Yantras come from the more than 2000 years old tantric tradition. A yantra is the yogic equivalent of the Buddhist mandala.
A yantra is a visual mantra (a verbal repitition – usually a positive affirmation). It is a symbol or icon – particulary of a goddess (devi) in geometric form.
A Mandala literally means a circle, and is viewed as sacred, normally allowing the observer to settle into a higher or hightened state of awareness. This works very well with our mission with the Virtual Sacred Circle Project. We are a virtual sacred mandala.
Given this, a yantra mandala may be considered to be a geometric embodiment of a Hindu deity enveloped in a sacred circle. Such an embodiment is said to arouse our awareness and point our concentration to the attributes of whichever deity represented in the yantra. Sri yantra is called the mother of all yantras because all other yantras derive from it.
The Sri Yantra Mandala is a configuration of nine interlacing triangles centred around the bindu (the central point of the yantra), drawn by the super imposition of five downward pointing triangles, representing Shakti ; the female principle and four upright triangles, representing Shiva ; the male principle.
Man's spiritual journey from the stage of material existence to ultimate enlightenment is mapped on the Sri Yantra Mandala. The spiritual journey is taken as a pilgrimage in which every step is an ascent to the center, a movement beyond one's limited existence, and every level is nearer to the goal.
Each of the circuits of the Sri Yantra, from the outer plane to the bindu (the center), corresponds with one of the stages of the spiritual journey.
The goal of contemplating the Sri Yantra is that the adept can rediscover his primordial sources. The circuits symbolically indicate the successive phases in the process of becoming.
The Sri Yantra is believed to be the image of the OM mantra, which in the Hindu tradition is understood to be the primordial sound of creation. In his book Rhythms of Vision, Lawrence Blair writes that when the OM is correctly intoned into a tonoscope (a device that transforms sound into a visual representation on a screen), it first produces a circle. As the tone is completed, the circle is filled sequentially with concentric squares, triangles and finally, as the last traces of the "mmm" have died away, the Sri Yantra.
Now this blog posting is not meant to promote the Hindu belief system or any other belief system. It was meant to convey the sacredness of circles, the energy they create for healing and manifesting, and how we as a global consciousness can do our part and create a world of peace, love, and harmony through the use of various ancient or modern tools (Sri Yantra Mandala, medicine wheels, internet, etc.).
How to Use the Sri Yantra Mandala
The secret key to using Yantras in meditation is Resonance. The process of Resonance is established by mental focus on the image of the Yantra. As long as the mind is tuned into the specific mood associated to that Yantra, the energy flows, but when the Resonance is stopped, the energy disappears.
Instructions for Sri Yantra Mandala meditation (Can be done with any Yantra):
1. Hang the Sri Yantra mandala on a wall facing North or East, placing the center of the Yantra at the level of your eyes.
2. Adopt your favorite posture or, if you want, sit on a chair maintaining a straight spine.
3. Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, but do not force at all, just let the breath flow normally.
4. Look into the center of the Yantra, trying to blink as rarely as possible; you don't want to look at the particular details of the Yantra, just keep your sight right in the center and observe the whole Yantra at once.
This exercise should last at least 15-30 minutes every day; the experience will be indescribable.
After at least seven days of Sri Yantra Mandala meditation you will be able to tap into the same yantric energy even without a Yantra (at the beginning you may fix your sight on an exterior or imaginary point or evoke the Yantra with your eyes closed)
When executing this technique it is recommended that we maintain a state of aspiration and intense longing for experiencing the beatific energies of the consciousness.
In superior phases the Sri Yantra Mandala absorbs the practitioner's complete attention, and he can no longer tell if the Yantra is within himself or if he is within the Yantra; this is the state of non-duality.

One People. One World. One Spirit... We Are One!
The Virtual Sacred Circle of Nations (VSCN) brings together spiritually like-minded people into a virtual group circle to share current world events,information, and to provide spiritually-centered healing sessions for to assist in the creation of a spiritually and heart-centered reality. In sharing our knowledge and wisdom with others we all grow together in Spirit as One!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Earth Avatars
By Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra, N.D., CHt, CBT, RMT
Originally written on June 29, 2010

As avatars of Mother Earth, or Earth Avatars, we have the responsibility to be the bridge between the spirit world and the material world. Through us we channel information (frequencies) back and forth between worlds so what is needed in the material world can be provided by the spirit world. The opposite is true as well. This information helps Mother Earth, and in the process all living beings within Mother Earth, re-attune and heal herself as well as helps her prepare herself for her evolution to the next level of consciousness. As Mother Earth evolves so do we.
We Earth Avatars also act as a neuro-network for Mother Earth so she can remain aware of all things globally. What occurs on one part of the world can be felt globally by her and by all living beings within her to include those residing in space. This is possible because the base frequency, or the foundation used to build on, that Mother Earth resonates is the same within all living beings whose physical bodies were created on Earth. So if the base frequency is the same for all living beings why don’t we all look alike? This is where the soul, and its life lessons needed to achieve its soul goal, comes into play.
The names we have, which resonate a frequency that helps co-create, attune, and re-attune the physical body with Mother Earth’s frequency, were chosen by the soul before incarnating into a physical body to address the soul's life lessons so the soul can achieve its soul goal. In essence, the physical body can be likened to a piece of clay ready to be molded by the soul into its final manifestation. Any life lessons (frequencies) that the soul may need to address on the physical plane will manifest on the final product (physical body), which can include the emergence of disease, i.e. cancer, diabetes, migraines, high blood pressure, emotional relationships, etc.
Along with the life lessons being addressed the soul still has to achieve its purpose for being in its current physical incarnation, or achieving its soul goal. So when someone says to you that we all have a reason for being here the above information should begin the process of inner reflection for all who choose to walk their path and begin their journey. The information given during our distance healing event also led to the conclusion that the soul has a name, which is the base frequency in the spirit world as well as the material world. This name is the key that will bring us all together as one. The name is LOVE!
Love is the primordial material used by Universal Consciousness, God, etc., to create basic universes. Once the basic universe is created, literally creating a virtual universe, the details of each universe are left to those souls who have agreed to come together and have a universal physical experience within their chosen universe. The gift of Universal Consciousness to all souls choosing to experience a physical manifestation, which helps create the final details and the timeline within their chosen universe, is FREE WILL! This gift allows all living beings within any universe to be co-creators with Universal Consciousness. Once the souls have chosen which universe they want to physically manifest into the final decision on which planet to live out their physical manifestation is left to the decision of the souls that have chosen to experience physical life together as a group. This is the reason why so many of us have lived multiple lives together as brothers, sisters, couples, etc.
Once a planet is chosen then the details of that planet, its timeline, life experiences, etc., are created by the respective soul group (Oversoul). There are several Oversouls for each planet within each respective universe and many souls that pertain to each respective Oversoul. Each Oversoul assigned to the planet represents a specific species, i.e., human Oversouls that represent each ethnic group, animal and all its groups, etc.
Do Oversouls, along with their respective souls, look the same since their base frequencies are LOVE? No. The reason for this is the same as why all physical bodies do not look the same. The life lessons, or karma, experienced during physical life lodge themselves within the soul and become part of the soul frequency. The act of living out your karma allows for the release of unwanted frequencies, which helps bring the soul closer to its base frequency (love) and in alignment with Mother Earth and the universe.
So if we all agreed to have the current physical manifestation within Mother Earth and within our universe, then for permanent change to occur on our planet, and then later to our universe, in keeping with our chosen timeline, we must all come together as one global consciousness and agree to create a physical world where LOVE is the base frequency so we can begin to shift into a different reality. Since we co-created the current state of our world then we must take responsibility for its condition and take action to co-create a different outcome where love and light reign. It begins with US! Our focus determines our reality. WE ARE EARTH AVATARS! Be the change you’re seeking to have.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Mastery of Life
A student of life will not achieve mastery by watching others achieve. Can you achieve mastery without teaching others? The answer is no. But before we begin to teach others we first must have something to teach about.
Part of achieving mastery of life is through observation. We learn by observing others and ourselves go through life experiences. Once life is observed we then apply the lessons learned from our observations to see what works for ourselves and others. Once we find what works then we may have something to teach others.
In a nutshell, observing ourselves and other’s life lessons, which is the first step in achieving life mastery, is not enough. The application of life lessons to ourselves is the second step of life mastery. The third is the teaching of those life lessons to others. In the teaching others we re-learn what we have learned in the past and find ways to apply past lessons in the present. In this way we begin to build a solid foundation on what works in life and we also do not fall victim to repeating past mistakes.
The first thing that needs to be done before we are ready to teach the mastery of life is what lessons you the individual must learn. The teacher must first be prepared before he can teach others. Everyone has their own life lessons that must be learned before they can share to others what works for them. Here's the beauty of life... your life lessons are only a part of the whole. When you learn and master your life lessons, and then share them to all that are willing to hear and learn from them, then you contribute to the whole group. In this case our Mother Earth. When each individual masters their own life lessons, and shares them to everyone, they also contribute to whole. Eventually, we all become both student and master of life. This process helps in our journey to physical and spiritual ascension as well as consciousness evolution.
Rev David-Uriel
Part of achieving mastery of life is through observation. We learn by observing others and ourselves go through life experiences. Once life is observed we then apply the lessons learned from our observations to see what works for ourselves and others. Once we find what works then we may have something to teach others.
In a nutshell, observing ourselves and other’s life lessons, which is the first step in achieving life mastery, is not enough. The application of life lessons to ourselves is the second step of life mastery. The third is the teaching of those life lessons to others. In the teaching others we re-learn what we have learned in the past and find ways to apply past lessons in the present. In this way we begin to build a solid foundation on what works in life and we also do not fall victim to repeating past mistakes.
The first thing that needs to be done before we are ready to teach the mastery of life is what lessons you the individual must learn. The teacher must first be prepared before he can teach others. Everyone has their own life lessons that must be learned before they can share to others what works for them. Here's the beauty of life... your life lessons are only a part of the whole. When you learn and master your life lessons, and then share them to all that are willing to hear and learn from them, then you contribute to the whole group. In this case our Mother Earth. When each individual masters their own life lessons, and shares them to everyone, they also contribute to whole. Eventually, we all become both student and master of life. This process helps in our journey to physical and spiritual ascension as well as consciousness evolution.
Rev David-Uriel
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Hamster and the Wheel
During these times, there is a large amount of doubt and despair that the ego uses to trap us within our mortal bodies. But the only reason the ego is capable of using doubt and despair and in keeping us trapped is because we create the doubt and despair out of fear. Then the ego uses this fear to create an endless circle that we continually run in, which we find difficult to break out of. Visualize a hamster running in a wheel within a cage. The cage is the doubt and fear we create for ourselves and the wheel is what the ego creates for us to run in. All the hamster needs to do to stop the wheel is to stop running and step to either side and he's off the wheel. Then the hamster would be able to see what’s around him. The same applies to us. We just need to stop and look within us to realize that all we ever needed to help ourselves and others resides within us. Once we step off the wheel we then have a new perspective from a macro point of view. This new point of view now allows us to better handle the changes that are occurring as we speak. The changes I call the quickening. We come into this world whole and complete. WE just need to stop and realize so WE can move forward with our soul goal.
Rev. David-Uriel
Rev. David-Uriel
The Difference Between Believing and Knowing
Believing is associated with faith and resides in the head (thinking). Believing also implies that there is some doubt in what you perceive. Knowing is just that... you KNOW, which implies no doubt at all. Knowing resides in your heart. When you believe something we tend to feel it in our mind, in our root chakra, and feels a bit cold. When we know, we feel it in our heart chakra as warmth and in the solar plexus chakra as strength. The ego rules the act of believing and the use of logic. Our heart chakra and soal rules the act of knowing. This is the reason why when something is about to change in the world and we don't have any facts (believing) to back up what we are feeling we begin to tap into another source of information that resides in the heart and soul, which has not been used extensively since the times of Atlantis. This kind of information retrieval is called inner knowing or connecting with your soul. Let go of expectation, control and judgment of self and others and then you'll begin to move into "knowing" and leave "believing" and fear behind.
Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra
Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra
Spirit Guardians
At this exciting point in time, people worldwide are experiencing various levels of physical aches, pains, sleepless nights, odd dreams, vertigo, and seeing lights around them and around others. There's no explanation for these experiences that the logical thought process can give. But for those that have gone within themselves and traversed the bridge of self awareness, they have developed their intuition skills to the point of being aware of a process that is to culminate into what is to be the next level of human consciousness.
Not everyone is ascending at the same speed. Their are some who have been chosen to experience the trials and tribulations of ascending to the next level sooner so they can be beacons of light for those who are progressing at a slower speed. These quicker ascending souls are not any different then the other souls. They have just chosen to experience the ascension process sooner then the others because of their purpose...to be spirit guardians.
For those spirit guardians, they must first enter a time of tribulation so they can let go of the old first and then ascend to a place where they can fulfill their purpose of guarding those who are ascending later. These guardians are the bridges between the spirit realm and the physical. Some may call these people spiritual warriors. I would call them spirit guardians because they are holding the sacred space for those to ascend to their soul goal. Spirit guardians need to find other spirit guardians, come together as one, and create a spiritual matrix to create this sacred space so ascending souls can feel safe and pursue their soul goal. There is no place for ego, money, and service-to-self in this place of peace.
It's time to call upon our fellow brethren and come together as one and create this sacred space. Blessings everyone.
Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra
Not everyone is ascending at the same speed. Their are some who have been chosen to experience the trials and tribulations of ascending to the next level sooner so they can be beacons of light for those who are progressing at a slower speed. These quicker ascending souls are not any different then the other souls. They have just chosen to experience the ascension process sooner then the others because of their purpose...to be spirit guardians.
For those spirit guardians, they must first enter a time of tribulation so they can let go of the old first and then ascend to a place where they can fulfill their purpose of guarding those who are ascending later. These guardians are the bridges between the spirit realm and the physical. Some may call these people spiritual warriors. I would call them spirit guardians because they are holding the sacred space for those to ascend to their soul goal. Spirit guardians need to find other spirit guardians, come together as one, and create a spiritual matrix to create this sacred space so ascending souls can feel safe and pursue their soul goal. There is no place for ego, money, and service-to-self in this place of peace.
It's time to call upon our fellow brethren and come together as one and create this sacred space. Blessings everyone.
Rev. David-Uriel Ibarra
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