In her journey, she encounters information from many sources that help, and continue to help, humanity, the Earth, and all those upon the Earth.
One of her friends on Facebook asked recently: "Can the Earth human being be transferred to some other planet?"
Here is Cyndi's answer:
Cyndi: Yes, each planet has a specific radiation in their state of development (ages), called by some as "aura" to make it easier to understand. This radiation field allows humanoid tuned to the same frequency to be attracted to embody these planets in the ethnic groups closer to their vibration. The historians are fascinated by the Maya, Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians, Sumerian, Vedas, and other civilizations who have expressed an incredible knowledge of engineering, astronomy and mathematics can be answered by that principle. Races are humanoids that because its frequency not agree more with the planet Earth were transferred to a planet whose resonance attracted them to reincarnation in other ethnic groups more developed at that time. The descendants of those races that are left on earth are actually crossbreeds of the original race that were not in the right frequency for that transfer at that time.
Cyndi also states that the information given above is not from her but that, “It’s a transcript from an Andromedan contactee, so it’s not exactly what I wrote but rather what I came across.”
Following up on this information, Enoc-Tu, a Galactic Ambassador to the Council of 12, responded to Cyndi's statement.
Enoc-Tu: "For a human to live on a different planet, which may have a completely different energy and magnetic field, the human energy and bio-magnetic fields must be tuned to the new planet's fields. But when this occurs, the physical manifestation of the new fields for the body will transform the physical body into a form that is suitable for living on the planet. The physical body will be humanoid bit will not necessarily look the same. The transformation would not happen overnight and some discomfort may occur until the transformation is complete and the energy and bio-magnetic fields of the body have stabilized."
Enoc-Tu continues: "If the energy and magnetic fields of the new planet are similar or, on rare occasions, identical to the Earth's, then the physical body will have minimum changes because the energy and bio-magnetic fields of the body would not need to be attuned to the new planet's fields."
A heart-felt thanks is sent out to Cyndi and Enoc-Tu for their insight, which further helps humanity and the Earth on their journey towards reaching their highest possible expression within this Universe.
And so it is... Aho!
Eagle Heart