Thursday, November 29, 2012

Anchoring the Galactic Energy Wave of Ascension

In support of the continuing energy shift, caused by the energy wave that continues to flow from the center of our galaxy, as stated by Thoth in his instructions to anchor the energy wave, the VSCN and its fans began the process of creating the energy grid array that would hold the energy wave on our Earth long enough for those upon the Earth to begin the process of "remembering," performing their chosen tasks, and evolving according to their Divine Heart Plan. To do this we anchored ourselves into the Earth, according to the instructions from Thoth, so the energy grid array could be created.

Now, as the energy flow intensifies, we all need to continue to follow Thoth's instructions and perform the anchoring/meditation once a day so our brethren can continue to ground themselves, remain grounded, and awaken to their chosen journeys, in accordance with their Heart Plans. Below is the information and instructions according to Thoth. Thank you everyone for choosing to walk your journey and for being the light so others can see their chosen path.


David-Uriel "Eagle Heart"

Message from Thoth, one of the Earth Representatives from the Council of 12

Children of the light, Warriors of the Rainbow, and all those fulfilling their chosen journeys in accordance with their Divine Heart Plans and the Universal Plan, heed these words that come to you from places beyond your world. There is a great urgency upon us all to prepare for the coming shift of your world, which is on the horizon. For those of you who have heard the Call, and have prepared yourselves for the task at hand, your time has come.

You, along with those you call the Ascended Masters, as well as many others; will be creating an energy grid array for the coming energy wave, which will begin to be felt by your world on December 12, 2012, according to your current calendar. This energy wave will create what we call a “space of remembrance.” Within this “space,” all of those within the “space” will experience a recall of previous physical lives, from your current world and other worlds. This recall of memory shall be brought to the forefront of your consciousness to be utilized in accordance with your Divine Heart Plan and the Universal Plan. Once this recall is complete, and is fully integrated with your current physical experience, a raising of vibration and frequency shall occur lifting your awareness to a level equal to the awareness of your world, galaxy, and visible Universe. This is what many of your ancient ones have called The Ascension. But before this energy wave arrives, you all must become as anchors to fully embrace the coming energy wave into your world.

To fully anchor yourselves into the Earth, you first must place yourself in meditative state of mind of your choosing. When you have attained a relaxed state, reach out with your hearts and minds into the Heart of your galaxy, the Heart of the Earth, and to the hearts of each other performing the same task as you. The connection to each other must be heart to heart. Only within the sacred space of your Divine Hearts can this connection be made and maintained long enough for the energy wave to begin the process of shifting your world, and all those upon her, into the next level of expression, which many of you have labeled as the 5th and 6th dimension.

Next, you must have what has been called the Merkaba Light Vehicle fully activated. Much has been shared previously by others on your world, in service to the Universe, regarding the activation of the Merkaba Light Vehicle. But because the level of energy coming is very high, and the time of its arrival is upon us all, we ask you to visualize this Merkaba Light Vehicle created within your hearts, which shall be called your Heart Merkaba Light Vehicle.

Female Merkaba

Once you create your Heart Merkaba Light Vehicle according to your gender (female tetrahedron apex points to the earth and leading edge facing to the front; male tetrahedron apex points to the sky, leading edge facing to the back), ask to be fully prepared for the full activation of your Heart Merkaba Light Vehicle. When you feel in your heart that you are ready, ask for your Heart Merkaba Light Vehicle to spin at full speed in alignment with the Heart Merkaba of the Earth and the Heart Merkaba of your galaxy. When you feel that your request has been accepted, take a deep breath, create a small hole with your lips with the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, and blow your breath out completely with force. Once you blow your breath out completely begin to breathe normally. Be prepared for a rush of high level energy once the connection is made with the Earth and galaxy Heart Merkaba Light Vehicles. Do not fear if the flow of energy becomes intense. Your intention to connect with the Merkaba Heart of the Earth and the Merkaba Heart of your galaxy will prepare you for the intensity of the energy.

Male Merkaba

When you are fully connected, and you are fully stabilized, see your Heart Merkaba Light Vehicle duplicate itself to encompass your entire body. When you feel your body fully encompassed by the larger Merkaba Light Vehicle, see it merge with the Earth Heart Merkaba Light Vehicle. When the merging your Heart Merkaba and Earth Heart Merkaba is complete, merge with the Heart Merkaba of your galaxy. When all of you have completed this task of merging your Heart Merkaba Light Vehicles with the Earth and your galaxy Heart Merkaba Light Vehicles, and your Heart Merkaba Light Vehicles are spinning at full speed in alignment with the Earth’s and your galaxy’s Heart Merkaba Light Vehicles, as well as making the connection with all of your brethren on Earth, heart to heart, then the anchor and energy grid array will be created and ready for the coming energy wave.

Know this. For the shift to fully begin, and to continue to shift you and your world, the coming energy wave must be held within your current Earth experience so the consciousness of those not fully awake can be fully awakened and raised to the next level of experience. Anchoring the energy wave with the energy grid array will help to create a “space of remembrance” for all of you, including your Earth. This process must be done everyday beginning on December 12, 2012, through December 22, 2012, and into the coming years.

Thank you for choosing to walk your chosen journeys and to be of service to yourselves, the Earth, the galaxy, and the Universe.

~ Thoth / Ningishzidda ~

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mercury Retrograde Presidential Election Report– November 6 through November 26, 2012

By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, CBT, RMT
The Virtual Sacred Circle of Nations
November 5, 2012

Mercury Retrograde Effects for Most Zodiac Signs

In evaluating Mercury retrogrades, I use sidereal astrological calculations, as well as Starry Night Pro 6, to determine real-time (current) energies involved. Mercury goes retrograde November 6, 2012 (presidential election year), in the constellation of Scorpio.

Mercury rules thinking and perception, processing and disseminating information and all means of communication, commerce, education and transportation. By extension, Mercury rules people who work in these areas, especially those who work with their minds or their wits: writers and orators, consultants, commentators and critics, gossips and spin doctors, salespeople, teachers, travelers, tricksters and thieves. Mercury also has an occult side, so healing, astrology and the transmission of spiritual knowledge are also in his area.

Mercury retrograde gives rise to personal misunderstandings; flawed, disrupted, or delayed communications, negotiations and trade; glitches and breakdowns with phones, computers, cars, buses, and trains. And all of these problems usually arise because some crucial piece of information, or component, has gone astray or awry. Public transit, i.e. air, bus, etc., law enforcement activity, and social unrest may be affected and/or increase during a Mercury retrograde.

It is not exactly wise to make important decisions while Mercury is retrograde, since it is likely that such decisions will be clouded by misinformation, poor communication and careless thinking. Mercury is all about mental clarity and the power of the mind, so when Mercury is retrograde these intellectual characteristics tend to be less acute than usual, as the critical faculties are dimmed. Make sure you pay attention to the small print!

Current Planetary Configurations During This Mercury Retrograde

During this Mercury Retrograde we have Mercury in Scorpio. Mercury is also trine with Uranus/Aquarius in Pisces and the Moon/Cancer in Cancer.

Other configurations connected with Mercury during this Mercury Retrograde: Saturn/Capricorn is semi-sextiled in Libra, and Neptune/Pisces is squared in Aquarius.

The energy during this period will be about healing the emotional body within yourselves and at home through the use of Universal Truth (Mercury in Scorpio). Emotions will run high when the ego attempts to skew Universal Truth with its own version of the truth. This will not happen easily since Pisces/Neptune (created illusions) is being overseen by Uranus/Aquarius (the rebel with a cause) in Pisces, who will be making sure that Pisces/Neptune receives Universal Truth unfiltered. But the ego will still attempt to create the illusion of Universal Truth because Uranus/Aquarius is retrograde in Pisces.

The struggle for the ego attempting to skew Universal Truth will further task Uranus/Aquarius in Pisces in keeping things straight when Mercury is squared (unfavorable aspect) with Neptune/Pisces in Aquarius. What appears to be Universal Truth will not be Universal Truth to many eyes as we see currently during our presidential election campaigns. What may ease this struggle for control of Universal Truth and possibly ease communications is the semi-sextile of Mercury and Jupiter/Capricorn in Libra (Scales of Justice-Balance).

Remaining aware of the potential for misunderstandings due to Mercury Retrograde will allow for more patience to settle in during conversations and information sharing. But be forewarned, the ego will make many attempts to create the illusion that what you see and hear, and what you understand, are the same. This may not always be correct. Ask many questions on any and all information you receive for yourself and for others. Remain aware that your home environment will also be affected greatly and many missed cues from your loved ones can create havoc for them and you.

Our great nation is also our home so, as we have been seeing with the presidential campaigns of the two parties, our home is in chaos and is in need of a much needed overhaul at all levels. What will help here is creating a healing environment, through the use of communications, which will help you as an individual and help the nation. This will be supported, if the intention is set, but not without some work since currently we also have Mercury squared with Chiron (the wounded healer) in Aquarius. Where ever Chiron is at on a chart is where healing is needed. Aquarius, the rebel with a cause, is in need of healing so he can go out and breakdown old paradigms and create new ones for the greater good of the masses to assist this nation’s evolution in moving forward.

Other Major Zodiac Signs Affected by the Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio in the Trine Configuration

Moon (Cancer) Exalted in its Constellation of Cancer

Emotions will run high in the home, including our nation, with this configuration. Mercury will be forcing you to go within yourselves to re-evaluate your emotions on a number of issues, including the issues of this nation during this presidential election. This nation is your HOME so any and all issues affecting your home will directly affect you at all levels. If your home is insecure and unstable so will you be insecure and unstable. Much information you receive from all sources, including divine, may be skewed due to Uranus/Aquarius also being retrograde in Pisces (see below). For information to be clear, concise, and truthful you must first find the quiet place within your hearts and listen. Only when you quiet the mind and the heart can you begin to see the truth of it all. In short, be mindful of the thoughts truths of others… they may not be the TRUTH.

Uranus (Aquarius) in the Constellation of Pisces

In a word…WOW!!! The rebel with a cause will be going through some intense re-structuring of self and his/her beliefs systems. Much introspection will be needed during this time so Aquarius can be better prepared when this Mercury Retrograde is over. Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, is also in retrograde so already Aquarius is going through self-evaluation and re-structuring. But now with Aquarius’ ability to communicate to the masses is being hampered by Mercury (the Communicator) going through retrograde, much frustration may be experienced by him/her and the masses. Also, divine guidance that is normally heard unhindered when Uranus is not retrograde in Pisces is now being channeled in a way to allow Aquarius to go into a “hibernation” period for deep meditation and healing. This is the energy that Pisces is sending to Aquarius, which is intensified by Mercury Retrograde. Be at peace Aquarius with Self. Meditate, enjoy life, and heal thyself. When you have done this you will be in a better place to be of service to others and to yourself.