Friday, March 16, 2012

Raising Consciousness by Raising Frequency

Geneticists have discovered that human DNA undergoes an evolutionary jump by activating junk DNA when a person sends positive frequencies, through positive affirmations, in gratitude. All linguistic languages can be mapped from sacred geometry in the Flower of Life form that visually indicates language is vibration.

The Flower of Life is believed by many metaphysical traditions to be the first completed energetic life form God created and then complex sound waves of sacred geometric shapes followed such as Archangel Metatron's icosahedron cube. The words one chooses to say and hear sends a frequency that changes human DNA. The long speculated six (6) senses of human DNA can be activated based on the individual’s level of spiritual consciousness (awareness) according to science proving that long held mantras of healing or chanting, as believed by Buddhists, Native Americans, Mayans, and many more ancient chanting traditions, have been accurate. The question now is; what are you saying to yourself and others that’s either advancing or stunting your cellular evolution? The choice is yours.

The "Om Mani Padme Hum" Chant

In the universal spirituality tradition of Buddhism, the “Om Mani Padme Hum” chant is one of the basic chants, accompanied by bells or other vibrational instruments, used to send a frequency throughout your body to help raise your sound wave vibration (consciousness) to awaken you and bring you internal wellness. Other chants also assist in raising your frequency as well but chanting Om Mani Padme Hum seems to be an overall activator and sets the tone to a journey of awakened mindfulness.

Since we’re all interconnected through universal consciousness, the vibrations will eventually be sent through the whole chain of sentient beings. Many spiritual beliefs, including Buddhism, believe that the power of one person awakened into enlightenment also benefits many generations before and after that person, in consciousness, like a reverberation of sound activating a string of lineage like grapes on a vine. One child of light is a million times more powerful than a million people living in darkness. Can you imagine what can happen when millions of people become enlightened? Those enlightened millions will change the tides for the 8 billion people of this world. The changes can seem like doomsday, but it's just the end of an old paradigm and the beginning of a fantastic new era full of advanced humans fueled by unconditional love for all as one. Click on the links below to hear the chant and to begin your journey.

Continued Love and Peace,

Rev. David-Uriel "Eagle Heart"

“OM MANI PADME HUM (Full length version)”


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