This blog entry is informational in nature and does not advocate or denounce the mission of the Venus Project. This entry is being presented purely as a starting point for discussions to break outside of the box of conventional thinking and begin the process of finding new ways of resolving the current issues being faced by our society today. Use discernment when reading the information and/or when viewing the video. I welcome discussions on this subject and I look forward to your questions.
David-Uriel “Eagle Heart”
Part 1
Part 2

One People. One World. One Spirit... We Are One!
The Virtual Sacred Circle of Nations (VSCN) brings together spiritually like-minded people into a virtual group circle to share current world events,information, and to provide spiritually-centered healing sessions for to assist in the creation of a spiritually and heart-centered reality. In sharing our knowledge and wisdom with others we all grow together in Spirit as One!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Resource Based Economy (Energy, Work) - Parts 1 and 2
Imagining a World Without Money.
This is an overview of Jacque Fresco, the founder of the Venus Project. This blog entry is informational in nature and does not advocate or denounce the mission of the Venus Project. This entry is being presented purely as a starting point for discussions to break outside of the box of conventional thinking and begin the process of finding new ways of resolving the current issues being faced by our society today. Use discernment when reading the information and when viewing the video. I welcome discussions on this subject and I look forward to your questions.
David-Uriel “Eagle Heart”
Born on March 13, 1916, Jacque Fresco started his professional career as design consultant for Rotor Craft Helicopter Company. He served in the Army Design and Development Unit at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, U.S. and worked for the Raymond De-Icer Corporation based in Los Angeles, California, U.S., as a research engineer.
He worked for many companies and in many fields such as technical consultant and technical advisor to the motion picture industry, industrial design instructor at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. In Los Angeles, he was colleague and work associate of psychologist Donald Powell Wilson.
In 1942, Fresco started the Revell Plastics Company (now Revell-Monogram) with Lou Glaser, working variously in aerospace research and development, architecture, efficient automobile design, bare-eye 3D cinematic projection methods and medical equipment design where he developed a three dimensional X-ray unit amongst other things.
The Venus Project was started around 1975 by Fresco and by former portrait artist, Roxanne Meadows in Venus, Florida, USA. Its research center is a 21-acre (85,000 m2) property with various domed buildings of his design, where they work on books and films to demonstrate their concepts and ideas. Fresco has produced an extensive range of scale models based on his designs. The Venus Project was incorporated in 1995.
Venus project was founded on the idea that poverty is caused by the stifling of progress in technology, which itself is caused by the present world's profit-driven economic system. The progression of technology, if it were carried on independent of its profitability, Fresco theorizes, would make more resources available to more people thereby reducing corruption and greed, and instead make people more likely to help each other. Fresco advocates against a money-based economy in favor of what he refers to as a resource-based economy.
In a 2008 interview with Fresco and Meadows, Fresco stated that a 'lack of credentials' has made it difficult for him to gain influence in academic circles. He adds that when universities do invite him to speak, they often don't give him enough time to explain his views.
David-Uriel “Eagle Heart”
Born on March 13, 1916, Jacque Fresco started his professional career as design consultant for Rotor Craft Helicopter Company. He served in the Army Design and Development Unit at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, U.S. and worked for the Raymond De-Icer Corporation based in Los Angeles, California, U.S., as a research engineer.
He worked for many companies and in many fields such as technical consultant and technical advisor to the motion picture industry, industrial design instructor at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. In Los Angeles, he was colleague and work associate of psychologist Donald Powell Wilson.
In 1942, Fresco started the Revell Plastics Company (now Revell-Monogram) with Lou Glaser, working variously in aerospace research and development, architecture, efficient automobile design, bare-eye 3D cinematic projection methods and medical equipment design where he developed a three dimensional X-ray unit amongst other things.
The Venus Project was started around 1975 by Fresco and by former portrait artist, Roxanne Meadows in Venus, Florida, USA. Its research center is a 21-acre (85,000 m2) property with various domed buildings of his design, where they work on books and films to demonstrate their concepts and ideas. Fresco has produced an extensive range of scale models based on his designs. The Venus Project was incorporated in 1995.
Venus project was founded on the idea that poverty is caused by the stifling of progress in technology, which itself is caused by the present world's profit-driven economic system. The progression of technology, if it were carried on independent of its profitability, Fresco theorizes, would make more resources available to more people thereby reducing corruption and greed, and instead make people more likely to help each other. Fresco advocates against a money-based economy in favor of what he refers to as a resource-based economy.
In a 2008 interview with Fresco and Meadows, Fresco stated that a 'lack of credentials' has made it difficult for him to gain influence in academic circles. He adds that when universities do invite him to speak, they often don't give him enough time to explain his views.
Monday, December 20, 2010
The 12 Universal Laws

The Universal Laws are viewed as guidelines that place us in the flow. Following these laws assists and enhances each part of our life, from the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Working, understanding, and applying these laws can allow us to live in harmony, leading to a fulfilled and a prosperous life.
There are other "sub-laws" that support the basic 12 Univesal Laws but by being aware of the 12 Universal Laws we can become more attune to our actions to others as well as to ourselves, thus unconsciously fulfilling the multitude of sub-laws."
The 12 Universal Laws
The 12 Universal Laws
1) The Law of Oneness:
This Law explains that everything in this world is connected to everything else. Anything we believe, think, do, or say affects the world and the universe around us.
This Law explains that everything in this world is connected to everything else. Anything we believe, think, do, or say affects the world and the universe around us.
2) Law of Energy or Vibration:
This Law describes that everything in the Universe vibrates. This law holds true in every aspect of life. Vibration is in the physical world, within our thoughts, feelings, desires, and dreams. Every vibrational frequency has a unique vibration.
3) The Law of Action:
Action brings results, manifesting different results, depending upon our thoughts, dreams, emotions, and words. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support those thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.
4) The Law of Correspondence:
This Law places us in the drivers’ seat of our own life. Your outer world will be a direct reflection of your inner world, accepting responsibility for your life. This law takes us out of the victim role making us the sole creator of our own life.
5) Law of Cause and Effect:
This Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. For this law we look at every action. This is because every action has an appropriate reaction. This law means we have to take responsibility for every that happens in our lives. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.”
6) The Law of Compensation:
This Law is an arm from Cause and Effect being applied to abundance and blessings that come into our lives. Compensation is the visible effects of our deeds; it can show up as gifts, money, friendships, or any other blessing given to us due to our actions.
7) Law of Attraction:
This Law creates things, events, and people that come into our lives, through our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. All these thoughts and actions are energy that we place out to the world attracting like energies. In other words placing a negative energy out to the world will attract other negative energies and putting out a positive energy will attract other positive energies.
This Law describes that everything in the Universe vibrates. This law holds true in every aspect of life. Vibration is in the physical world, within our thoughts, feelings, desires, and dreams. Every vibrational frequency has a unique vibration.
3) The Law of Action:
Action brings results, manifesting different results, depending upon our thoughts, dreams, emotions, and words. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support those thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.
4) The Law of Correspondence:
This Law places us in the drivers’ seat of our own life. Your outer world will be a direct reflection of your inner world, accepting responsibility for your life. This law takes us out of the victim role making us the sole creator of our own life.
5) Law of Cause and Effect:
This Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. For this law we look at every action. This is because every action has an appropriate reaction. This law means we have to take responsibility for every that happens in our lives. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.”
6) The Law of Compensation:
This Law is an arm from Cause and Effect being applied to abundance and blessings that come into our lives. Compensation is the visible effects of our deeds; it can show up as gifts, money, friendships, or any other blessing given to us due to our actions.
7) Law of Attraction:
This Law creates things, events, and people that come into our lives, through our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. All these thoughts and actions are energy that we place out to the world attracting like energies. In other words placing a negative energy out to the world will attract other negative energies and putting out a positive energy will attract other positive energies.
8) Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy:
As energy we all have the power to change any condition in our lives. Producing a higher vibration consumes and transforms lower ones. This means we can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying their principles that will produce change.
9) Law of Relativity:
Each of us will receive a series of situations to strengthen the energy within us. This law gives us the ability to stay connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the situations. This law also teaches us that if we compare our problems to other peoples’ problems it will place everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation, there is always someone who is in a more difficult position, making it all relative.
10) Law of Polarity:
This Law states that everything has an opposite. Light has to have dark in order to understand each. If we change an undesirable thought by concentrating on the opposite thought, brings a desirable change.
11) Law of Rhythm:
This Law describes to us that everything vibrates and moves to a rhythm. Each rhythm establishes seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s universe. To master rhythm you must rise above any negative parts of a cycle.
12) Law of Gender:
This Law is the Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) of life, making them the basis for all creation. As spiritual beings we must balance the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves to become a true co-creator with God.
Astrological Interpretation for the December 21, 2010, Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse
December 21, 2010, Lunar Eclipse: Gateway opening, increase of feminine energy, increase of emotions and intuition, increase of situational awareness, time for emotional "check and balance."
Mercury in retrograde (ends Dec. 30, 2010)
All forms of communications strained. Structures (Capricorn), i.e., businesses, relationships, organizations, careers, etc., will be re-evaluated. People’s foundations, i.e., home, careers, beliefs, relationships, etc., will also be questioned and re-evaluated. Much stress to occur in the belief systems of the people of foreign lands (Sagittarius) with much back pain accompanying the stress. Communication between governments may become confused and strained possibly leading to chaotic confrontations.
Tropical Astrology
Eclipse in Gemini: Old acquaintances may begin to come into your life again to resolve old issues. To understand them, as well as them understanding you, may be difficult during Mercury retrograde. Truths that have been pushed away for fear of facing them may be reflected by those close to you and by those traveling to you from far distances. The truth shall be shown again.
Sidereal Astrology
Eclipse in Taurus: The truth of the matter shall be shown for any ill conceived and represented financial transactions. The belief in the strength of the monetary system will begin to wane further in the shadow of the eclipse. This will be made possible due to the light of truth shining through from the emotional side of Taurus, which is Scorpio ruled by Pluto (the Destroyer of old paradigms) as well as Ophiuchus (the serpent handler-the medicine of truth), the new constellation that now traverses the Earth’s ecliptic.
Many gateways will be traversed until the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012. This lunar eclipse, which represents the further awakening of our awareness and intuition, is just another marker for us acknowledge and let go in preparation for our rendezvous with our chosen destiny. This preparation is furthered intensified with the emotional side of Gemini and Taurus (Sagittarius and Scorpio/Ophiuchus) closer to be aligned with the center of our galaxy, which shines the light of truth to us all. Through our awareness, intuition, and remaining present, we will not only survive but thrive during the transition into our heart-based reality, which is our birthright.
Be Blessed my Friends,
David-Uriel "Eagle Heart"
Mercury in retrograde (ends Dec. 30, 2010)
All forms of communications strained. Structures (Capricorn), i.e., businesses, relationships, organizations, careers, etc., will be re-evaluated. People’s foundations, i.e., home, careers, beliefs, relationships, etc., will also be questioned and re-evaluated. Much stress to occur in the belief systems of the people of foreign lands (Sagittarius) with much back pain accompanying the stress. Communication between governments may become confused and strained possibly leading to chaotic confrontations.
Tropical Astrology
Eclipse in Gemini: Old acquaintances may begin to come into your life again to resolve old issues. To understand them, as well as them understanding you, may be difficult during Mercury retrograde. Truths that have been pushed away for fear of facing them may be reflected by those close to you and by those traveling to you from far distances. The truth shall be shown again.
Sidereal Astrology
Eclipse in Taurus: The truth of the matter shall be shown for any ill conceived and represented financial transactions. The belief in the strength of the monetary system will begin to wane further in the shadow of the eclipse. This will be made possible due to the light of truth shining through from the emotional side of Taurus, which is Scorpio ruled by Pluto (the Destroyer of old paradigms) as well as Ophiuchus (the serpent handler-the medicine of truth), the new constellation that now traverses the Earth’s ecliptic.
Many gateways will be traversed until the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012. This lunar eclipse, which represents the further awakening of our awareness and intuition, is just another marker for us acknowledge and let go in preparation for our rendezvous with our chosen destiny. This preparation is furthered intensified with the emotional side of Gemini and Taurus (Sagittarius and Scorpio/Ophiuchus) closer to be aligned with the center of our galaxy, which shines the light of truth to us all. Through our awareness, intuition, and remaining present, we will not only survive but thrive during the transition into our heart-based reality, which is our birthright.
Be Blessed my Friends,
David-Uriel "Eagle Heart"
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
December 10 - 29/30, 2010 Mercury Retrograde Alert
The planet Mercury rules thinking and perception and all types of communication. When Mercury goes retrograde it gives rise to personal misunderstandings. There would be delays, flaws and hitches in all communication related areas like transportation, trade, etc. Astrologers advise not to make any important decisions while Mercury is retrograde, since it is likely that such decisions will be marred by misinformation, poor communication and careless thinking. During a retrograde period, it is not a good idea to push forward any practical venture. It is better to prepare for it rather than doing it and to move ahead later with the direct phase of Mercury.
Mercury goes Retrograde 3 times every year. As it slows down before the Retrograde period, we call it the Pre-Retrograde. Mercury starts loosing power then and hence new ventures cannot do well in this period. Then there is the Post-Retrograde when Mercury picks up or gains speed but is still moving slowly enough to cause a slow progress in the projects undertaken. During the Mercury Retrograde period it is best advised not to venture into any new territory and to stay put. Actually Mercury keeps going around the Sun, always in the same direction and more or less at the same speed. Knowing the Mercury retrograde periods can help you to plan your ventures in advance so that they do not go off-track.
Most Mercury Retrogrades are calculated in the Tropical System of Astrology, which is based on the seasons of the Earth. I calculate Mercury Retrograde for both Tropical and Sidereal Systems.
In a nutshell, the Sidereal System is "what you see is what you get." This means that assuming you are an Aquarius in the Tropical System, if you would have looked up into the sky at the time of your birth and viewed the constellation the Sun was in, chances are that the Sun would have been in the constellation of Capricorn instead of Aquarius. This is due what is called, "The Precession of the Equinoxes." Because of this "Earth wobble" the Earth moves back in the zodiac table approximately one degree every 72 years. So now, after 2000 years since astrological observations began, the Earth has moved back approximately 24 degrees. This is significant since on an average each "house" in the zodiac table is approximately 30 degrees in size. How does this affect us from a Mercury Retrograde standpoint?
In the Tropical System, the upcoming retrograde will be in the sign of Capricorn. All forms of structures that are outdated will be reevaluated and if it does not serve its intended purpose then it will be broken down and rebuilt by those in the next zodiac house (Aquarius). All forms of structured ideas that previously helped, and continue to help, organizations may be forced to look within themselves and let go of what does not work for the greater good of the organization. From a health and wellness standpoint, a retrograde in Capricorn may affect the knees, joints, and the skeletal system (structures). The inability to be flexible to new ideas and new ways of doing business may cause much pain and suffering. In addition, the Sidereal System needs to be factored into this retrograde as well.
In this retrograde, from the Sidereal System, it will occur in the sign of Sagittarius. Belief systems in all forms, i.e. religion, business practices, etc., will be challenged to the point of breaking unless adaptation and flexibility are incorporated. Travel to distant lands is not recommended during this time since Sagittarius affects foreign lands. Communication with foreign people may be difficult so international business may be affected as well as international relations between governmental bodies. From a health and wellness standpoint, the hips, thighs, liver, and sciatic nerve may be affected, especially for those who have experienced previous injuries in these areas.
To put it all together, this Mercury Retrograde may dramatically affect all forms of structured belief systems causing miscommunication within yourself and with others around you. All businesses and government bodies may also be affected to the point of causing clashes over who's right and who's wrong. Large "big business" companies may fall if they do not do their "inner work" and create a healthy work environment and a healthy work relationship for both their employees and their business partners. Health and wellness in the areas of hips, sciatic nerve, lower back, joints, knees, liver, and the skeletal system may also be affected in a way that brings awareness to those areas.
Awareness of this upcoming Mercury Retrograde, and future retrogrades, may help in alleviating the strain of this energy and help us in letting go of old and outdated belief systems. By letting go of judgment we can be in a better place to adapt and change with the times.
David-Uriel "Eagle Heart"
Mercury goes Retrograde 3 times every year. As it slows down before the Retrograde period, we call it the Pre-Retrograde. Mercury starts loosing power then and hence new ventures cannot do well in this period. Then there is the Post-Retrograde when Mercury picks up or gains speed but is still moving slowly enough to cause a slow progress in the projects undertaken. During the Mercury Retrograde period it is best advised not to venture into any new territory and to stay put. Actually Mercury keeps going around the Sun, always in the same direction and more or less at the same speed. Knowing the Mercury retrograde periods can help you to plan your ventures in advance so that they do not go off-track.
Most Mercury Retrogrades are calculated in the Tropical System of Astrology, which is based on the seasons of the Earth. I calculate Mercury Retrograde for both Tropical and Sidereal Systems.
In a nutshell, the Sidereal System is "what you see is what you get." This means that assuming you are an Aquarius in the Tropical System, if you would have looked up into the sky at the time of your birth and viewed the constellation the Sun was in, chances are that the Sun would have been in the constellation of Capricorn instead of Aquarius. This is due what is called, "The Precession of the Equinoxes." Because of this "Earth wobble" the Earth moves back in the zodiac table approximately one degree every 72 years. So now, after 2000 years since astrological observations began, the Earth has moved back approximately 24 degrees. This is significant since on an average each "house" in the zodiac table is approximately 30 degrees in size. How does this affect us from a Mercury Retrograde standpoint?
In the Tropical System, the upcoming retrograde will be in the sign of Capricorn. All forms of structures that are outdated will be reevaluated and if it does not serve its intended purpose then it will be broken down and rebuilt by those in the next zodiac house (Aquarius). All forms of structured ideas that previously helped, and continue to help, organizations may be forced to look within themselves and let go of what does not work for the greater good of the organization. From a health and wellness standpoint, a retrograde in Capricorn may affect the knees, joints, and the skeletal system (structures). The inability to be flexible to new ideas and new ways of doing business may cause much pain and suffering. In addition, the Sidereal System needs to be factored into this retrograde as well.
In this retrograde, from the Sidereal System, it will occur in the sign of Sagittarius. Belief systems in all forms, i.e. religion, business practices, etc., will be challenged to the point of breaking unless adaptation and flexibility are incorporated. Travel to distant lands is not recommended during this time since Sagittarius affects foreign lands. Communication with foreign people may be difficult so international business may be affected as well as international relations between governmental bodies. From a health and wellness standpoint, the hips, thighs, liver, and sciatic nerve may be affected, especially for those who have experienced previous injuries in these areas.
To put it all together, this Mercury Retrograde may dramatically affect all forms of structured belief systems causing miscommunication within yourself and with others around you. All businesses and government bodies may also be affected to the point of causing clashes over who's right and who's wrong. Large "big business" companies may fall if they do not do their "inner work" and create a healthy work environment and a healthy work relationship for both their employees and their business partners. Health and wellness in the areas of hips, sciatic nerve, lower back, joints, knees, liver, and the skeletal system may also be affected in a way that brings awareness to those areas.
Awareness of this upcoming Mercury Retrograde, and future retrogrades, may help in alleviating the strain of this energy and help us in letting go of old and outdated belief systems. By letting go of judgment we can be in a better place to adapt and change with the times.
David-Uriel "Eagle Heart"
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