In celebration of this new World Age, and to assist in making the transition smoothly, Aviante Health and Wellness Center® is hosting the Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) “Seven Steps to Transformation” workshop.
This workshop is designed to create an environment of joy-filled energetic expansion and personal transformation. The workshop will also help you heal your trauma without having to relive the drama or pain.
During the workshop, Dr. Susan Nowell will share her angelic energy connection with you, and teach you to establish your own energetic "Heartlink" connection with the energy of nine Healing Angels. You will learn to use ancient sacred geometry, combined with special techniques that Stevan J. Thayer, the creator of IET, channeled from Angel Ariel, to "get the issues out of your tissues” for good! In addition to experiencing these Seven Steps to Transformation, you will learn hand mudras that will let you instantly re-activate them anytime.
To register for the workshop, call 818-661-8732 or 805-778-1979
Make a choice and begin your journey by taking the first step towards YOUR transformation.
Workshop Dates: December 21-22, 2012.
Workshop Cost: $175 before Dec 14; $225 after Dec. 14; and $250 at the door.
Workshop Times: 10 AM to 5 PM PST, each day.
Workshop Location: Aviante Health and Wellness Center®, 778-A Greenwich Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360