity in the I AM WE ARE consciousness, instead of the separation consciousness. It will not be based on Hierarchy. That deception is coming down.

“One of the things that was never disclosed in the materials—including my previous four interviews, is that certain information was to be withheld. Some information was even veiled to not raise the ire of the Triad of Power. This information, the fifth interview, will not be disclosed in the same timeline as the previous four….”

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