Enoch - Tu was the first soul within the oversoul representing the Logos of the Cristos. There are many souls within the Cristos Oversoul but the first souls created, called master souls, were Enoc-Tu, Sananda (Jesus), Buddha, and others representing the path of the sacred heart. But all of the souls are one within the Cristos Oversoul. This is why when Enoc-Tu speaks, the words spoken are from the entire Cristos Oversoul. Also true is when Jesus speaks, the words spoken are from the entire Cristos Oversoul.
In your 3D universe, the first souls created, which were the oversouls and Master Oversouls, were the most ancient. But in a 5D world, there are no ancient or newer souls. All are equal because time does not exist. Again, know that the first thoughts from the Great Creator created the oversouls and Master Souls. Let me explain.
The first thought of Great Creator created many oversouls. One of these oversouls was the Cristos Oversoul. When the Cristos Oversoul was created, Enoc-Tu and the other Master Souls were created. These Master Souls are 12 +1. The 12 include Enoc-Tu, Jesus, Buddha, and the others. The +1 is the Great Creator. Each oversoul created is set up identically.
Now, within each oversoul, below the Master Souls, the other souls were created, which later incarnated into the physical within the various Universes created, to include your Universe. The souls created after the Master Souls were the next thoughts from the Great Creator as well as the thoughts of the oversouls.
All oversouls are aligned the same. But some oversouls have tasks that need to be accomplished first, in accordance with the Universal Plan. Once their tasks are complete, the next group of oversouls begin their tasks. Currently, building the bridge to the Universal Heart of the Great Creator needs to be accomplished so the Cristos Oversoul is tasked with this monumental responsibility. This is why you and I and all within this Universe are here now... doing the work in accordance to the Cristos Oversoul and the Universal Plan. We are all building the bridge back to the Great Creator’s Heart, through our hearts.
Also important during these times of great transition is importance of using discernment properly. It is critical to know what is Universal Truth and what is personal truth. Personal truth is good to know and must first be known by the individual soul before preparing to experience Universal Truth. But if personal truth conflicts with Universal Truth, due to the ego and the Universal Time Line, which was created at the beginning of your Universe, then Universal Truth will always come first, especially now.
Something to keep in mind during these times of transition is this, many people are saying that they are channels of different energies, souls, and others entities. This served its purpose in your past time line but does not serve the current and future time lines.
Also know that due to the energies being brought in from your central galactic sun, these channeled entities may not be who they say they are. The information brought forth becomes skewed due to the transitional energies and the filters currently being experienced by the channeler.
What really matters during these times is that you all on Earth remain focused in knowing that the names of the various entities being channeled are not important. What also matters is that to truly discern what is truth and what is skewed information your heart is the only place that can fully know the difference. You must be completely focused in the moment, with no fear, and no judgments, to fully know what is true and what is not.
When the words of truth do come through clear and unfiltered it's the message, the words within the message, and energy conveyed to your world, that is important. And the message of Universal Truth will always be within your hearts for this is the same heart that beats within your world, the galaxy, the Universe, and the Great Creator.
And so it is…
Thank you so much David. I really needed this. The other day I met a blind man and I spit in his face without permission. I forgot the mud. I forgot humility. It was intense and scary. I am thankful Great Creator that you preserved me that my bones be not broken as I was in his clutches the entire time. The poor man had had false healers try to come around and all they did was rape him. Priests and clergy from various denominations since his youth. He is in his 60s now. I wish I had remembered the mud and humility first for then Cristos would have healed him instantly in front of many people. I failed, for that I am ashamed. Forgive me Great Creator!!!!
ReplyDelete@Julian. When the heart urges us to move then we should move. But when the mind urges us to move, we should first consult the heart. When both heart and mind are as one, and are in agreement with each other, then we will know that what we do and say will be from a place of humility and love. Blessings brother. ~Eagle Heart