Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Grand Cross - Fixed: Uranus, Pluto, Mars and the Moon

By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, RMT
July 17, 2012
8:33 AM Pacific

In astrology, a Grand Cross is said to occur when four planets are all separated from each other by Square aspects (90 degrees apart). A Grand Cross can also be viewed as two oppositions (180 degrees apart) separated from each other by a square. In a Grand Cross, there is one planet in each astrological element (fire, earth, air and water) but all the planets are in signs of the same modality or quality.

Because all the aspects in a Grand Cross are considered difficult aspects, the Grand Cross is seen as a source of extreme tension whereby various aspects of the personality (represented by the planets) are working at cross purposes that serve to nullify each other. This pulls the native in many directions, ultimately leading to indecisiveness and an inability to produce concrete achievements. It is said to take extraordinary effort to overcome the conflicts in a Grand Cross.

A Grand Cross does offer a solid foundation, a core structure and strength that can be a great resource; however, finding the point of integration and balance to be able to take advantage of this gift can be very challenging and stressful.  The key to overcoming a Grand Cross comes from working with the two oppositions and balancing out the energies to create a solid foundation to work with.  Focusing on what the core issue of the modality (cardinal-identity, fixed-self worth, or mutable-healing and completion) can help you discover the point of balance, what the issue is, and how to resolve the issue. 

In the case of our current Grand Cross, with Uranus, Pluto, Mars, and the Moon being the players, we are experiencing a fixed Grand Cross, which is said to lead most people, especially well organized people, to resist change and dig in their heels if change pushes hard.  When change occurs, the person affected does not know where to direct his or her talents, which can lead to issues of self worth and possibly depression. However, once the energy of a fixed Grand Cross starts to take action it’s like a steamroller and it’s hard to stop or convince the person affected to change course. 

Now add to this very stressful configuration our current Mercury Retrograde and its configuration and you now have the makings of a chaotic wormhole with people feeling that nothing is being accomplished, they’re not being appreciated for their talents and contributions, nothing is going to change, and there is no end in site.  Be patient… the Moon in this fixed Grand Cross is the fastest moving celestial object and will be out of position by early to mid-day July 18, which will breakup the fixed Grand Cross.  Just keep in mind that we all will still be under the influence of Mercury Retrograde until August 8. 

Stay grounded, be patient, and be blessed always.

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