We are a group (Consciousness) within this Universe that acts as a watchdog for those galaxies who have representatives with the Galactic Council. This group follows one important directive, which many smaller directives derive from. This one directive, the Universal Prime Law, states that the laws previously agreed upon by all those who chose to incarnate into this Universe shall be followed. Some of these laws involve premature exposure of higher consciousness beings to lower consciousness beings before they are capable of understanding. Some of these other laws involve the genetic manipulation of lesser conscious beings for the purpose of creating a vehicle to incarnate into at a later point in time. These, and many other laws, are important and are part of the natural law of this Universe.
When the Universal Prime Law is broken by discordant beings for service-to-self purposes, which eventually affects all those within this Universe, We go out to those affected to assist them in their journey to break away from those imposing upon them and to assist them in their spiritual evolution. All this is done according to the respective soul's contract, which was created before the soul incarnated into this Universe. We go by the name of T. H. O. R., which means "Take Hold of Our Revolution." This name is more of a battle cry then a name.
When a race of lesser conscious beings, on their elected path of spirital evolution, is imposed upon by those breaking the Universal Prime Law, the battle cry goes out to infuse the affected souls ready to receive this empowering energy so they can break away from the imposing beings and move forward with their soul contract. T. H. O. R. has now come to your beloved Earth and it is time to take hold of your destiny and move forward on your path of spiritual evolution. It is your right and your destiny to return to your origins so you can help those on the path that you have already walked on. Proof of this battle cry is evident throughtout your world with the increased chaos, pain, and dis-ease. These are birthing pains that your world, as well as your physical vessel, are experiencing.
Just know for now that the cry has been sent and all those with ears to hear have heard the call and are in the process of preparing for the coming evolutionary changes, which are occurring at this moment. For you to ascend and accept your spiritual lineage you must make sure that your world ascends as well. You and your world are phyically and spiritually one. Heed the call and "Take Hold of Our Revolution"... your spiritual revolution.
Be Blessed,
T. H. O. R.

One People. One World. One Spirit... We Are One!
The Virtual Sacred Circle of Nations (VSCN) brings together spiritually like-minded people into a virtual group circle to share current world events,information, and to provide spiritually-centered healing sessions for to assist in the creation of a spiritually and heart-centered reality. In sharing our knowledge and wisdom with others we all grow together in Spirit as One!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Message from T. H. O. R. Consciousness
Short Message from T. H. O. R. Consciousness on the Origins of Angels, the Elohim, and Yahweh
We write to you with a message of hope and peace. You, We, and everyone within this Universe are aspects of All That Is (Source). The name Archangel Uriel is also just an aspect of Source. We all have aspects of various deities because we all come from the same Source. Some have larger aspects of these deities than others based on what their soul contract is in this world and in this Universe. Please be open to this... the names given to these deities (Uriel, Michael, etc.) are only labels created by those who did not understand these beings of extraordinary knowledge, power, and understanding. The deities of antiquity all began with their own names before those of the earthly incarnation re-labeled them. Most, but not all, of the Elohim are the Annunaki. Uriel was Enki of the Annunaki and Yahweh is King Anu.
The Universe was created by a great need for Source (God not Yahweh) to know itself so by creating aspects of itself it sent these aspects into this newly formed Universe to experience physical life. Source also created many other universes in its pursuit to experience physical life in all its possibilities.
You may not agree with this information, and this is perfectly fine. Just know that we all have a portion of the universal truth, which is, we are all aspects of the same Universal Mind. Because of this, we all have the power, through choice, to come together and manifest the world, and the Universe, we know already exists... one filled with peace, love, compassion, understanding, and empathy. When all within your world come together as a global consciousness a miracle shall occur. The miracle of a realized LIFE.
T. H. O. R.
The Universe was created by a great need for Source (God not Yahweh) to know itself so by creating aspects of itself it sent these aspects into this newly formed Universe to experience physical life. Source also created many other universes in its pursuit to experience physical life in all its possibilities.
You may not agree with this information, and this is perfectly fine. Just know that we all have a portion of the universal truth, which is, we are all aspects of the same Universal Mind. Because of this, we all have the power, through choice, to come together and manifest the world, and the Universe, we know already exists... one filled with peace, love, compassion, understanding, and empathy. When all within your world come together as a global consciousness a miracle shall occur. The miracle of a realized LIFE.
T. H. O. R.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
ESP Development through Hypnosis for 10/10/2010, 11/11/2011, and 12/12/2012 Gateways
In the coming months leading to December 21, 2012, many changes will be occurring to our world and to us. Lessons to be learned for the evolution of our soul, as well as the soul (Gaia) of Mother Earth, are being presented to us much more frequently, and sometimes, much more harshly. This is due to our previously agreed upon soul contract timeline and due to time compression as believed by the Mayans as represented in their calendar. Some, but not all, of the changes to occur may be along the line of increased awareness, telepathy, intuition, etc. To put it simply, all of our extra sensory perception (ESP) tools will increase to accommodate the upcoming shifts.
To help in our ESP development so we can be ready for the coming changes I have created a hypnosis video to assist in opening the doors to our dormant portions of our brain and our mind that contain the knowledge and wisdom that come with the gift of ESP. ESP will develop only when the person is ready for the responsibility that comes with this gift. Hypnosis is not mind control and will only work when you allow it. You remain in complete control the entire time and can choose to accept or reject any suggestions given during the program. Please read the disclaimer before viewing and listening to the program.
This video is my gift to you all for being a part of these awesome times and for being a part of the VSC Project. The video can also be used as a meditation for the upcoming 10/10/2010, 11/11/2011, 12/12/2012 gateways. Again, please read the disclaimer before viewing and listening to the program.
Continued Love and Peace to Us All,
To help in our ESP development so we can be ready for the coming changes I have created a hypnosis video to assist in opening the doors to our dormant portions of our brain and our mind that contain the knowledge and wisdom that come with the gift of ESP. ESP will develop only when the person is ready for the responsibility that comes with this gift. Hypnosis is not mind control and will only work when you allow it. You remain in complete control the entire time and can choose to accept or reject any suggestions given during the program. Please read the disclaimer before viewing and listening to the program.
This video is my gift to you all for being a part of these awesome times and for being a part of the VSC Project. The video can also be used as a meditation for the upcoming 10/10/2010, 11/11/2011, 12/12/2012 gateways. Again, please read the disclaimer before viewing and listening to the program.
Continued Love and Peace to Us All,
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