The Rising Heart
(Excerpt from Liminal Cosmogony: Teachers of Light-Wingmakers material)
The light body is a particle of the Divine Mind, cast from the Central Sun into and through the fourth and fifth dimensional matrices in order to embody within a human being the essence of the Central Sun. The light body’s materialization begins from the seventh dimension, cascading into materiality where it settles into the first manifested being—the human heart.
Within the human instrument, it is the heart that is originally the nucleus-home of the light body, but eventually the light body’s locus drifts upward to the pineal gland at the base of the brain, usually in the first seven years of life. Here it typically remains until the physical body expires, at which time it recirculates within the higher light realms of the fifth dimension wherein unity and the connective field of pure love radiates unimpeded by matter. This is the ground of soul where all beings flow in the vibrant river of sound and light.
The light body is composed of the Light of the Central Sun. Within each of the galaxies is a Central Sun that acts as the transmitter of the Divine Mind within the galactic multiverse. The Central Sun is the trans-dimensional portal within each galaxy that interconnects all galaxies and dimensions of life therein to the pulsing heartbeat of the Grand Central Sun from whence the primacy of sound and light arise. It is the integrative nexus between the physical and spiritual planes, and thus, the Central Sun is the quantum sum of all suns within the galaxy, and this quantum light lives within the human instrument as its light body.
In a very real sense, we are all born from this sound and light of the Grand Central Sun, and it is to this pulsing, rhythmic heartbeat that we are all entrained to varying degrees. It is this entrainment that re-establishes our alignment to the Grand Expansion and restores our access to the higher intelligence where we become the willing impulse of divine will.
The light body is the seer of reality within the individual identity. It is the Wholeness Navigator that detects the frequencies of fifth dimensional essence in the lower dimensions of matter, time, and space. It is the bearer of alignment to the Plan of the One Creator. It is the portal of guidance within the one who is separated from unity by the veils of illusion. It is the voice within the void that calls to your mind and heart, beckoning its recognition and restoration as your true identity and that of all others as well. It is the connection between the heart and mind that allows for true creation to occur. It is the telepathic portal that hears and sees the divine intelligence and then activates its expression within the lower realms by mere presence.
The light body is the core of consciousness, and this interior core is shifting. In your world it is shifting back to your heart, but its nucleus-home is now between the heart and throat, known as the thymus, or the “heart’s crown”. We will speak of it as the Rising Heart. The Rising Heart is located on two axes or fields of vibration: the first is the horizontal axis, which is the Field of Planets. The second is the vertical axis, which is the Field of Central Sun.
On the planetary axis, there is the material being or human instrument, composed of the sheaths that protect and sustain the light body—the physical, emotional, and mental sheaths of the third and fourth dimensional matrix. This axis represents the planet meeting your light body. It is the axis of grounding and anchoring the light body to the planet and the physical beings upon her.
On the Central Sun axis there are the descending and ascending streams of energy that connect your light body to its source: the Central Sun. It is from this connection that the Grand Awakening of physical beings occurs and the divine current is felt tugging on your human instrument, calling it to activation and awakening its will to become a vehicle for the light body.
The light body is the zygote of consciousness formed by the union of divine light and sound. It is born radiant, pure, intelligent and life-sustaining. The light body listens to both your thought-scape and feeling-scape, adjusting its radiance in accordance to its perceptions. Thus, the light body reacts to the lower dimensional matrix, and in this way is influenced by the individual’s level of coherence, intelligent expression, creative insight, and higher mind intuition.
As the core of consciousness shifts to the new axis of the Rising Heart, the internal coherence of the individual becomes the amplifier of the light body’s radiance in the world of form. This internal coherence is heightened when the thought-scape and feeling-scape of the individual are aligned and flowing in the river of divine will. It is then that the light body can truly step forward and radiate its purpose on the planetary level.
The radiant and intelligent expression of the light body enmasse is the true meaning of life in the planetary axis because it is the action of collective intelligence that enables the planned and unplanned evolutionary paths to converge and empower the planetary shifts that enable dimensional ascension for all who are prepared. This increase in the expression of light and love within the planetary sphere opens the Grand Portal, which is the gateway for the planet to access the fifth dimensional matrix of pure, connective energy, which is, in essence, divine love-intelligence.
As the children of light begin to activate their light bodies while living within a human instrument, they will sense the presence of their electromagnetic field as it becomes enmeshed with their every breath. The breath washes over the Rising Heart in both the in-breath and out-breath. When breathing in, the energy symbolically descends from the Central Sun and flows through the crown chakra settling at the solar plexus just below the heart. There, it sparkles in the golden light of your signature tone. When breathing out, the energy is released from the solar plexus up to the planetary axis at the height of the thymus or Rising Heart, and then radiates outward with dominance to the horizontal plane.
In this time of the Grand Awakening the light body is becoming centered at the Rising Heart because the mind—where it has been centered for thousands of years—is enmeshed in static and distortions that confound the light body’s ability to fully radiate its energetic field upon the planetary grid and fulfill its purpose. The intersection of the two axes (Planetary and Central Sun) is the activation point of the individual. The integration of breath and imagination is the most efficient method through which this activation can occur and be sustained within the human instrument.
The breath of the Rising Heart is the practice of breathing from the Central Sun and expressing this breath energy into the planetary grid. It is the method of activation taught on all planets for those aligned to the Plan of Expansion into the Lands Unknown. When you read these words you will understand intuitively for you know well the mysterious purpose that stirs you awake and compels you to action.
The breath of soul is directed by the light body whose seat of intelligence resides at the point of the Rising Heart. You can imagine this as a portal within the body that receives the electromagnetic field of light from the Central Sun through the in-breath, and directs it to the solar plexus; and on the out-breath, channels it across the planetary axis as a way of grounding the energy within the field of third dimensional beings.
It is this grounding of the energy, directed by the light body, infused with the internal coherence of the human instrument that enables the human emotional field to build the collective heart and connected mind that enables the planet to step through higher dimensional barriers with relative ease and grace.
This is a time of action, and the action is to activate your light body to its purposeful role within your human instrument, and to share its higher light frequencies to the human emotional field. This activity re-grids the collective heart and connective mind to the emerging culture of the one, unified planet moving in the upward spiral of the seven dimensional hypersphere in which all beings within its quantum and space-time presence are unified with the planet, and the planet with the Central Sun.
In this future time, beings will be galactic citizens and they will commune with other inter-galactic citizens and see the universe as they now see the planet. Each of you who embody the light of the Central Sun, and not only carry it with you, but purposefully radiate it through your actions of intelligent love and the virtuous heart, you are builders of this future time, and your actions will be acknowledged with its direct experience.
The breath through the Rising Heart is an activator of your light body. Internal coherence within your human instrument is the sustaining and evolving force of this activation, independent of the travails that befall you or the human family. You can generate this internal coherence through the practice of breathing through the Rising Heart and expressing the radiant beauty of the higher light through the virtues of the heart, the intelligence of the higher mind, and the ascendant beauty of the spirit we all share.
When the breath of soul radiates outward on the planetary axis of the individual, it takes on the signature field of that individual. This signature is like a “carrier wave” to the original signal from the Central Sun, and it is this carrier wave that is the key factor that enables the rays of the Central Sun to cut-through the static and distortions of the planet’s electromagnetic fields.
There are many competing currents and conflicts within the planetary realm before its entrance into the higher dimensions of the etheric plane. These currents pull you, push you, and deliver you to shores of indeterminacy and questionable value. There are light bodies cast in human instruments that are so darkened that they are like black holes in space, swallowing light in the gravity of their misguided ignorance. The light body is, in some ways, a fragile consciousness. It listens well and responds to what it hears. It sees the higher realities, but it also dives deep into the lowest realms seeking out the unique separation veils that empower its discernment, which ultimately reinstate its power as a sovereign integral of the highest order.
The life of the light body is complex—more complex than you can imagine and yet you can appreciate its goals and the journey it weaves to achieve them because your intuition and imagination enable you to feel the edges of its reality. Those who are the Builders of the Grand Expansion are embodied in human instruments and they are awakening to their light bodies as their light bodies begin to activate to the new rays of light and love that are flowing from the Central Sun.
We refer to these individuals as Builders because they are the architects and engineers who are building the new culture, monetary system, technology, and mind-body-spirit systems that will endure as the planet transforms itself to the new energetic grid of the higher fourth dimension. Within the Builders are the Planetary Teachers, and these are the ones who are now blossoming as the new rays embolden their light bodies to harmonize, resonate, and co-create with one another.
There are saviors and messiahs that enter the planetary grid in its third dimensional and lower fourth dimensional state to periodically re-align the spiritual teachings of humanity to their Ancient Source. However, now is the time when the Teachers of Light are operating as a collective power, joining together to weave a new fabric of time, space and energy—one that is ultimately the portal to the fifth dimension.
The Planetary Teachers are generally embodied, while the Central Sun Teachers are mostly operating in their light bodies on higher dimensions, and in some cases, other galaxies. The Planetary Teachers of Light require activation, internal coherence, a balanced inflow and outflow of love and light through a virtuous and heart-filled behavioral system, and the quiet of re-connection time to rejuvenate and re-balance their human instrument.
The Rising Heart technique is a system to achieve each of these requirements. It is not the only way; it is a proven way. It is a framework that can be adapted and modified to suit an individual’s preferences of imagination and intuition. The teachers of light are quantum beings of great power. Though they wear human instruments of density and distortion, they never lose sight of their rightful purpose and the ultimate ascendancy of their family of light.
The human instrument is a fabric of frustration for the teachers of light, as they know well what they are, but like a ballet dancer wearing a spacesuit, they are not able to express the fullness of their higher wisdom in the material worlds. This frustration is coupled to the third dimension construct that teachers must teach through words—spoken or written—and yet we tell you that it is through your behavioral system, the expression of your virtuous heart and the application of techniques like the Rising Heart that define you as a teacher of light.
The writings of the Planetary Teachers are telepathically transmitted by the Central Sun teachers, who in turn translate the energetics of the Central Sun and step-down these higher energies into the vocabulary of the human family. This is the system of dispensation that prevails on all planets until the species achieves fifth dimensional equilibrium, at which time, the communication from the Central Sun is direct and immediate. The Central Sun, in essence, is opening the channels of telepathic communication to the teachers of light so they are able to transmit the vibratory energies to the general masses entrenched in the energetic quagmire of the previous and current dimensions.
As planets ascend inter-dimensionally they require a higher connection to the Central Sun to draw them from their present dimensional grid into the next level, and this is precisely what the Central Sun Teachers instruct the Planetary Teachers to do: to facilitate this higher connection through various techniques that activate the light body of the teachers of light so they may collectively create this higher connection.
If you will inhale the light of the Central Sun, and take it into your soul’s workshop, adding your fingerprint of love for your brothers and sisters, and then release this higher light to them and your planet, you are creating this higher connection in this simple act. Not only for yourself, but for all. All of the human family benefits for we all rise on the same currents of divine love and the higher intelligence that pervades it.
The teachers of light have the opportunity to re-energize their association of the breath and heartbeat and feel their rhythmic energy as the connection to life and the higher, universal intelligence that flows from the Grand Central Sun. In doing this, you bring yourself into alignment to the Grand Awakening, as the higher truths are being downloaded to your world. Your human family—living between the forces of light and dark—will awaken to the multidimensional world and leave the fields of illusion behind, never to return.

One People. One World. One Spirit... We Are One!
The Virtual Sacred Circle of Nations (VSCN) brings together spiritually like-minded people into a virtual group circle to share current world events,information, and to provide spiritually-centered healing sessions for to assist in the creation of a spiritually and heart-centered reality. In sharing our knowledge and wisdom with others we all grow together in Spirit as One!
Monday, November 27, 2017
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Right-Action in Action Interview with Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, ND
Hello Everyone:
I feel it necessary, because of recent world events, to share an interview, with me as the focus, conducted on February 4, 2010, by Right-Action in Action, with host tude Vox Roe (Rosemarie Know that to truly heal the self one must first know thyself. And this starts by going into the heart and accepting all that one has contributed, both negative and positive, to the world. Once there is peace in the heart, there will be peace in body and mind.
Eagle Heart
The Weight of Pain
by David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D.
I feel it necessary, because of recent world events, to share an interview, with me as the focus, conducted on February 4, 2010, by Right-Action in Action, with host tude Vox Roe (Rosemarie Know that to truly heal the self one must first know thyself. And this starts by going into the heart and accepting all that one has contributed, both negative and positive, to the world. Once there is peace in the heart, there will be peace in body and mind.
Eagle Heart
Right-Action in Action Interview with
Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, ND
This blog series is about ordinary people doing
extraordinary things by following their dreams, then making them come
true. Along the way, some people become
extraordinary, doing things that make miracles come true. Reverend David is one of those people.
David’s story could be the subject of a book. Aside from holding a full-time job as a
Federal Aviation Inspector, David is a Doctor of Naturopathy, co-founded &
operates Aviante Health and Wellness Center®
(including the use of Harmonic frequencies - that which gives music power),
brings together spiritually minded people to hold meditations for the purpose
of assisting in the creation of one global consciousness on the Virtual Sacred
Circle Project, and has a BlogTalk radio station
He is an ordained Reverend of The Universal Life Church (or ULC), a
religious organization, believing merely in doing "that which is
right." If that isn’t enough to occupy his days, he actively supports
humanitarian relief efforts and works with the Hopi Indians to share their New
Hopi Prayer
I am impressed with David because:
1. He has employment
that he enjoys, provides for his financial needs AND the time to follow his
many passions.
2. Works in
Alternative Healing Techniques
3. Pursues his
4. He is actively
engaged in co-creating a better world, bringing people of the world together.
5. I like his energy.
‘tude vox Ro: David, please summarize your spiritual
beliefs and how they affect your daily actions.
David: To me,
summarizing my spiritual beliefs is similar to placing the Sun in a FedEx box…
very difficult. Being spiritual is not
an action but a state of being. The
nature of a lion is all that makes up a lion.
The same is true for me, and for all living beings in this Universe
regarding spirituality. We are all one
in Spirit. Everything we do in life
makes up portions of our spirituality.
This connection to Spirit is what gives us our inspiration for the many
creative accomplishments in this world.
Some may praise the accomplishments that Man has attained throughout
history but it pales in comparison to what our potential is when we fully
awaken to our true nature.
Knowing that we are all connected to Spirit, and that my
actions will affect others both in the short and long term, I attempt to remain
in the present moment as much as possible so I can be open to Spirit’s call
when I’m needed. I may be called upon to
helps those in a charity event, a food drive, investigate an aircraft accident,
help a friend organize a workshop, or just be present for someone who has just
lost a loved one. What I feel I know
everyone will feel eventually. The reverse is also true. This is why the statement, “Do unto others
what you want done unto you” is so very important to me. This also alludes to the law of Karma in that
what ever action is taken, negative or positive, will incur some kind of
reaction to bring the result of that action back into balance. This may occur immediately or it may take
several lifetimes but Karma will be balanced.
‘tude vox Ro:
With all of the good causes in the world, how do you decide which ones to
support and promote?
David: Intuition
leads me to decide which organizations to support and/or not to support. I’m able to feel if an organization is in
service to self, even though they may be promoting service to others, and if an
organization is in service to others.
The focus these different organizations tend to have is either money
(service to self) or Mother Earth, which includes humanity (service to
others). When an organization focuses
more on money then the energy will not be present to support them. But when the focus is on Mother Earth the
resources, to include money, to support the organization begins to flow.
‘tude vox Ro: What drives you to move beyond personal needs
and desires to dedicate your time to humanitarian and spiritual efforts?
David: Whatever
I’m doing at that time feels like something I’m supposed to do. If I don’t follow my intuition and accomplish
my goals then I experience a sense of emptiness to the point of physical
pain. Going against the will of life and
my intuition causes much distress for me.
The call to help bring people together as one and assist in ushering in
a new global consciousness is very strong and I can no longer deny it.
Also, we are the ones who have the potential to cause a
shift in reality to a more harmonious state just by our focused
intentions. Quantum physics, in theory,
has stated this. Because of this gift
we’ve been given, Humanity has the responsibility to assist and protect Mother
Earth and all those who live upon her because we are the ones who have the
power to co-create with Her and bring about a harmonious reality.
‘tude vox Ro:
What do you do for your clients at Aviante Health and Wellness Center®?
David: I, as well
as co-founder and life love (Susan), and the staff of Aviante Health and
Wellness Center® (AHWC), are dedicated to integrating various health and
healing modalities to create a multi-dimensional approach to healing. By
directly affecting the three primary components of body, mind, and spirit at
the same time, there is a much deeper relaxation response, a more dramatic and
long-term healing response, and a much stronger sense of well-being for the
client after a session. As we begin to
experience the symptoms of evolutionary growth, i.e. unexplained aches, pains, increased
anxiety, depression, hallucinations, anger for reasons unknown, war, violence, global
crime on the rise, along with global changes occurring at a record pace, AHWC
provides a place to not only get away, relax, and heal from the day to day
chaos, but a sanctuary for those wanting to know how to heal themselves and
‘tude vox Ro: How
does music affect healing?
David: On the
surface, music heals by helping us focus on one thing only. This focus on one
thing allows us to push everything else out, which relaxes our minds. When our minds relax the body will relax as
well. But the vibrations music creates,
or what is better known as harmonics, goes beyond just relaxing the mind and
body. Through years of observation,
meditation, and the application of insight received through meditation and as a
Reiki Master, a naturopath, a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner, and as a martial
artist learning to manipulate energy (Chi or qi), I’ve come to realize that
harmonics, which is another form of energy, affects the biology of our
bodies. When we come into this world our
bodies resonate a frequency, which is made up of the combined frequencies of
all the bodies systems, that is optimal for our health. Through the act of living and experiencing
many levels of stress (disharmonic frequencies), the frequency of the body
begins to become chaotic. This can be likened to storm causing a calm sea to
become a chaotic monster. If this stress
is not addressed in a timely manner the body begins to breakdown, which
ultimately leads to dis-ease. The
harmonics of music assists the body to realign itself to its original harmonic
state so the body’s biology can begin the healing process. But not all music is conducive to
healing. Mr. Masaru Emoto, author of
“The Hidden Messages in Water,” has done much research on sound (harmonics),
intention, and how they affect the body.
Soft melodic sounds tend to assist the body in placing it in a healing
state. Hard rock music with hateful and
angry language, tends to place the body in a chaotic state.
‘tude vox Ro:
What does science have to say about the power of harmonics?
David: Energy
medicine, which harmonics is
part of, is a sophisticated and intelligent way of viewing health and
correcting stress and multiple health disturbances with new modalities based on
quantum physics.
to energy medicine, the body’s health depends on information fields on the
energetic or quantum field level. These information fields are an active,
creative force, intimately involved in the form and manifestation of one’s
state of health. When we examine the body’s health through the viewpoint of the
energetic body, we are able to assess the correct informational fields which
produce good health. And we can also detect disturbed informational fields,
through the use of intuition and new technologies, which produces disease or
health imbalances.
In the field of energy medicine, any disease can be redefined as a disruption or distortion arising in the informational energy field. In simple terms, a health problem is a glitch in the programming of one’s informational field. Healing can be accomplished by correcting these disturbances, which can then eliminate the disharmony and the chaotic patterning of the health problem, and restore natural health. Energy medicine, by correcting the information fields of the body, enables the body to heal itself, naturally. Harmonics are used as one method to correct any disrupted informational fields.
In the field of energy medicine, any disease can be redefined as a disruption or distortion arising in the informational energy field. In simple terms, a health problem is a glitch in the programming of one’s informational field. Healing can be accomplished by correcting these disturbances, which can then eliminate the disharmony and the chaotic patterning of the health problem, and restore natural health. Energy medicine, by correcting the information fields of the body, enables the body to heal itself, naturally. Harmonics are used as one method to correct any disrupted informational fields.
‘tude vox Ro:
What is the Virtual Circle Project all about?
David: Through the advent of technology, it’s now
possible to bring together all people as one virtually, thus expanding our
consciousness even more quickly. When people of all walks of life come together
as one for a common purpose, miracles will occur. Staying in the moment, and
holding that moment (sacred space), assists in these miracles by creating a
space that allows people’s healing and positive intentions to be held in a
“universal spiritual bank” to be deposited into other people’s “spiritual
banks” when the time arises. Ultimately, creating this “sacred space” allows
for these healing and positive intentions to flow into and outward to everyone,
which will then assist in creating a shift in the current reality to another
reality that is more spiritually heart-centered. Quantum theory supports this
People all over
are experiencing increased anxiety, depression, hallucinations, and anger for reasons
unknown. Anti-depressant prescriptions are at an all-time high. War, violence,
and crime are on the rise globally. Global changes are also occurring at a
record pace. This experience that everyone is going through, including Mother
Earth, is what I have named the “quickening.”
The “quickening”
is the expansion of consciousnesses by all within this universe. Many
prophecies and oracles from around the world seem to point to December 21, 2012
as the final day of this “quickening.” The Mayan Calendar, the Book of
Revelation, Nostradamus (The Prophecies of M. Michel Nostradamus), Edgar Cayce
(The Sleeping Prophet), the Hopi Indians (Hopi Prophecies), and the Chinese
oracle of the I Ching, all point to this date.
Symptoms of the “quickening range from unexplained tiredness, aches and pains, unexplained nausea,
vertigo, and emotional conflicts with others and with self.
To bring about this
“quickening” transition smoothly and to send out healing and positive
intentions to the world, I created The Quickening Chronicles: The Virtual
Sacred Circle (VSC) Project. The VSC Project is made up of spiritually
like-minded people with a common goal, to bring about the quickening in the
most compassionate, loving, and pain-free way possible and to assist in the
shift to a more spiritually and heart-centered reality, which will lead to the
creation of a unified global consciousness.
The VSC Project also assists the “quickening” by serving as a sounding
board for all of us to share experiences, fears, knowledge, wisdom, etc., so we
all can learn and grow at all levels of body, mind, and spirit. It serves as a
place where we all can discuss current events that need healing attention so we
then send heart-centered healing to those areas.
‘tude vox Ro:
What is your connection with the Hopi Tribe and The Gathering of Souls?
David: I’ve
always been drawn to the Hopi Nation and its people. Spiritually, there’s a connection with them
and I feel drawn to continually connect with them. Through my spiritual brother, and Yaqui Indian Shaman friend (George Sanchez) in Sedona ,
Arizona , we both have connected
with the Hopi. Through conversations
with the Hopi, and other Native American tribes, there is talk of a gathering
of sorts… a gathering of those responsible for the health of Mother Earth. This gathering appears to be focused on what
should be said, and how to say it, to the world so the people living among Her
can awaken and realize the damage Mother Earth has incurred. This “wake up call” is meant to also create
action among us so we can assist Mother Earth in her spiritual evolution. She can’t do it alone and we can’t do it
alone either. It will take all of us to
come together as one unified global consciousness to make the transition. This is when I was given a vision, and the
name, of an event to bring people together for the sole purpose to assist
Mother Earth, and ourselves, to move into our next evolutionary step… “The
Gathering of Souls.”
The purpose of this event is to bring people together and,
with the assistance of the Hopi and other native children of the Earth, bring
about our next evolutionary step through sheer intent. Our focus determines our reality. So by focusing our intent on a heart-centered
and compassionate reality then the shift will occur. Again, quantum physics, in theory, has stated
this. By sharing knowledge, wisdom,
experiences, and love with and for Mother Earth, and for ourselves, we can
assist the shift and bring about our spiritual destiny. We have the power to co-create so let’s
co-create in alignment with Mother Earth and the Universe and move toward our
highest potential.
'tude vox Ro: How
do people get involved?
David: At this
moment we are just at the infantile stage of planning. Members of the VSC Project, now the Virtual Sacred Circle of Nations, as well as
friends in the alternative heath and wellness field, Indian tribe elders, and
others awakened to the call to this event, are assisting in gathering the tools
needed to put on this event. We would
like this event be held globally but we also want the event to be broadcasted
from Sedona , Arizona .
Specifically on Cathedral Rock, which holds much feminine and masculine
energy in its energetic vortex.
Anyone with experience in creating, managing, promoting, and
any task involved with holding such a great and wonderful event can help. We would like, if possible, to have those
involved to volunteer their time and effort because we want this event to be
focused on the intent of serving humanity and Mother Earth and not focus on the
money. If anyone has heard the “call” as
I and many others have please contact me or Jen Barnett. I can be reached by email at
and/or go to the VSC Project fan page on Facebook, become a fan, and leave a
message with your contact information. The link for the VSC Project fan page on Facebook is located on my profile (David-Uriel
Ibarra) under the "info" tab at the bottom of the page. Jen Barnett can be reached on Facebook at her
profile page (Jen Barnett) or at the VSC Project fan page on Facebook.
‘tude vox Ro: Is
there anything else you’d like my readers to know?
David: I’ll
finish with one of my articles that was published on called “The
Weight of Pain.” (
This article describes how pain in all its forms can affect
our state of mind, which leads to many physical conditions. This article also speaks to tools, which we
use at AHWC, a person can use to help alleviate the pain if the person chooses
to use them. Our focus determines our
reality so let’s focus on the positive aspect of life because we’ve been given
the gift of choice and the power to co-create with Mother Earth. Let’s choose wisely.
The Weight of Pain
by David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D.
Many people
living in our world suffer in solitude due to pain they can not alleviate. This
pain can manifest in many forms. Physical pain is the most talked about in the
Western medical world as well as the alternative health world and appears to be
more socially acceptable. The more socially unaccepted forms of pain are
emotional and psychological. The reason physical pain is more accepted then
emotional and psychological pain is that physical pain is seen as something
that’s out of our scope of control. This means that according to our Western
medical philosophy, we have no choice in our physical pain experience. We
experience physical pain due to genetics, age, injuries, etc. Psychological and
emotional pain, in some circumstances, is seen by the Western world to be out
of our control of experience as well due to genetics, injuries, etc.
Western medicine
usually addresses psychological and emotional pain through the use of
medications. Alternative health modalities address emotional, and in some
circumstances psychological, pain through the practice of various forms of
relaxation techniques like meditation, exercise, yoga, reflexology, massage, etc.,
as well as the use of organic herbs and homeopathy. But there are times when
both Western medicine and alternative health worlds are not enough. What then?
You may experience temporary relief from using either philosophies or both but the pain eventually returns. This pain then begins to build with no end in sight. You begin to slow down and become less interested in being active. You also begin to remove yourself from the social world because it’s just too painful to put on a “happy face” just so others don’t see what your going through. Eventually, the weight of your physical, emotional, or psychological pain begins to manifest into physical weight. Then, after many fad diets, long days of exercising, and counting calories, you realize that the weight is not only staying but it’s increasing. What now?
Your Focus Determines Your Reality
In a nutshell, quantum theory states that your focus determines your reality. This means that if you focus on all the things that cause you pain, i.e., negative thoughts, anger, control of others, etc., then more pain will come to you. This will then cause a build up of emotional pain within the physical body if not released properly and in a timely manner. If the emotional pain continues the body, in an effort to protect itself, will create a “suit of armor” so it will not feel threatened and experience pain. This “suit of armor” is the physical weight the body creates to protect itself. As the physical weight increases so do the physical stresses, which translates to psychological and, eventually, physical pain. Ultimately, if these stresses continue it will result in the complete breakdown of the physical body.
A New Way at Looking at Life
What is needed here is a new way at looking at situations that don’t bring on the negative aspects of emotion. This involves a conscious choice to see things differently despite what appears to be occurring to you. By choosing to see the positive side of your life experience then you’ll begin to invite more situations to support your positive outlook. Again, your focus determines your reality. Eventually, enough positive outcomes occur that the emotional pain dissipates, which then causes the reduction of the psychological pain. With both emotional and psychological pain reduced or removed, the body doesn’t feel threatened as much so it has no use for its armor. The armor then begins to be removed, which translates to physical weight loss and a reduction of physical pain. At this point, the use of traditional and alternative health practices is now extremely effective and should be used only after first consulting your medical physician. If you find it difficult to see the positive aspect of life then hypnotherapy should be explored.
Reframing the Mind
The term "hypnosis" is derived from the Greek word hypnos, meaning "sleep." Hypnotherapists typically use exercises that bring about deep relaxation and an altered state of consciousness, also known as a trance. Many people routinely experience a trance-like state while they are watching television or sitting at a red light. A person in a trance or deeply focused state is unusually responsive to an idea or image, but this does not mean that a hypnotherapist can control your mind and free will. On the contrary, hypnosis can actually teach you how to master your own states of awareness, which can affect your own bodily functions and psychological responses.
When something new happens to us, we remember it and learn a particular behavior in response to that circumstance. Memories stored in our brains hold the original physical and emotional reactions that occurred when the given memory was first formed. Each time similar events occur again, the physical and emotional reactions attached to the memory are repeated. These reactions may be inappropriate or unhealthy.
You may experience temporary relief from using either philosophies or both but the pain eventually returns. This pain then begins to build with no end in sight. You begin to slow down and become less interested in being active. You also begin to remove yourself from the social world because it’s just too painful to put on a “happy face” just so others don’t see what your going through. Eventually, the weight of your physical, emotional, or psychological pain begins to manifest into physical weight. Then, after many fad diets, long days of exercising, and counting calories, you realize that the weight is not only staying but it’s increasing. What now?
Your Focus Determines Your Reality
In a nutshell, quantum theory states that your focus determines your reality. This means that if you focus on all the things that cause you pain, i.e., negative thoughts, anger, control of others, etc., then more pain will come to you. This will then cause a build up of emotional pain within the physical body if not released properly and in a timely manner. If the emotional pain continues the body, in an effort to protect itself, will create a “suit of armor” so it will not feel threatened and experience pain. This “suit of armor” is the physical weight the body creates to protect itself. As the physical weight increases so do the physical stresses, which translates to psychological and, eventually, physical pain. Ultimately, if these stresses continue it will result in the complete breakdown of the physical body.
What is needed here is a new way at looking at situations that don’t bring on the negative aspects of emotion. This involves a conscious choice to see things differently despite what appears to be occurring to you. By choosing to see the positive side of your life experience then you’ll begin to invite more situations to support your positive outlook. Again, your focus determines your reality. Eventually, enough positive outcomes occur that the emotional pain dissipates, which then causes the reduction of the psychological pain. With both emotional and psychological pain reduced or removed, the body doesn’t feel threatened as much so it has no use for its armor. The armor then begins to be removed, which translates to physical weight loss and a reduction of physical pain. At this point, the use of traditional and alternative health practices is now extremely effective and should be used only after first consulting your medical physician. If you find it difficult to see the positive aspect of life then hypnotherapy should be explored.
Reframing the Mind
The term "hypnosis" is derived from the Greek word hypnos, meaning "sleep." Hypnotherapists typically use exercises that bring about deep relaxation and an altered state of consciousness, also known as a trance. Many people routinely experience a trance-like state while they are watching television or sitting at a red light. A person in a trance or deeply focused state is unusually responsive to an idea or image, but this does not mean that a hypnotherapist can control your mind and free will. On the contrary, hypnosis can actually teach you how to master your own states of awareness, which can affect your own bodily functions and psychological responses.
When something new happens to us, we remember it and learn a particular behavior in response to that circumstance. Memories stored in our brains hold the original physical and emotional reactions that occurred when the given memory was first formed. Each time similar events occur again, the physical and emotional reactions attached to the memory are repeated. These reactions may be inappropriate or unhealthy.
In some forms of
hypnotherapy, the trained hypnotherapist guides you to remember the event that
led to the first reaction, separate the memory from the learned behavior, and
reconstruct the event with new, healthier associations.
During hypnosis, a person's body relaxes while their thoughts become more focused and attentive. In this relaxed state, a person will feel very at ease physically yet fully awake mentally. In this state of deep concentration a person is highly responsive to suggestion. If you are trying to quit smoking, for example, a hypnotherapist's suggestion may successfully convince you that in the future you will have a strong dislike for the taste of cigarettes.
Besides emotional pain, stress, and weight issues, here’s a list of conditions that respond well to hypnotherapy:
• Inflammatory bowel diseases (namely, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis)
• Sleep disorders, including insomnia
• Addictions
• Warts
• Bedwetting
• Fibromyalgia
• Irritable bowel syndrome
• Phobias
• Labor and delivery
• Skin disorders [such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema (atopic dermatitis)]
• Migraine headaches
• Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
• Cancer-related pain
• Eating disorders, namely anorexia and bulimia
• Indigestion (dyspepsia)
It’s Your Choice…!
The decision to reframe how you look at life has to be yours and no one else’s. Without your conscious commitment to let go of what you judge to be correct, and look at the positive things in life, any of the alternatives in relieving pain presented today will be doomed to fail. The choice is yours. Use your miraculous gift of choice and free will wisely.
During hypnosis, a person's body relaxes while their thoughts become more focused and attentive. In this relaxed state, a person will feel very at ease physically yet fully awake mentally. In this state of deep concentration a person is highly responsive to suggestion. If you are trying to quit smoking, for example, a hypnotherapist's suggestion may successfully convince you that in the future you will have a strong dislike for the taste of cigarettes.
Besides emotional pain, stress, and weight issues, here’s a list of conditions that respond well to hypnotherapy:
• Inflammatory bowel diseases (namely, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis)
• Sleep disorders, including insomnia
• Addictions
• Warts
• Bedwetting
• Fibromyalgia
• Irritable bowel syndrome
• Phobias
• Labor and delivery
• Skin disorders [such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema (atopic dermatitis)]
• Migraine headaches
• Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
• Cancer-related pain
• Eating disorders, namely anorexia and bulimia
• Indigestion (dyspepsia)
It’s Your Choice…!
The decision to reframe how you look at life has to be yours and no one else’s. Without your conscious commitment to let go of what you judge to be correct, and look at the positive things in life, any of the alternatives in relieving pain presented today will be doomed to fail. The choice is yours. Use your miraculous gift of choice and free will wisely.
'tude vox Ro:
Thank you David, for you time on this interview and especially your work.
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